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Warmerise WebGL

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  • March 9, 2017 12:35 PM PST

    @Max Maybe you can explain ?

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 10, 2017 4:44 AM PST

    Just released new Update for WebGL version:
    - Fixed most of the crashes, the game should be more stable now
    - Added support for WebAssembly, which will drastically improve performance (Not all browsers support WebAssembly yet)
    - Due to some bugs in Unity Engine, spinning sound for Mini-G has been temporary disabled, GravityGun charging sound also has been altered (it is now static instead of gradual rise). These changes are temporary untill the bug is fixed.
    - JetShip engine sound is now static aswell

    To check if your browser support WebAssembly check this page:
    If you see "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly yet..." then try a different browser.

    Play WebGL (testing) version here:

    Edit: Latest version of Chrome and FireFox already support WebAssembly

    This post was edited by Admin at March 10, 2017 4:59 AM PST
  • March 10, 2017 5:18 AM PST

    @Max -.- WebGL sucks but we have to use it.

    • 48 posts
    March 10, 2017 6:19 AM PST

    Zero said: @bendito your browser is eating your RAM. Try closing background processes and restart browser with barely any plugins running. If not use another browser.

    suggest me few other browsers xD

    • 48 posts
    March 10, 2017 6:27 AM PST

    RaMa said: @Bendito ... LOL your windows experience index is 3.2 with that Processor and that much RAM. What is bottlenecking your index? Send a screenshot of all the scores after re-running your assessment. Mine processor and RAM are similar to yours but I have WEI of 7.1

    After Re-Running My Assessment...

    • 260 posts
    March 10, 2017 4:13 PM PST

    I just received this error while playing the WebGL Version of the game

    • 328 posts
    March 10, 2017 5:58 PM PST

    Those who got a weird error:

    - Press Ctrl+Shift+I

    - Click on Console

    - Take picture of error and post it here

    • 81 posts
    March 10, 2017 6:58 PM PST

    Hey GUys I have THis RAM:

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 10, 2017 9:51 PM PST

    Polandmatt234 said:

    I just received this error while playing the WebGL Version of the game

    Was there someone else on the server or just you?

    • 81 posts
    March 10, 2017 9:54 PM PST

    Hey Max Please Help Me:

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 10, 2017 10:21 PM PST

    @deathshot98 Unfortunately 32bit operating system is not able to allocate big chunks of memory at once.
    The solution is eaither install a 64bit version of OS or wait untill WebGL becomes optimized enough to use less memory (Not sure how soon that will happen)

    • 81 posts
    March 10, 2017 11:01 PM PST

    I said Okkk

  • March 11, 2017 5:21 AM PST

    Max said:

    @deathshot98 Unfortunately 32bit operating system is not able to allocate big chunks of memory at once.
    The solution is eaither install a 64bit version of OS or wait untill WebGL becomes optimized enough to use less memory (Not sure how soon that will happen)

    I got same problem read the first post in this page by me.

    • 260 posts
    March 11, 2017 5:48 AM PST
    Max said:

    Polandmatt234 said:

    I just received this error while playing the WebGL Version of the game

    Was there someone else on the server or just you?

    There was a player but they left before I got the error.
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 11, 2017 8:50 AM PST

    @JpArmia245 The crash when entering JetShip has been fixed

    @Polandmatt234 I'm not 100% sure but I think that crash has been fixed aswell

    • 254 posts
    March 11, 2017 9:18 AM PST

    Well, I've tried 4 browsers: Pale Moon {32-bit}, Firefox {32-bit}, Chrome, Portable Firefox {64-bit}. None of them support the WebAssembly.


    Granted, I'm using older versions of these so more than likely that is the reason they're not working. But I couldn't find a way to get them to work yet {still looking} with patch/whatever. The reason I would rather not upgrade the Firefox/Pale Moon in particular is because several of the Add-ons I like to use will be broken. Personally, I find it very aggrivating that Mozilla doesn't seem to give a d@mn about how their constant upgrades affect the Add-ons, and I'm sure many of the Add-on developers get a bit ticked off by it too.


    I understand that you're trying to make the best of the game, Max, and I'm all for it. I'm just hoping that someone can find a way to patch an older version of the browsers so that they can run WebAssembly. I'll check out the 64-bit of Firefox 52 {which is the one that is suppose to allow for the WebAssembly, according to what I've read so far} - as long as it doesn't screw up what I usually use. But I'd rather just use what I have/prefer already than have to deal with yet another browser.


    This post was edited by BlueDragonFire at March 11, 2017 9:20 AM PST
    • 285 posts
    March 12, 2017 3:27 AM PDT

    You can create an account on Firefox and sync your 'Add-ons' on it. When you upgrade, re-install, or reset your browser, you can use your FireFox account to synchronize your add-ons. But! it'll sync only those add-ons that you installed from

    For other 'add-ons' that you installed from other programs, you can sync them to any of your cloud account and then synchronize them using a bit complicated procedure (if that'll help, I'll leave a guide for that).

    BlueDragonFire said:

    Personally, I find it very aggrivating that Mozilla doesn't seem to give a d@mn about how their constant upgrades affect the Add-ons, and I'm sure many of the Add-on developers get a bit ticked off by it too.

    FireFox do care about that, but they only care about the 'Add-ons' you install from their store i.e  It do makes sense why would they care about 'Add-ons' you install from other programs.


    There's another way you can give a try to @BDF Keep your current FireFox and install new version of Firefox (52.0) in parallel. Open RUN and type firefox ––profilemanager It'll open a window for you where you can create different profiles (as many as you want) and install different versions of FireFox, giving them different paths in your storage. Visit this link
    This post was edited by DeathBringer908 at March 12, 2017 7:23 AM PDT
    • 254 posts
    March 12, 2017 11:58 AM PDT

    DeathBringer908 said:
    BlueDragonFire said:

    Personally, I find it very aggrivating that Mozilla doesn't seem to give a d@mn about how their constant upgrades affect the Add-ons, and I'm sure many of the Add-on developers get a bit ticked off by it too.

    FireFox do care about that, but they only care about the 'Add-ons' you install from their store i.e  It do makes sense why would they care about 'Add-ons' you install from other programs.


    There's another way you can give a try to @BDF Keep your current FireFox and install new version of Firefox (52.0) in parallel. Open RUN and type firefox ––profilemanager It'll open a window for you where you can create different profiles (as many as you want) and install different versions of FireFox, giving them different paths in your storage. Visit this link


    Actually, that's where I got all of my Add-ons at one time or another. Every once in a while I go through the list and when I find one I might like I try it {now days I sometimes have to get an older version of the Add-on to go with my version of Firefox}. If I really do like it I keep it.

    And when Mozilla does their upgrades some of those Add-ons "break" and are not useable unless/until the creator redoes the Add-on to conform to the Firefox update. Many of the Add-ons I currently use are no longer available, in fact. I'm sure it's because the creators decided it wasn't worth the hassle of keeping up with Firefox updates {and I've seen a few posts here and there from a couple of the Add-on creators about it too}.


    But that's my peculiarity. I'm basically a non-conformist and when I find a way of doing things I like I stick with it to the bitter end {or until something I like better comes along}. I'm still using 2009 version of 3ds Max, simply because that's the last version I really liked and don't want to upgrade away from it. Oh, and the Firefox version I'm sticking with is 22.


    • 285 posts
    March 12, 2017 12:16 PM PDT
    Then the last solution will work the best for you. Keep sticking with the version of FireFox you currently have (22) and install the version 52.0 in parallel, as you'll only be needing that to enable WebAssembly for better game performance over WebGL. Otherwise, all of the other things, you can do it with your older version without breaking any add-ons.
    • 254 posts
    March 13, 2017 8:09 AM PDT

    DeathBringer908 said: Then the last solution will work the best for you. Keep sticking with the version of FireFox you currently have (22) and install the version 52.0 in parallel, as you'll only be needing that to enable WebAssembly for better game performance over WebGL. Otherwise, all of the other things, you can do it with your older version without breaking any add-ons.


    Yeah, that's pretty much what I figure too. I found some info that will let me have both versions open at the same time without messing each other up. I typically have at least 6 windows of different things {sometimes more, rarely less} going at the same time anyway - I kinda have to be able to go from one thing to another at any given time without having to wait {one of my mental quirks}.


    Maybe some day someone will come up with a "fix" for older versions to be able to use the WebAssembly. But this'll work until then.


  • March 15, 2017 9:16 AM PDT

    I got question why custom maps are deleted?

    • 328 posts
    March 15, 2017 9:18 AM PDT
    Not compatible with webgl as of now.
    Might be added to Warmerise 2 or later on when webgl is stable enough.
    • 50 posts
    March 16, 2017 11:17 AM PDT

    This new update is soo bad. I lag too much. And also that sign happens where it says ur web player does not support. 

    • 5 posts
    March 16, 2017 7:31 PM PDT


    • 5 posts
    March 16, 2017 7:32 PM PDT