Sniping Skirmish is a 1v1 tournament that will be starting on December 27th of 2022. This tournament will be a double elimination bracketed event where players will face each other in the arena with modified weapons rules and disabled TPV. Scheduled games will be held on During the holiday break and may vary from weekdays to weekends.
If you are interested in participating in this event, please read the following very closley.
Each match will consist of one round (finals will have three rounds or best of three rounds), The Selected servers will be created by the event hosts, players will pick three maps from the allowed list. Any maps that are picked by both players are guaranteed to be played in a random order. Any remaining matches will have the map picked at random from the rest of each players selected maps. Matches will be played in Nuke Elimination mode and the TPV will be disabled. Final match tiebreakers will be played in Nuke Elimination as well with a map selected by an event host along with TPV disabled.
The only weapons that are allowed are L115A3, PlasmaGun, GravityGun WarriorBow, PlasmaGrenades, RailRifle, Knife, Katana, BrassKnuckles, USP, and PulsePistol. Any of the weapons that are not listed here are banned and are not available for use for the duration of the tournament. The Skytroopersuit will also be disabled as it has a slightly smaller hitbox than the default suit.
Your internet connection is your own responsibility, if your ping is affecting gameplay, you will be asked to try and correct it. If it is seen that you are purposely boosting your ping in order to gain an advantage, you will be disqualified. The use of lag-switching or using lag to gain an advantage will result in an immediate disqualification.
Available Maps: Area56, Secretlab, Bunker, Haunt, Skyhall
1. All times of the match will be pre-determined based upon your location and region that you are from. Please show up on time for your match at the scheduled time. If are more than 5 minutes late that scheduled match will be labeled as a "loss" for you. If you cannot make it or have trouble connecting please message a judge.
2. If you leave a match and do not reconnect after 5 minutes you will automatically lose that match.
3. Please be respectful to all participants and event hosts. If you display poor sportsmanship and/or inappropriate behavior, there will be a warning that is issued to you. If you persist in this type of behavior you will then be expelled from participating in the tournament and disqualified.
4. the use of any hacks, cheats, glitches and exploits will result in immediate disqualification from the event
5. Please remain in the spectator mode until you are instructed to join your respective team. If a moderator joins one of the teams during the match, the round will be a "no kill" match and will not resume until instructed to do so.
6. The only weapons that are allowed are L115A3, PlasmaGun, GravityGun WarriorBow, PlasmaGrenades, RailRifle, Knife, Katana, BrassKnuckles, USP, and PulsePistol. Any of the weapons that are not listed here are banned and are not available for use for the duration of the tournament.
7. Use of the armory spot and suit upgrades are allowed, however the sky trooper suit and shield are not.
8. TPV will be disabled for the duration of the event.
9. Ignoring or not being aware of the rules does not make you exempt from following them.
10. Registering alternate accounts in order to play as an alias is not allowed and will result in all of your accounts being disqualified.
11. Stream sniping is not allowed, please do not try to do so.
12. Your internet connection is your own responsibility, if your ping is affecting gameplay, you will be asked to try and correct it. If it is seen that you are purposely boosting your ping in order to gain an advantage, you will be disqualified.
13. Do not give away the server passwords to other people, or ask others for the passwords to their servers. If you want to view the tournament there will be a link to the livestream.
Prizes: In-game cash will be awarded to those who competed in the event, the amount will be announced soon.
Application: Registration form will be published and announced shortly.
Message SnipingSkirmish: or the organizers (Castiel, chronospectrum, and DeathBringer908) if you have any questions regarding the tournament.
Please do not post on non-tournament related subjects this forum topic.
In-game cash will be awarded to those who competed in the event, the amount will be announced soon. The amount will vary depending on the size of the prize pool. If you have any interest in sponsoring the tournament, please feel free to send me a message.
Warmerise Community Discord:
Sniping Skirmish Event Discord:
Event Page:
Registration Page:
Event Staff:
-Sniping Skirmish 2022 Event Staff
SnipingSkirmish said: 7. Use of the armory spot and suit upgrades are allowed, however the sky trooper suit is not.not to be against the rules since i seldom equip them anyway. just for my knowledge, may i ask if theres any additional advantages regarding the usage of sky trooper?
Isterio said:SnipingSkirmish said: 7. Use of the armory spot and suit upgrades are allowed, however the sky trooper suit is not.not to be against the rules since i seldom equip them anyway. just for my knowledge, may i ask if theres any additional advantages regarding the usage of sky trooper?
I'll delete my comment later since it was asked not to talk in here
But yes, iirc the SkyTrooper hitbox has been confirmed to be slighty smaller
STERBEN99 said:oh wow, never realized that lolIsterio said:SnipingSkirmish said: 7. Use of the armory spot and suit upgrades are allowed, however the sky trooper suit is not.not to be against the rules since i seldom equip them anyway. just for my knowledge, may i ask if theres any additional advantages regarding the usage of sky trooper?I'll delete my comment later since it was asked not to talk in here
But yes, iirc the SkyTrooper hitbox has been confirmed to be slighty smaller
TheNoobGamer said:Yes just as chrono had stated the amount of each prize depends on how much is donated by the community. I too will be donating a large portion of the prizes. In addition there will also most likely include profile badges for the top 4 placing individuals. As for the applications they will open up shortly.Has the info on the cash prize, and applications been posted yet? I wish to participate
Registration is now open. If you would like to participate, do so here:
If you have registered via the signup link posted above. Please feel free to request to join the event here:
Note: If you do not fill out the form correctly you will not be accepted. You will be messsaged by the event staff in order to correct the information on that form.