Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

Seriously, when will you fix this game, Max?

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    October 11, 2022 7:32 AM PDT

    This game has so many glaring issues, but you chose to ignore half the community, only listening to blatant idiots. Why?.
    Literally anyone can give you a list of so many features or bugs that are SH*T, and you'd ignore it and listen to some random uneducated prick instead. Wtf? Why do you go on saying you know what's best for the game? It's rediculous that the community are the ones experiencing SH*T features or bugs, and you give 0 f*cks towards it, only listening to some braindead who got their suggestion from a medival toilet. Man come on, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 7:49 AM PDT
    I often feel similarly. I don’t quite understand why Max only listens to certain people.
    • 653 posts
    October 11, 2022 8:05 AM PDT

    welcome to warmerise. also known as the junkyard

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    October 11, 2022 8:11 AM PDT

    What made you say the game is broken (list all the issues), I certainly want to fix the things that might make the game feel "broken". That's been the focus for the past few updates.

    This post was edited by Admin at October 11, 2022 8:12 AM PDT
    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 8:15 AM PDT
    Max could you get back to me about my stolen account.
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    October 11, 2022 8:23 AM PDT

    Castiel said: Max could you get back to me about my stolen account.

    Have you messaged me about this?

    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 8:45 AM PDT
    Yes but I can again.
    • 9 posts
    October 11, 2022 9:13 AM PDT
    I only have one request, that when you run out of bullets, you are about to reload and switch to a knife, that it not bug as if you were reloading the knife.
    • 121 posts
    October 11, 2022 12:20 PM PDT

    Max said:

    What made you say the game is broken (list all the issues), I certainly want to fix the things that might make the game feel "broken". That's been the focus for the past few updates.

    1) Performance issues as all know. 

    2) Flamethrower gives damage through walls.

    3) Players able to detonate mines behind of walls.

    4) When plasma grenade sticks to player it does not give any single damage if shield used.

    5) Seeing through walls. 

    Additionally additional items must be decreased from 3 to 2. Having 3 additional items destroying game experience especially if opposite team M67 spammer. 

    Also there are a few other minor problems but i dont remember them at the moment i'll make a list in my free time.



    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 12:33 PM PDT
    There is also an issue where it doesn’t let you name your clan’s certain names even know the name you picked is not in use.
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    October 11, 2022 12:43 PM PDT

    Max said:

    What made you say the game is broken (list all the issues), I certainly want to fix the things that might make the game feel "broken". That's been the focus for the past few updates.

    Well first of all additionals is as spammable as ever, they are way too strong, especially Trap Mines where you just run over someone, place one down in their face, and even if I pull up shield, I still take full damage. This is the main reason of this forum topic. Just place mines on someone and run, that's the most pathetic way to play this game and EVERYONE does it. Along with M67, or plasma grenade spam. And shield does nothing, even if I point it directly at the explosion.

    Second is Team stacking is another thing, where people just stack registered players vs unregistered players, that on it's own is extremely unbalanced.

    Third is the fact that bullets come from the gun barrel (yes this is realistic but it negatively affects gameplay) like you have a clear view and clear shot from your crosshair, but in rare caes, your own player body can block the shot, or in cases like L115A3 on SecretLab, it hits the fence despite perfectly aiming over.(My suggestion is make it come from the middle of the screen but visibly come from the barrel, similar to games like CSGO/Valorant) On that topic, TPV with L115A3 sometimes at close range battle the bullet randomly goes straight up or down, it's a weird but rare bug.

    Fourth is how players count as walls and how teammates can purposely or accidentally block you. Since Players count as walls and you cannot shoot when looking at a wall, it is so annoying when people purposely run into your face to make you unable to shoot (this is way more abused than you might think), and how teammates block your player or your shots in many circumstances either accidentally or purposely.

    Fifth is, the shield around the players "to prevent spawnkilling" literally promtes it more. Because you freeze everyone until it says go, at which point it gives them 3 seconds to aim on your head and shoot as soon as it says go and it just so happen that the shield wares off at that exact moment, and you cannot do anything but watch yourself get spawnkilled by a "spawnkill preventing feature". This also is another reason why I was so upset at the start.

    Sixth is, when you kill someone when they heal, they're dead, but shown as alive and the round doesn't end until they leave or go to spectator.

    Another thing is, many players are always outclassed by people who bought really expensive hardware to get 144+FPS/Hz, while I'm still here getting 15fps on a 16/16 server, input is very stuttery and off, and this isn't just me with bad performance. People with really good PCs have the same issue.

    The energy gets used up way too fast, especially with Gravity Gun, that's why I and some others (Notably Castiel) suggested bringing ammo back too.

    The chat spam filter of 30 seconds is pretty extreme, especially because you often get limited for 30 seconds and by limited characters, when you're having a friendly, non-insultive conversation.

    Mines are set off from below. However most players like this bug (I assume it's a bug)

    The breakable objects, and the tunnels on SecretLab should have an option to enable or disable them. The brekable objects are pretty annoying, and tunnels camping is too.

    The screen stays red after taking damage, it seems to be a bug from the latest update.

    I took some time to ask and poke around to find some extra things to include whether I agree with them or not.
    The bug where you deal damage to someone such as 101, and you die but they don't (but this is a ping issue). Randomly dying and getting a "Glitching detected" (This is a bug on poorly designed maps aka it's the mappers fault and is a bug when you're in places you'e not supposed to be). "Could the region selection saved permanently ?" I agree with this, it's an odd little annoying bug, "Also the map selection and map duration reset every time." IMO this is more of a yes-no thing, Yes it's annoying but no it's negligible.

    Some suggestions I agree to, Additional items must be decreased from 3 to 2 and Seeing through walls in 3rd person view when facing your back towards the wall. -Kalamar, Gravity Gun ammo be brought back -Castiel, "I think a small toggleable option through which we need to hold down right-click to scope will be nice." -KILLERCOMBAT, Buff explosives and heavy weapons (RPG) and Knife damage must be decreased for head -Kalamar, However I suggest that knife range gets decreased a lot, the speed at which the player can stab is decreased, and that knife only deals ~90 damage to body and limbs and 101 head.

    This post was edited by Eve at October 11, 2022 12:48 PM PDT
  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    October 11, 2022 12:53 PM PDT

    Please, if anyone has any suggestions or bugs on top of what I said feel free to drop it.

    • 1193 posts
    October 11, 2022 1:41 PM PDT

    Kalamar said:

    Max said:

    What made you say the game is broken (list all the issues), I certainly want to fix the things that might make the game feel "broken". That's been the focus for the past few updates.

    1) Performance issues as all know. 

    2) Flamethrower gives damage through walls.

    3) Players able to detonate mines behind of walls.

    4) When plasma grenade sticks to player it does not give any single damage if shield used.

    5) Seeing through walls. 

    Additionally additional items must be decreased from 3 to 2. Having 3 additional items destroying game experience especially if opposite team M67 spammer. 

    Also there are a few other minor problems but i dont remember them at the moment i'll make a list in my free time.



    Nah i don't think there should be 2 additionals.

    Just add a cooldown to prevent spam, example like once every 15 secs.

    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 1:43 PM PDT
    Personally I thought there should just be one grenade.
    • 1193 posts
    October 11, 2022 1:53 PM PDT

    The knife seriously should get changes, here:

    Damage becomes 75 (and head 101) since its 1 hit per sec because full damage is too much especially its a hit and the soldier is armored

    Buff the brassknuckle's head damage to 80 (tbf)

    Katana can stay 101 but make it's price 6.000




    This post was edited by Akarius at October 11, 2022 1:55 PM PDT
    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 1:58 PM PDT
    The flamethrower and G3 also desperately need a damage buff.
    • 377 posts
    October 11, 2022 2:37 PM PDT

    If he was to buff the flamethrower, it would be broken if used correctly.

    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 3:10 PM PDT
    That’s sort of the point. It’s not a very conventional weapon.
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    October 11, 2022 4:56 PM PDT
    Eve said:

    Max said:

    What made you say the game is broken (list all the issues), I certainly want to fix the things that might make the game feel "broken". That's been the focus for the past few updates.

    Well first of all additionals is as spammable as ever, they are way too strong, especially Trap Mines where you just run over someone, place one down in their face, and even if I pull up shield, I still take full damage. This is the main reason of this forum topic. Just place mines on someone and run, that's the most pathetic way to play this game and EVERYONE does it. Along with M67, or plasma grenade spam. And shield does nothing, even if I point it directly at the explosion.

    Second is Team stacking is another thing, where people just stack registered players vs unregistered players, that on it's own is extremely unbalanced.

    Third is the fact that bullets come from the gun barrel (yes this is realistic but it negatively affects gameplay) like you have a clear view and clear shot from your crosshair, but in rare caes, your own player body can block the shot, or in cases like L115A3 on SecretLab, it hits the fence despite perfectly aiming over.(My suggestion is make it come from the middle of the screen but visibly come from the barrel, similar to games like CSGO/Valorant) On that topic, TPV with L115A3 sometimes at close range battle the bullet randomly goes straight up or down, it's a weird but rare bug.

    Fourth is how players count as walls and how teammates can purposely or accidentally block you. Since Players count as walls and you cannot shoot when looking at a wall, it is so annoying when people purposely run into your face to make you unable to shoot (this is way more abused than you might think), and how teammates block your player or your shots in many circumstances either accidentally or purposely.

    Fifth is, the shield around the players "to prevent spawnkilling" literally promtes it more. Because you freeze everyone until it says go, at which point it gives them 3 seconds to aim on your head and shoot as soon as it says go and it just so happen that the shield wares off at that exact moment, and you cannot do anything but watch yourself get spawnkilled by a "spawnkill preventing feature". This also is another reason why I was so upset at the start.

    Sixth is, when you kill someone when they heal, they're dead, but shown as alive and the round doesn't end until they leave or go to spectator.

    Another thing is, many players are always outclassed by people who bought really expensive hardware to get 144+FPS/Hz, while I'm still here getting 15fps on a 16/16 server, input is very stuttery and off, and this isn't just me with bad performance. People with really good PCs have the same issue.

    The energy gets used up way too fast, especially with Gravity Gun, that's why I and some others (Notably Castiel) suggested bringing ammo back too.

    The chat spam filter of 30 seconds is pretty extreme, especially because you often get limited for 30 seconds and by limited characters, when you're having a friendly, non-insultive conversation.

    Mines are set off from below. However most players like this bug (I assume it's a bug)

    The breakable objects, and the tunnels on SecretLab should have an option to enable or disable them. The brekable objects are pretty annoying, and tunnels camping is too.

    The screen stays red after taking damage, it seems to be a bug from the latest update.

    I took some time to ask and poke around to find some extra things to include whether I agree with them or not.
    The bug where you deal damage to someone such as 101, and you die but they don't (but this is a ping issue). Randomly dying and getting a "Glitching detected" (This is a bug on poorly designed maps aka it's the mappers fault and is a bug when you're in places you'e not supposed to be). "Could the region selection saved permanently ?" I agree with this, it's an odd little annoying bug, "Also the map selection and map duration reset every time." IMO this is more of a yes-no thing, Yes it's annoying but no it's negligible.

    Some suggestions I agree to, Additional items must be decreased from 3 to 2 and Seeing through walls in 3rd person view when facing your back towards the wall. -Kalamar, Gravity Gun ammo be brought back -Castiel, "I think a small toggleable option through which we need to hold down right-click to scope will be nice." -KILLERCOMBAT, Buff explosives and heavy weapons (RPG) and Knife damage must be decreased for head -Kalamar, However I suggest that knife range gets decreased a lot, the speed at which the player can stab is decreased, and that knife only deals ~90 damage to body and limbs and 101 head.

    Great summary. Some of the described issues are indeed bugs and will be fixed, suggestions about making the weapons more balanced will be considered. Also, one thing I wouldn't say is a bug is firing a weapon from behind the fence. In first-person view, the weapon never intersects with objects, so it may appear like it's above, but when switching to a TPS view the weapon would appear intersecting with the obstacle, if the firing was done from the middle of the screen, for others it would appear as if the player is firing through the fence, but I will check how CS:GO/Valorant do it, maybe they have some clever solutions.
    This post was edited by Admin at October 11, 2022 5:01 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    October 11, 2022 5:07 PM PDT
    Castiel said:
    There is also an issue where it doesn’t let you name your clan’s certain names even know the name you picked is not in use.

    This is to prevent not only same, but similar clan names (For example Clan and CIan, one is spelled correctly, the other has capital i instead of L).
    • 2129 posts
    October 11, 2022 5:56 PM PDT
    It’s weird because I put in a clan name that I know doesn’t exist and it says it’s invalid.
  • Yoh
    • 45 posts
    October 11, 2022 11:03 PM PDT
    @Max I would like to talk about the HP bug ...
    When player dies even after taking hp kit it is actually annoying. Hope u can fix it .
    Here is the bug from player perspective
    Time - 8:01
    • 653 posts
    October 12, 2022 12:50 AM PDT

    ah yes i hate this bug a lot. its so annoying

    • 539 posts
    October 12, 2022 2:17 AM PDT

    Yoh said: @Max I would like to talk about the HP bug ... When player dies even after taking hp kit it is actually annoying. Hope u can fix it . Here is the bug from player perspective Time - 8:01

    That video is surreal to watch

    Anyway, looks like HP kit takes a second to apply, like it has to talk to the server before it registers. It's possible that the other player killed Axiira on their screen before the HP kit had been purchased? They each have 200+ ping which is almost half a second of combined delay...

    This post was edited by chronospectrum at October 12, 2022 2:17 AM PDT
  • Yoh
    • 45 posts
    October 12, 2022 2:52 AM PDT

    that was just an example bro but it often happens in sky for ppl with 50 - 100 ping