TisNative said:Good Evening, below is my application. I have answered all questions honestly. If then again you seek more information from me, feel free to ask. For a long time I have respected this clan in the community. I do not seek to waste your time however, that is why each question is written-out below in enboldend text for the ease of reading. I hope that you see my answers fit, but if not, it was not meant to be.
- Native
1. Account Name: TisNative
2. Age: 17
3. Gender: Male?
4. Country: South Korea (Preferrably not North)
5. Time Zone: (Currently UTC -5, yes I live in the United States now)
6. Clans: =[Raven]=, |[Savage]|, |[ScreaM]|, |{Titan}|. |HypheX|
7. Hated clan: |[Xone]|. Those idiots cannot seem to leave me alone for some reason.
8. Hated Player: Created too many enemies from Xone here to count. (oh well).
9. Are you an *****: No. but some may probably say the latter just for the hell of it
10. Are you ***: No, I prefer the female gender to be more attractive.
11. Will you remain Loyal to our leader and clan until rotten? Not sure why this is a question actually. Even though this is a mere browser game, I do pledge my allegiance to my honorable faction unto death.
12: Will you Promise not to make fun of yourself and claim that you are the best player? Yes. As I have stated in past remarks, I am no-where near the level of being the best player. That being stated, I prefer to just play for the sheer fun of it.
13: Will you promise not to be a loyal visitor and spammer to Max's personal account? Yes of course.
14: Will you promise not to be a clown on everyone? You have my word.
15: Will you obey orders from the leader? Yes, on my honor.
16: Will you promise not to be an asshole, and force-feed everyone your youtube videos? Yes. It would be quite distrubing if I said otherwise.
17: Will you promise not to be a lonley raging-****** on other's clan ads? Yes. I do not have time nor the intent for such things.
Imagine hating xone when he's stealing members for a b0t clan called |[IX]|
stealing members because he just has noobs (so sad).
yes go steal lol, i beat all your members on 1v1.. Your clan is a joke tbh, delete it.
xChapo said:See, no need to talk like animals, send a well structured application and even if you're Kazourichu you will be accepted, msg me on dc if u need well written arguements, it wont be free of course.
For our structured application , Google translate is here to save us because our English teachers all had covid and we couldn't learn ( sad )
And unfortunately I will always be Kazourichuu. But you can see that my character has changed, since I stopped misbehaving on servers (I can't use google translate on a server).
Dispater said:xChapo said:See, no need to talk like animals, send a well structured application and even if you're Kazourichu you will be accepted, msg me on dc if u need well written arguements, it wont be free of course.
For our structured application , Google translate is here to save us because our English teachers all had covid and we couldn't learn ( sad )
And unfortunately I will always be Kazourichuu. But you can see that my character has changed, since I stopped misbehaving on servers (I can't use google translate on a server).
Farzblack said: Hello ladies and transgender I'm looking for new recruitment, but there are slightly changes in requirements for new entry. Here I share the details 1st: exhibit more passionate loyalty & devotion than an average dogs with tag. You will be tested against most loyal dog in the world. Whoever left the test is failed permanently. 2nd: must play 24 hours a day. No waste time, focus and commitment. A John Wick passion style that this clan needed most. No rest no break no walking out for fresh air and no life social. Warmerise is your life and career now. No excuse even you are officially dead. Your soul still alive so keep play as usual 3nd: put clan and it's leadership at priority while your friends and family is the last and least concern. Don't asking why because if you choose your family and friends over this can then you shouldn't come and apply to this clan at 1st place then. 4th: Must always listen swallow the instruction or command from upper rank officer down to your brain, even your deaf, blind or can't read and understand English.
so i can join farz ? :3333
Farzblack said: Hello ladies and transgender I'm looking for new recruitment, but there are slightly changes in requirements for new entry. Here I share the details 1st: exhibit more passionate loyalty & devotion than an average dogs with tag. You will be tested against most loyal dog in the world. Whoever left the test is failed permanently. 2nd: must play 24 hours a day. No waste time, focus and commitment. A John Wick passion style that this clan needed most. No rest no break no walking out for fresh air and no life social. Warmerise is your life and career now. No excuse even you are officially dead. Your soul still alive so keep play as usual 3nd: put clan and it's leadership at priority while your friends and family is the last and least concern. Don't asking why because if you choose your family and friends over this can then you shouldn't come and apply to this clan at 1st place then. 4th: Must always listen swallow the instruction or command from upper rank officer down to your brain, even your deaf, blind or can't read and understand English.What about me, can i join? i did write about me earlier in the form but no one saw it, so tell now
TisNative said:-_- a person with about 3 to 4 clans also can say that he/ she will be loyal to the clan, but whats the proof that they will follow it, i have my own clan so i will prefer using that tag, but if i want to be a part of the community, if i like to be called a honourable member of the mercenary then is that wrong? i wanna be a part of the one of the oldest clan's remake, is that wrong? tell me :)10 clans is a bit much. To whom do you swear allegiance to?