Farzblack said: New updates: How to join --[TheMercenary]-- Application Fee: 25,000 coins (The fee will increase by double for same account each time rejection for not meeting the criteria) The criteria: 1. Account aged 1 year from the date account creation 2. Not in private Mode profile Membership Fee: 100,000 coins (Once the application approved) Removal of blacklist & permanent banned account: 1,000,000,000 coins (1 billion) (Will be double for same amount if have previous leaving clan) Re-entry fees: 1,000,000 coins (1 million) (for those who leaving the clan and get approval for membership) ALL TRANSFER MUST BE MADE TO FARZBLACK ACCOUNT ONLY. I NEVER APPOINT 3RD PARTY TO COLLECT ON BEHALF OF MY NAME. i hope everyone happy with this news ;)what the actual fcuk is this
Khzine said:So you suggesting me to follow you or other opinions? Sorry your majestic, I don't follow that rule and that doesn't even exist in this clan too. The only law exist in this clan is mine, and wish to extend this throughout this community. reasonable or not is not my concern, my only concern is the sufficient amount of coins to be paid on me. That's all, thank you for your concern.all i understood is the unreasonable amount of payment. good, legendary clan or whatever the fee is still stupld
Farzblack said: if you looking fun drama over clan advertisement, then you are doing very wrongly. If you really wanted to have authentic fun and,I suggest you make fun with your own parent. They can generate a tons of funny, anger, frustration in one (1) set emotional-bundle package delivered right to your face. take caredid it a lot of times. unfortunetely i actually have a life unlike the mini drama directors like dispater you encountered in this forum. cya and have a gday
Dellacona said:
I think the last person that was recruited was me after the whole Dispater thing.