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Useful Clans

    • 22 posts
    February 21, 2021 9:00 AM PST
    I suggest that when you create a clan you earn 100$ when someone joins and 2$ every minute someone uses your tag
    • 257 posts
    February 21, 2021 3:24 PM PST

    This ain't it chief.

    So basically even if you had a small clan with just 20 members that played for 1 hour a day, not only would you get 2000 cásh instantly but also you would be getting around 2400 cásh per day which translates into 72000 cásh a month without you even playing the game.

    It is the most capitalist idea I've ever seen so you just lay back and farm cásh without even playing just because you own a clan. Not only that but what about the officers. They are also a fundamental part of the clan, will they be working for you doing some tasks helping you manage the clan and get 0 cásh in return?

    I see this suggestion just as a way of you wanting to personally obtain benefits from just making a clan and getting free cásh.

    There could be other ways around it such as making clan servers where members could bet against each other clan war and whoever wins keeps all the cásh or something by the likes that actually requires some effort and the whole clan benefits from it, not just the owner.

    This post was edited by Erlaanz at February 21, 2021 3:25 PM PST
    • 22 posts
    February 22, 2021 5:29 AM PST
    So what is the meaning of creating a clan
    • 257 posts
    February 22, 2021 5:48 AM PST

    1. Getting people who have similar goals together.

    2. Having a group with friends or people you get on well with.

    3. Doing clan wars.

    4. Kinda making official the group of people you usually play with.

    5. There are some clans who are country or language focused so you can meet people from your own country or who can speak your same language.

    I don't know, there is many option as to why you are creating a clan. You could use it either for social purposes or competitive ones.

    Imo the most important one is doing clan wars against other clans.

    • 22 posts
    February 22, 2021 7:19 AM PST

    oh, nice

    • 657 posts
    February 26, 2021 4:29 AM PST

    Erlaanz said:

    1. Getting people who have similar goals together.

    2. Having a group with friends or people you get on well with.

    3. Doing clan wars.

    4. Kinda making official the group of people you usually play with.

    5. There are some clans who are country or language focused so you can meet people from your own country or who can speak your same language.

    I don't know, there is many option as to why you are creating a clan. You could use it either for social purposes or competitive ones.

    Imo the most important one is doing clan wars against other clans.

    ok but if i create a clan and if i said "no" to them they will say "ur clan is scaredy" and/or "loooool u cant beat so u cry" or "i will h*ck u and make ur clan mates out and make u have no monay and have all weapons sold and make ur clan sold to other ppl",and also mostly annoying if they say "cry" word,some of ppl will ss and report coz ppl used to say "cry" so it must be censored in new update and also ppl wanted me to give a cazsh if i dont do clan war (just some of people),also ppl wanted me to do 1v1 and i said no and they will share it to their friends and make fun of me like for example walidou said to me to 1v1 him and i said no and he ss it and share to his friends to make fun of me and i say "if u and ur friends make fun of me,ur friends are ghai",so they say "gimme cazsh or i will report u to get banned for not giving me cazsh if u dont do clan war if i win or not" and if i win they say "nooooo my team lost now gimme ur cazsh or i will get u banned" so i just wish they leave my clan alone if i dont want clan wars,coz soon i will make new clan