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Current State of the Community

    • 2129 posts
    February 4, 2023 7:39 PM PST

    I've always been a huge supporter of this game from launch, I felt that it had a lot of potential for it's time, and was a predominate unity game in it's prime. Those days are now over and it is time to address the current state of this game and it's community. Browser games are definitely not as popular as they were in the past, especially since there are better downloadable games that are currently free. This however does not deter from the fact that people still play browser games. 

    Warmerise is probably in the worst state that I have ever seen it (even directly after the reboot in the beginning of 2017). The game population count is barley even 100, and that is including unregistered players who are the primary majority of players. Currently the registered community  mostly consists of toxic players and their many alternate accounts that they use for trolling. The decline in players has been dramatic over the last year and a half, tournaments and similar events were the main factors of keeping the warmerise community alive. As so far with the current tournament, there are only about 6 of the 32 players that currently show up for matches and coordinate scheduling with the event moderators. This is a really bad image for the game, as even with events being run, there is barely any activity within the community.

    Part of the problem is that things that have been added into the game either: Make the game worse, pander to a certain group of players, or are just stupid "fixes" or "additions" that don't actually add anything unique to the actual gamesplay or game itself. The past 4 "new weapons" that have been added to the game are literally just "throw away items" that are there to create some sort of short-termed excitement for players, but aren't actually good or make the game any better. It's just simply throwing in something that is bad version of something that is free or already in the game and better. It's quite frankly a weak attempt. 

    A lot of the current problem with the game is that you will listen to certain community members and not others, meaning that pointless things get added, while important things or things that are beneficial to the actual game and community itself get overlooked. 

    The current added melee mode is something that just encourages farming and is a horrible meta on certain maps where you can just sit on top of a spot on the map and knife anyone whoe is coming up. Also the current state of custom maps is quite frankly terrible. Yes now you have to meet certain criteria to map approved, but what about all of the sub-par maps that are currently in the custom map pool that haven't been taken down? 

    The moderation of the site and forums is not done very well. Everyday people are in the forums and arguing and bickering about something and nothing really ever gets done about it. You have had many community members suggest bringing back the forum moderator poistions, were people would volunteer their time (unpaid) to assist you with these issues. I know the members from Honor/DY aren't active anymore, but that doesn't mean that people aren't willing to help you out. This being implemented alone could help the community a lot within the game.

    Regarding the banning of players, I don't even know whats going on anymore. Usually the first ban is a 24 hour or 48 hour ban that servers as a warning. Now I see that certain players will get a permanent ban without the first ban, and others (usually the toxics and racists) will get banned 5-6 times without any repercussion. Of course these players will continue to act out and do what they did before. Also now there is some sort of account buy-back? This is a really f*cking stupid idea and shouldn't even exist. It didn't exist back in the day when people would get banned, and its obnoxious as f*ck.

    The game itself is literally unplayable and a cesspool of TPV-walpeeking, lag, and toxicity. I haven't seen the game (performance-wise) this bad since the day we transitioned from Unity to WebGL. The new updates don't fix this problem either, as they just create a clunkier, worse experience than previously existed. I used to enjoy this game a lot, and would be excited to get on and play, and in it's current state I literally have to force myself to get on and host tournament matches. The game has become one of those games that if I was a brand new player that found this game, as soon as I played for 5 minutes I would never want to play it again.

    This will be my tenth year on this game. probably one of the games that had contributed a lot to my earlier life. I still talk and play games with people I had met in my early days of Warmerise and BeGone. Although the game may not be what it once was, I still appreciate some of the memories that have accumulated here. After the tournament is over I will no longer visit this site anymore. And to Max I will always support the game. If you ever needed help with anything, or funding of anything you will know where to find me.

    • 21 posts
    February 4, 2023 8:59 PM PST


    • 415 posts
    February 4, 2023 10:34 PM PST

    @Castiel dont leave u a well know personality of Game

  • February 5, 2023 3:52 AM PST
    I'm not sure why you'd include "toxicity" in your rant, and that the community is "toxic", while you're one of the community's toxic contribution.

    I remembered in 2019, when I started to play this game, you were one of my acquaintances, but I had to stop playing because I left for college. During the lockdown in 2020, I came back to play and you were unbearable toxic to me and called me bad, targeted me, and insulted me over and over, which resulted in me stop playing again. The difference is that, you kept changing your name and when I'd ask around I'd find out it was you. But, I was a new player and I didn't understand much, and still kind of don't.

    The old players are the standpoint of toxicity in the community, hence why I blocked Majority (yourself included) and refused to be friends with any of you, since I saw how you people act. Which resulted in you always coming at me under forums, or once there is something said about me to others I stand up to, you put your irrelevant 2 cents on situations you didn't see, or just speak about something you have no idea about. Which always puzzles me because I always questioned how dumb are you guys.

    Why would Max make you guys Moderator of his game? Majority of you don't know the principles of right and wrong, and standardsof behavior?, which I've observed over a few years. You guys are toxic and bully new players which is one of the contributing factors of a lot of them not coming back, I have a few friends that happened to, I introduced a few of my friends to play and some of them played with me, saw the toxicity and hostility towards me for no reason, and decided they don't want that for themselves.
    • 2129 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:03 AM PST
    You’re literally a narcissist and an attention seeker and make everything about yourself. Give it a break for once. Jesus Murphy.
    • 415 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:06 AM PST

    Castiel said: You’re literally a narcissist and an attention seeker and make everything about yourself. Give it a break for once. Jesus Murphy.

    @Castiel Majesty is Right u just dont accept anything against you but majesty is Right i agree @ Majesty

  • February 5, 2023 4:11 AM PST
    @Castiel, I have not once seek attention from you or anyone else on this game, you people come at me and I come back at you weirdos. Oh, next time I'm being attacked and getting picked on, I'll not make it about me, and make it about my attacker. Thanks for that not so educational tip ;)

    You're a bully and you got called out now calling me an attention seeker, again, you're not fit for being a moderator. You said you're leaving? Then leave, you won't be missed. One less toxic weirdo, tah-tah! :)
    • 2129 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:12 AM PST
    I don’t even say anything in game unless someone asks me. “How can I be toxic and call people bad”. I never even interacted with you until out of nowhere you blocked me because I wouldn’t join your discord server. Also no I do not “target” players in certain players in game. The whole concept of targeting is washed and stupid. If you shoot me I will shoot back. If you happen to die multiple times in the process that’s not really my problem. I just played the game as it was intended to be played.

    @Braveboy if you repeatedly message me and ask me to join your clan and when I decline, you decide to call me a Jew and racial slurs. Yeah I’m going to block you.
  • February 5, 2023 4:17 AM PST
    You said you're what 21, right? I doubt that a 21 year old can have dementia. You were one of the royal challengers, manickkaa, and other no names I can't remember. You were in deed toxic to me on many occasions. Everyone I blocked, was blocked for toxicity, or something malicious. You yourself laughed in 2022, back in letales server when I brought up the past and how toxic you were and you said that you've changed.

    Even under forums you're always toxic and insulting people by calling them names, I've seen how you guys behave for 2 years, which used to annoy me, but I got so used it to now I either ignore or laugh.

    You're a toxic weirdo, accept the truth and move on. Take accountability and stop complaining you manipulative bully.
    • 100 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:25 AM PST

    The game could need a complete overhaul in general:

    - Better graphics (stuff like Physically Based Shading, Post-processing effects like Screen Space Reflections (or at least reflection probes) and Anti-aliasing)

    - Better player and weapon movement

    - A more modern UI

    Think of Battlefield 2042 or latest CoD, just not that extreme. (Maybe CoD: Mobile). It's 2023 and people nowadays have a decent enough PC to handle it.

    BUT... I guess the main problem is that Max is the sole developer of Warmerise. There's only limited time he can spend working on the game since he has a private life too. What he'd need is a (trustable!) team of co-developers and moderators.

    This post was edited by DeadArt at February 5, 2023 4:27 AM PST
    • 653 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:30 AM PST

    Come on man someone is biding farewell and people somehow still managed to get a drama out of it

    • 415 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:34 AM PST

    Castiel said: I don’t even say anything in game unless someone asks me. “How can I be toxic and call people bad”. I never even interacted with you until out of nowhere you blocked me because I wouldn’t join your discord server. Also no I do not “target” players in certain players in game. The whole concept of targeting is washed and stupid. If you shoot me I will shoot back. If you happen to die multiple times in the process that’s not really my problem. I just played the game as it was intended to be played. @Braveboy if you repeatedly message me and ask me to join your clan and when I decline, you decide to call me a Jew and racial slurs. Yeah I’m going to block you.

    ????????????????? when i invited you to join my Clan ?????????????????????????????? When i ask u Jew ??????????????????????????????????????????? Just stop Castiel Chorono invite a wrong Person in such a legendary clan and u block me bcz we do 1v1 and my score ws more than you

    • 653 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:35 AM PST

    Sigma Staring GIF - Sigma Staring - Discover & Share GIFs

    • 2129 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:37 AM PST
    DeadArt said:

    The game could need a complete overhaul in general:

    - Better graphics (stuff like Physically Based Shading, Post-processing effects like Screen Space Reflections (or at least reflection probes) and Anti-aliasing)

    - Better player and weapon movement

    - A more modern UI

    Think of Battlefield 2042 or latest CoD, just not that extreme. (Maybe CoD: Mobile). It's 2023 and people nowadays have a decent enough PC to handle it.

    BUT... I guess the main problem is that Max is the sole developer of Warmerise. There's only limited time he can spend working on the game since he has a private life too. What he'd need is a (trustable!) team of co-developers and moderators.

    Agreed. I hope this game recovers. Wether I’m here to see it or not.
    • 415 posts
    February 5, 2023 4:41 AM PST

    So when you leaving ?

    • 98 posts
    February 5, 2023 5:06 AM PST

    Majesty said: @Castiel, I have not once seek attention from you or anyone else on this game, you people come at me and I come back at you weirdos. Oh, next time I'm being attacked and getting picked on, I'll not make it about me, and make it about my attacker. Thanks for that not so educational tip ;) You're a bully and you got called out now calling me an attention seeker, again, you're not fit for being a moderator. You said you're leaving? Then leave, you won't be missed. One less toxic weirdo, tah-tah! :)

    I think you're quite deluded and in denial. I don't know what it is, but to me it seems like you've been in a bubble your whole life. Complete narcissistic way of talking. The way you percieve things, it's like you want everyone to act according to your liking. I think you're in for a rude awakening once you step out in the real world. So, in the mean time, enjoy your time in the bubble you're in, you complaining about toxicity just shows everyone how naive you are. Toxicity is present everywhere, whether it be a game or in real life, sadly you're too narrow minded to anticipate that. 

    This post was edited by Kazuya at February 5, 2023 5:07 AM PST
  • February 5, 2023 5:13 AM PST
    @Kuato, there's no toxicity in my real life, no one around me is toxic or act out of manner, im not sure where you're from, but where I'm from we have morals. Next time mind the business that pays you.

    Anyway, I won't be commenting here after this, because it shows how you guys have no form of decency and are irrational; and live a life that I don't even want to know, it's sad actually.

    Anyway, have a great Sunday and take care ♡¡
    • 2129 posts
    February 5, 2023 5:19 AM PST
    Exactly. It implies you live inside a bubble.
    • 25 posts
    February 5, 2023 5:25 AM PST

    majesty 20+ age brain size: 7 cm

    player 529 size: 13 age brain size: 28 cm (4 times than majesty)

    • 76 posts
    February 5, 2023 5:38 AM PST

    DeadArt said:

    The game could need a complete overhaul in general:

    - Better graphics (stuff like Physically Based Shading, Post-processing effects like Screen Space Reflections (or at least reflection probes) and Anti-aliasing)

    - Better player and weapon movement

    - A more modern UI

    Think of Battlefield 2042 or latest CoD, just not that extreme. (Maybe CoD: Mobile). It's 2023 and people nowadays have a decent enough PC to handle it.

    BUT... I guess the main problem is that Max is the sole developer of Warmerise. There's only limited time he can spend working on the game since he has a private life too. What he'd need is a (trustable!) team of co-developers and moderators.


    Warmerise reflections : water

    Post-processing : fog for fake occlusion culling 

    • 653 posts
    February 5, 2023 6:01 AM PST

    Entitled people aren't worth my attention tbh

    • 21 posts
    February 6, 2023 6:30 PM PST
    Trust bro hes gonna patch the community on the next update