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max please look into this matter it is serious

  • May 3, 2021 9:30 AM PDT

    Not trying to be offensive to indians but he's kinda true India is one of the poorest countries but other then that it's not nice what explot said

  • May 3, 2021 9:33 AM PDT

    ZXblah said:

    Manickaa said:

    Not exactly appropriate for him to say. But generally speaking India has a pretty low GDP and is considered both a 3rd world country and a currently devoping country. India has extremely high rates of both poverty and corruption as well as out-dated infastructre and child mal-nutrition. Although a majority of India is rather poor, there are also richer metropolitan areas that are thriving and developing into the modern era.

    there are still many other country's which are much more poor then india and before covid india was the fastest devoloping countryin the world but whatever the matter is saying a pirticular country as poor or saying that a pirticular country's people can't afford to buy a laptop is not something acceptable 

    Fastest? Bro ur dreaming, India is not even close to's one of the slow developed's a poor countries..there might be some rich ppl in India bu that's 6% of them

    • 192 posts
    May 3, 2021 9:43 AM PDT

    Manickaa said:

    Not exactly appropriate for him to say. But generally speaking India has a pretty low GDP and is considered both a 3rd world country and a currently devoping country. India has extremely high rates of both poverty and corruption as well as out-dated infastructre and child mal-nutrition. Although a majority of India is rather poor, there are also richer metropolitan areas that are thriving and developing into the modern era.


    Ban manickaa hes a piece of #$%

    This post was edited by PlasmaStrikerZ at May 3, 2021 9:43 AM PDT
    • 429 posts
    May 3, 2021 9:47 AM PDT

    Fruits said:

    ZXblah said:

    Manickaa said:

    Not exactly appropriate for him to say. But generally speaking India has a pretty low GDP and is considered both a 3rd world country and a currently devoping country. India has extremely high rates of both poverty and corruption as well as out-dated infastructre and child mal-nutrition. Although a majority of India is rather poor, there are also richer metropolitan areas that are thriving and developing into the modern era.

    there are still many other country's which are much more poor then india and before covid india was the fastest devoloping countryin the world but whatever the matter is saying a pirticular country as poor or saying that a pirticular country's people can't afford to buy a laptop is not something acceptable 

    Fastest? Bro ur dreaming, India is not even close to's one of the slow developed's a poor countries..there might be some rich ppl in India bu that's 6% of them

    India is 100% a NEE (Newly emerging economy) Meaning their country as a whole is developing alot more. But as i said i'm sorry. This bs is closed

    • 192 posts
    May 3, 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    @Manickaa india is poor because it is fixated on poverty. Immense national resources are used to subsidize the poor and provide jobs for them. ... In the absence of national wealth, india redistributes poverty and stays poor while the US gets richer and richer. it isnt there fault.

    • 156 posts
    May 3, 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Fruits said:

    ZXblah said:

    Manickaa said:

    Not exactly appropriate for him to say. But generally speaking India has a pretty low GDP and is considered both a 3rd world country and a currently devoping country. India has extremely high rates of both poverty and corruption as well as out-dated infastructre and child mal-nutrition. Although a majority of India is rather poor, there are also richer metropolitan areas that are thriving and developing into the modern era.

    there are still many other country's which are much more poor then india and before covid india was the fastest devoloping countryin the world but whatever the matter is saying a pirticular country as poor or saying that a pirticular country's people can't afford to buy a laptop is not something acceptable 

    Fastest? Bro ur dreaming, India is not even close to's one of the slow developed's a poor countries..there might be some rich ppl in India bu that's 6% of them

    india was the fastest devolaping country in the world BEFORE COVID if you do not believe then check google. and if you want to just be toxic then first learn proper english 

    • 2129 posts
    May 3, 2021 10:09 AM PDT
    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    @Manickaa india is poor because it is fixated on poverty. Immense national resources are used to subsidize the poor and provide jobs for them. ... In the absence of national wealth, india redistributes poverty and stays poor while the US gets richer and richer. it isnt there fault.

    Who said it was? As a matter of fact the US is not getting richer and richer. We are trillions of dollars in debt, and the value of the US Dollar is declining every year. Please check facts before making a statement.
  • May 3, 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    ZXblah said:

    Fruits said:

    ZXblah said:

    Manickaa said:

    Not exactly appropriate for him to say. But generally speaking India has a pretty low GDP and is considered both a 3rd world country and a currently devoping country. India has extremely high rates of both poverty and corruption as well as out-dated infastructre and child mal-nutrition. Although a majority of India is rather poor, there are also richer metropolitan areas that are thriving and developing into the modern era.

    there are still many other country's which are much more poor then india and before covid india was the fastest devoloping countryin the world but whatever the matter is saying a pirticular country as poor or saying that a pirticular country's people can't afford to buy a laptop is not something acceptable 

    Fastest? Bro ur dreaming, India is not even close to's one of the slow developed's a poor countries..there might be some rich ppl in India bu that's 6% of them

    india was the fastest devolaping country in the world BEFORE COVID if you do not believe then check google. and if you want to just be toxic then first learn proper english 

    Bro before covid they didn't even have food to eat..they one of the worst developed countries smh...Ur country doesn' have food to eat and drink like bro go help ur country...i feel bad for them (plus they bringing lots of covid to countries smh)

    • 6 posts
    May 3, 2021 11:31 AM PDT
    Haahaa are the one who lived in india and not got food ehh?! :-/ for bang your face on a peice of shi.t you fool first ask your parents that what are you writing a$$ hole
  • May 3, 2021 1:20 PM PDT

    sanjeev4214a said: Haahaa are the one who lived in india and not got food ehh?! :-/ for bang your face on a peice of shi.t you fool first ask your parents that what are you writing a$$ hole

    sanjeev never know knew u would swear? OH wait I think ur raging bcs ur country got no food LOOOL what a noub they got covid....ur one of the dumb indians also bro work on ur english it's very terrible..btw ur country has no food or drink they just suffering LOOOL

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at May 3, 2021 1:21 PM PDT
    • 353 posts
    May 3, 2021 1:32 PM PDT

    PlasmaStrikerZ said:

    Manickaa said:

    Not exactly appropriate for him to say. But generally speaking India has a pretty low GDP and is considered both a 3rd world country and a currently devoping country. India has extremely high rates of both poverty and corruption as well as out-dated infastructre and child mal-nutrition. Although a majority of India is rather poor, there are also richer metropolitan areas that are thriving and developing into the modern era.


    Ban manickaa hes a piece of #$%

    no manickaa actually has a decent point. he was saying facts idk what your deal is

    • 192 posts
    May 3, 2021 2:01 PM PDT

    He sounds like my social studys teacher.

    • 359 posts
    May 3, 2021 3:26 PM PDT
    Lmao so he's "sorry" idk why Minneapolis had to pay 23mil to George Floyd Family when they could say "sorry wont happen again"
    Where is Max that **** who is breaking rules by stealing accounts should face consequences
    • 2129 posts
    May 3, 2021 3:59 PM PDT
    Also I have been trying to contact max about some serious issues but get no response.
    • 192 posts
    May 3, 2021 6:17 PM PDT

    cause he dont give a shlt xD

    • 2129 posts
    May 3, 2021 6:22 PM PDT

    Its not really funny

    • 63 posts
    May 3, 2021 7:17 PM PDT

    guys now finish the topic, exploit is sorry, and fruits the mon$y and all does not make a country poor, is humanity, affection towards other and kindness that makes a country and people rich, so pls guys close this topic, no one will never ever comment on anyone's ountry, color or religion pls 

    This post was edited by Aspect74 at May 3, 2021 7:18 PM PDT
    • 2129 posts
    May 3, 2021 7:55 PM PDT

    Funny that you would even need to bring any of that up in a browser game 0_0

    • 63 posts
    May 3, 2021 8:02 PM PDT

    nope that isn't needed in a browser game, but if u are talking about the game then the most revenue the big games like pubg, freefire, COD get is from india, so i think that doesn't mean its poor, so i ain't comparing anything on showign any country lower, every conutry is good in one or the other perspective, so no need to get the topic more far 

    • 242 posts
    June 25, 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    ZXblah said:

    she did this post in this forum topic :

    lmao the post is private now. they sure got scared.