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    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:30 AM PST

    Kynsuke said:

    Shoes mad.

    xd how Axysia shoe come here lol funny haha

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:31 AM PST

    braveboy said:

    Look how this Isterio fill form and speak against my religion and family


    Not sure if this is forged or what

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:31 AM PST
    yeah and she got banned and never used profanity ever since. i told you to stop sticking around the past like a babuskha and use this as an excuse for you to keep continue a rtarded behavior like this man. in my eyes both of you are wrong
    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:32 AM PST

    I'mm gonna stop watching this forum. Such a waste of time and energy on an 11 year old who'll never listen to anybody or anything but his own dam lies

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:36 AM PST
    @bbw braveboy just told someone else to impersonate her and act like it was her filling the form with sadistic bullcrap. a friend of mine leaked the whole thing
    This post was edited by Narkirei at December 29, 2022 5:36 AM PST
    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:38 AM PST

    Narkirei said: yeah and she got banned and never used profanity ever since. i told you to stop sticking around the past like a babuskha and use this as an excuse for you to keep continue a rtarded behavior like this man. in my eyes both of you are wrong

    Your eyes are opening now at first you are saying me wrong 

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:38 AM PST

    Narkirei said: @bbw braveboy just told someone else to impersonate her and act like it was her filling the form with sadistic bullcrap. a friend of mine leaked the whole thing


    thanks for letting me know

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:40 AM PST

    xdbigbadwoldxd you are just mean to begg for czh in gamme and nobody knws my real age so how you know xd stop lieing and really you are wasting ur time bcz nobody cares about you begging ok bye beggar for game in czh

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:40 AM PST
    braveboy said:

    Narkirei said: yeah and she got banned and never used profanity ever since. i told you to stop sticking around the past like a babuskha and use this as an excuse for you to keep continue a rtarded behavior like this man. in my eyes both of you are wrong

    Your eyes are opening now at first you are saying me wrong 

    doesnt change the fact that ur still wrong too
    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:40 AM PST

    braveboy said:

    Narkirei said: yeah and she got banned and never used profanity ever since. i told you to stop sticking around the past like a babuskha and use this as an excuse for you to keep continue a rtarded behavior like this man. in my eyes both of you are wrong

    Your eyes are opening now at first you are saying me wrong 


    are you blind he said both. You're still wrong

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:41 AM PST

    you need to focus more and you understand this not happening first time i already made a forum when she is also wrong talking against my religion ok

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:44 AM PST

    you need to stop talking more and you understand this not happening first time because you keep bringing it up and we already made a forum about your rtardness and how you keep talking against Isterio and me ok

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:45 AM PST

    I am not blind you are blind bcz you dont see first comments when Isterio start fight and came here to became hero while you are zero and go for your business in game begiing in game ok dont know anything xd and come here remember if you take Isterio side she dont send you czh xd i came with proof so if Isterio is wrong ask him to do this she isnt doing bcz she is wrong

    when i ask Isterio if ur right so do this 

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    when i ask this so she dont even reply bcz she is wrong

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:47 AM PST
    she only talked against your relligion 1 time and got banned. never used profanity ever since she got unbanned. ur basically just using her past as an excuse to be such maniac like seriously do you understand plain english bro
    after she changed all you do was stalk her like a creep and harrass her wtf
    This post was edited by Narkirei at December 29, 2022 5:47 AM PST
    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:47 AM PST

    np i only against with the person he/she who talk against my religion aand my family i dont against you until you dont even understand and taking Isterio side you are wrong if isterio is right just ask Isterio to do this why she isnt doing bcz she is wrong understand ask him to do xd ask him to this 

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:48 AM PST

    braveboy said:

    I am not blind you are blind bcz you dont see first comments when Isterio start fight and came here to became hero while you are zero and go for your business in game begiing in game ok dont know anything xd and come here remember if you take Isterio side she dont send you czh xd i came with proof so if Isterio is wrong ask him to do this she isnt doing bcz she is wrong

    when i ask Isterio if ur right so do this 

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    when i ask this so she dont even reply bcz she is wrong


    she's not replying because no person is on warme 24/7 ok. and for the last time I don't beg anymore just stop and cri about your issues no one cares

    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:49 AM PST
    because you wont stfu about muslim things. not trying to be anti muslim but she just snapped at u bc you talked about too much relligious stuff in the game and is annoying
    • 653 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:51 AM PST
    Oh God lmao chill y'all
    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:53 AM PST

    just stfu braveboy. I wish Max was here rn to ban you

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:57 AM PST

    Isterio said: Oh God lmao chill y'all

    No chill against Islam and my family you speak so how chilll just do this just do this if ur right

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 5:59 AM PST

     Narkrie if ur right just gave proof and if Isterio is right Just ask to do isterio if she was right she isnt doing bcz she just dont replying bcz she dont reply bcz she is wrong

    ask him just to do this

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this


    • 96 posts
    December 29, 2022 6:00 AM PST
    youre reported for excessive spamming in the forums. cya
    • 250 posts
    December 29, 2022 6:01 AM PST

    What a waste. I'm leaving this forum topic forever. I have the LETALES discord server anyways where there are no stupid rtarded people like this guy to pester everyone and anyone about his religion

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 6:01 AM PST

    Just xdbeggarwolfxd you dont know anything i ask you you try to became hero but you are zero dont see the first comment s and blindly trust this Isterio who dont have any proof and considered wrong bcz she dont have any proof if she is right ask to this she isnt right thats why she isnt doing this

    Just ask Isterio to do this if she is right

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this

    • 417 posts
    December 29, 2022 6:03 AM PST

    No spamm i have 2 proofs and she even dont have a single proof if she is right just ask to do this she isnt doing it means she is 100 % wrong 

    ask Isterio to do this

    haha look how you change to other side she fil this i promise my god  and my religion Islam doesnt allow to do fake promise like Isterio religion understand if u say that its not right so give me proof and ask Isterio to Promise that if this form is real i ask my god to send me to hell ask Isterio to do this