Farzblack said: Olympics? he spend most of his entire life dedicating to feeding Warmerise server with bunch of fake account just to deliver a different drama to different person. If he is true athlete, then I wish him playing in contact sport so someone can beat sh*t out of him in the field for good.
Asshole you didn't notice why I haven't been online for months?? I'm training for the Olympic Games bro ..
Dispater said:Farzblack said: Olympics? he spend most of his entire life dedicating to feeding Warmerise server with bunch of fake account just to deliver a different drama to different person. If he is true athlete, then I wish him playing in contact sport so someone can beat sh*t out of him in the field for good.Asshole you didn't notice why I haven't been online for months?? I'm training for the Olympic Games bro ..
Ur training for warmerise paralympics?? wtf go win bro
wdym good luck? bltch he can win any paralympics without effort becasue you dont get someone as ... yeah... as him
What 5-1? where do you get these imaginary numbers from? maybe your dreams. I don't even know who you are "xSplinter", another one of those losers who claims to beat me without leaving any proof.
All I know about you is: 1. You blocked me. 2. you hate me . 3.you have a name in x .
So I don't know anything about you since half of the players have these three characteristics.
Dispater said:What 5-1? where do you get these imaginary numbers from? maybe your dreams. I don't even know who you are "xSplinter", another one of those losers who claims to beat me without leaving any proof.
All I know about you is: 1. You blocked me. 2. you hate me . 3.you have a name in x .
So I don't know anything about you since half of the players have these three characteristics.
spamming x's in your name is godly, it means you blew 5 grand on getting laid
xSplinter said: My french dog shitpater always loses every duel Please cut the BS and dont charge your drug fuel 5-1 and still talk? Touch some grass and do a little walk You sũck at playing olympics thats why your bad and stalk You are king of nobody thats why you die first in the arena Raising your voice 24/7? do you think you are John cena? An 5-1 hurt you so bad you cant even raise a Bõner No skill or proofs but cry 24/7 because no friends and loner. Now i ended your french career disabled kid on chair. And welcome back to RektCity.
xSplinter, go find a screenshot of your 5-1 that you're so proud of, like your whole career is based on it, even though I haven't been online and in the competition for months now. even when i quit the game you talk about me as if I was still there. and after you tell me i'm not a legend...pathetic..
Swing said: Fr why you guys are fighting on this forum if you guys doesn’t respect each other’s then respect the owner of this forum
@Swing I respect him, he's the one who gets angry because I have carism and he's just a "little" jealous player who would dream of having my success but who remains unknown lool