Forums » Custom Skins

custom skins

    • 7 posts
    August 14, 2017 1:45 PM PDT

    DONT YOU guys think that you shouldnt need 5000 cash to make a skin


    • 285 posts
    August 16, 2017 1:50 PM PDT
    In my opinion, Yes there should be a constant amount of cash value to be able to make skin. Otherwise, same person can make multiple accounts and upload tonnes of skins by simply using Google images and as we can see, most players fell for those skins and actually buys it (and eventually regrets afterwards). By this way that person can create a lot of cash on different accounts and then simply transfer it to his main account by using the 'custom skins' (skins are actually a way to transfer cash now). And that 5000 is XP not cash, if I'm not entirely wrong.
    • 611 posts
    August 27, 2017 6:16 AM PDT

    Yeah, it's XP not cash.