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Some suggestions, With a poll to vote on.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 9, 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    So I wanna start this off by saying, These suggestions are aimed more towards the current actual issues of the game instead of something like a new weapon or some other thing, With that out of the way I want to mention the first thing.

    (this has been suggested by me for a long time, and many others as well, but usually a full explanation was never given)
    Standalone would fix many problems, Yes Max I am aware of why you didn't want to push out Standalone ("It won't be fair to people who can't play on the downloaded version and are forced to play low performance browser), But hear me out, some lower class people have weak systems and struggle to get even 30fps on a crowded-ish map, Where as some people blow tons of m0ney on a PC (Which very few people can do in such times with Covid-19) and they, Who spent allot of m0ney get full 60fps, 144fps or even 240fps... This is unfair to normal players who struggle in FPS, Standalone would close this gap by allowing anyone (even someone with a weak system) to play on full fps.
    Now you might be asking what about those who can't download it? Well Max is always rolling out performance improvements, Perhaps by the time Standalone is done, Browser performance will permanently be in the high 50s which is pretty playable.

    -About the above part and how Standalone would be unfair, Well isn't this game unfair already? I mean you have new players, Unreg or new registered players, Who have nothing, Who always plays against people who farmed everything basically.
    Up against weapons they don't have like M67/RPG/etc spam, Map makers making maps where only grav users can get to certain spots etc etc etc, You get my point...
    What about those players? as far as I've been playing I've almost never seen anyone, or even Max do anything about this, It needs to change for the better.
    On that topic, You sometimes join servers and find a full red or blue team of stacked registered players up against a few lower class registered players or unreg players, But of course.. No one cares.. Right?

    -We need and I mean NEED the ability to shoot through teammates, Some people purposely block your shots.
    On the topic of shooting, There's been a "bug" that's been cursing players for so so long now, And that would be the fact that sometimes you shoot walls you were never aiming at, This has a very simple solution, Instead of having bullets come from the barrel itself (This is what is causing you to not be able to shoot over the fence in Secret Lab with L115, The gun is simply not high enough for the bullet from the barrel to clear the height of the fence) Instead have the bullet come from the center of your screen to the crosshair but make the "bullet visuals" come from the barrel, This will fix issues like shots randomly flying up and down despite aiming straight (This for some reason happens in close quaters combat) And it will fix the issue of shots not going over a simple fence.

    -The update where being near a wall prevents you from shooting, Players act as walls which is rather strange indeed, Run infront of players and make them unable to shoot, Please fix this as it ruins the gameplay completely.

    -Screenshake, The last suggestion I have, We all know how it works, When you take damage the screen shakes.
    Problem is when the screen does shake it causes your crosshair to go with it, A solution would be to have the screen visually shake without affecting/moving your crosshair, This gives people a slightly less disadvantage as they can still aim prefectly fine despite having a visual disadvantage, In it's current state, The disadvantage is #1 not being able to see and #2 not being able to aim, This simple fix will cause them to still not be able to see well but at least be able to still aim properly.

    Hopefully this clears up the biggest problems of the game in it's current state, These need changing.
    Below is a poll where you can vote, Check it out if you find yourself recalling anything I mentioned here.

    This post was edited by Eve at April 9, 2021 11:30 AM PDT
    • 68 posts
    April 9, 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    This is very good suggestions. Some comments:


    I remember when Max added the update where running into walls and players raises your barrel and people complained about not being able to shoot players at very close range because of this. He refused to change it saying thats how it should be. From my understanding from your post it sounds like this was in unintentional side effect of the wall thing, but it was in fact intentional. 


    I VERY much agree with having the bullet not come from the barrel itself. It is extremely annoying when at close range using plasma, when an enemy has their back to you and you put the crosshair on their head, the bullet is intercepted by the hump of their back and it does not headshot even though it was a perfect shot. It would also be very nice to shoot over Secretlab walls easier, and at all with L115A.


    Also please fix the minimap radar system. It only works half the time and then you can't tell where you are being shot from. 


  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 9, 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    kale75 said:

    This is very good suggestions. Some comments:


    I remember when Max added the update where running into walls and players raises your barrel and people complained about not being able to shoot players at very close range because of this. He refused to change it saying thats how it should be. From my understanding from your post it sounds like this was in unintentional side effect of the wall thing, but it was in fact intentional. 


    I VERY much agree with having the bullet not come from the barrel itself. It is extremely annoying when at close range using plasma, when an enemy has their back to you and you put the crosshair on their head, the bullet is intercepted by the hump of their back and it does not headshot even though it was a perfect shot. It would also be very nice to shoot over Secretlab walls easier, and at all with L115A.


    Also please fix the minimap radar system. It only works half the time and then you can't tell where you are being shot from. 



    That's how it should be? You can't do anything when people run past your screen, If it is intentional, It's definitely not an accepted change by the players, Considering how everyone complained at the very start.

    • 68 posts
    April 9, 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Yes the players didn't like it, but I clearly remember Max refusing to change it because it was intentional.

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 9, 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    Why is Max refusing to change it tho?... It's sad that we ask for stuff that really would help the playability of the game, But get completely ignored, In this case a change that ruined gameplay is being begged for to be reverted, But that's being ignored as well.

    • 609 posts
    April 9, 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    just my opinion

    - I'm pretty sure the reason that Standalone wasn't pursued wasn't due to it being unfair to browser player's; but having standalone back would defenetly be something that a lot of people would look forward to


    - I completly disagree with being able to shoot through team mates, awareness and positioning of team mates is key to victory and lack of it should be punished, besides, its not really an issue. I played for 5 or 6 years and I can barely remember when something like that happened, unless you go to custom "farming" maps so crouded air molecules have a hard time not being compressed*;


    - having an object, either it be a player or a wall, near you hinder your shooting null was a weird addition at the time, and altho i've never seen people really complain about it, and Max not giving a reason as to why (that I know off) I think one can theorize why it's there. and again, not really a problem i've seen *

                          - promoting the use of melee weapons;

                          - punishing bad aim, if an opponent gets that near to you you deserve to die;

                          - trade off when camping, yes, you're safe behind the rail but at the expense of your location being revealed;


    - As to the screenshake, its as old as warmerise, its tied to the mechanics, weapon handleling, to where you leave your back open etc, so its removal wouldn't be optimal (unlike TPV), if you're gonna make it just for show like you suggested, at that point just get done with it. Same goes doubly so as to where your shots come from



    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at April 9, 2021 12:53 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    April 9, 2021 1:17 PM PDT

    - Going from Web to Standalone would be a major downgrade in terms of convenience. All the Web games I know that did that have flopped. It sounds great on paper, but in reality, no one wants to deal with having to manually download the game, then wait for it to install.

    - Inability to shoot while being close to the wall was introduced to prevent the exploit when players were able to clip through the thin fences and shoot through them. However, other players are not thin walls, so even if this feature didn't exist, you still would not be able to shoot through the players if they stood in front of you. However, now you at least know when the shots would not hit the target (Unless the view is clearly unobstructed but you still unable to shoot, in which case let me know).

    - Not sure about the screen shake. For it to be independent of weapon position, the whole system would need to be revamped, since right now the camera rotation controls the weapon rotation.

    @kale75 The Radar missing shots is a bug and will be fixed in the next update.

    • 539 posts
    April 9, 2021 1:28 PM PDT

    I don't have too much to add here, but I do want to make a case for keeping screen shake the way it is. High rate of fire weapons that have lower DPS rely on the idea that you can stop your opponent from shooting back by removing their ability to aim through excessive screenshake. Basically, if you take an enemy by surprise, then you can still win the fight despite your gun doing less damage, but only if you have the aim to hit all your shots.



    Max said:

    - Going from Web to Standalone would be a major downgrade in terms of convenience. All the Web games I know that did that have flopped. It sounds great on paper, but in reality, no one wants to deal with having to manually download the game, then wait for it to install.


    If webgl players could play with standalone players, everyone would be able to play the way they wanted to. Is crossplay between these versions not possible?

    This post was edited by chronospectrum at April 9, 2021 1:32 PM PDT
    • 2129 posts
    April 9, 2021 1:53 PM PDT
    This explains the story of my existence here
    • 68 posts
    April 9, 2021 4:29 PM PDT

    Max said:

    @kale75 The Radar missing shots is a bug and will be fixed in the next update.



    • 63 posts
    April 10, 2021 2:58 AM PDT

    and yea when the enemy uses auto gun and spams on us, where we are using sniper, our screen just shakes not letting us aim at teh firing enemy and i seriously don't like that, it doesn't happen in other games, so if u guys can improve it then it will be good cause its like nothing is visible in the shake and the front person kills us :) 

    • 63 posts
    April 10, 2021 2:59 AM PDT

    its not like that i use sniper or auto and the front one spams but i meant that, we aren't able to shoot at a enemy firing at us continuously wit hauto, so it should be improved giving a chance to the user to also shoot at the same time :)

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 10, 2021 4:19 AM PDT

    Max said:

    - Going from Web to Standalone would be a major downgrade in terms of convenience. All the Web games I know that did that have flopped. It sounds great on paper, but in reality, no one wants to deal with having to manually download the game, then wait for it to install.

    - Inability to shoot while being close to the wall was introduced to prevent the exploit when players were able to clip through the thin fences and shoot through them. However, other players are not thin walls, so even if this feature didn't exist, you still would not be able to shoot through the players if they stood in front of you. However, now you at least know when the shots would not hit the target (Unless the view is clearly unobstructed but you still unable to shoot, in which case let me know).

    - Not sure about the screen shake. For it to be independent of weapon position, the whole system would need to be revamped, since right now the camera rotation controls the weapon rotation.

    @kale75 The Radar missing shots is a bug and will be fixed in the next update.

    "no one wants to deal with having to manually download the game, then wait for it to install."
    I mean for players like me, this would be worth it if it means not dropping down to as low as 10fps


    "Inability to shoot while being close to the wall was introduced to prevent the exploit when players were able to clip through the thin fences and shoot through them."

    Well understanable about that, yes I know that you still wouldn't be ableto shoot through players, Sterben mentioned that you have to use teamwork to avoid shoting teammates(which blocks shots), Warmerise isn't the best for communication, Many players have high and by far the most limiting thing is the 30 second cooldown.

    "Not sure about the screen shake. For it to be independent of weapon position, the whole system would need to be revamped, since right now the camera rotation controls the weapon rotation.", "High rate of fire weapons that have lower DPS rely on the idea that you can stop your opponent from shooting back by removing their ability to aim through excessive screenshake."

    That's the problem, The screen shake is "too excessive" and doesn't really have a way to combat it considering the fact that once your screen starts shaking you might as well give up at that point.
    It is mostly possible to stop the screen from shaking with good movement, However low fps doesn't help.
    In my case, I'm easily able to hit 60fps in a 2 man server. dropping to around 45 in 4 man servers, And getting as low as 10-20 in a full 16-14 server 

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 10, 2021 4:24 AM PDT

    Max said:

    - Going from Web to Standalone would be a major downgrade in terms of convenience. All the Web games I know that did that have flopped. It sounds great on paper, but in reality, no one wants to deal with having to manually download the game, then wait for it to install.

    - Inability to shoot while being close to the wall was introduced to prevent the exploit when players were able to clip through the thin fences and shoot through them. However, other players are not thin walls, so even if this feature didn't exist, you still would not be able to shoot through the players if they stood in front of you. However, now you at least know when the shots would not hit the target (Unless the view is clearly unobstructed but you still unable to shoot, in which case let me know).

    - Not sure about the screen shake. For it to be independent of weapon position, the whole system would need to be revamped, since right now the camera rotation controls the weapon rotation.

    @kale75 The Radar missing shots is a bug and will be fixed in the next update.

    What about having the bullets come from the center of the screen instead of the barrel but visually have it come from the barrel?
    Max, From your side of view, Would having bullets come from the center of the screen fix issues like not being able to shoot over the fence or bullets randomly flying to the ceiling or gound (again only happens in close quaters)?

    Or is there something I'm missing that wouldn't make a difference when it comes from the middle of the screen or from the barrel?

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    April 10, 2021 8:35 AM PDT

    @Eve You can make the bullets come from the center of the screen, just aim in the first-person view (with iron sights enabled).

    • 192 posts
    April 11, 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Max said:

    - Going from Web to Standalone would be a major downgrade in terms of convenience. All the Web games I know that did that have flopped. It sounds great on paper, but in reality, no one wants to deal with having to manually download the game, then wait for it to install.

    - Inability to shoot while being close to the wall was introduced to prevent the exploit when players were able to clip through the thin fences and shoot through them. However, other players are not thin walls, so even if this feature didn't exist, you still would not be able to shoot through the players if they stood in front of you. However, now you at least know when the shots would not hit the target (Unless the view is clearly unobstructed but you still unable to shoot, in which case let me know).

    - Not sure about the screen shake. For it to be independent of weapon position, the whole system would need to be revamped, since right now the camera rotation controls the weapon rotation.

    @kale75 The Radar missing shots is a bug and will be fixed in the next update.


    you should be able to download warmerise for better fps performanse and plus it would be more proffesional!!!!

    • 1193 posts
    May 14, 2023 4:29 AM PDT
