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fake retirement of the guy who wants to be like Kazuya

  • April 20, 2024 4:32 PM PDT

    funny how after you "retire" on your main and make an alt to play (just like KAA members) just to target an enemy clan member and then rq after he destroys you XDD. go tell to Paula and EpicTr0ll now: "bro lets cancel the clan war, i'm so scared of him".


  • April 20, 2024 4:42 PM PDT

    if you beelzebub are seeing this, be careful, next time i will see you i will cut off your p1n3s with my buck 120 knife if it's need.

    • 445 posts
    April 20, 2024 11:18 PM PDT
    its ironic how you are talking about fake retirements Ineedsoap, how many times have you retired this year?
  • April 21, 2024 1:15 AM PDT

    EpicTr0ll said: its ironic how you are talking about fake retirements Ineedsoap, how many times have you retired this year?
    i don't really understand what did you say but i'm glad you finally admit that you need soap, you didn't bath your az for 3 weeks and still flexing on beating it to an online girl (paula) which i remember she used to cheat in this game XDD, we all remember my friend reported her. don't forget Mr. Tom Dehnhardt, i'm the guy who you used to fight a lot in the old times, and i came back to show everyone what you really are :rofl:

    • 445 posts
    April 21, 2024 9:08 AM PDT
    Enforcer said:

    EpicTr0ll said: its ironic how you are talking about fake retirements Ineedsoap, how many times have you retired this year?
    i don't really understand what did you say but i'm glad you finally admit that you need soap, you didn't bath your az for 3 weeks and still flexing on beating it to an online girl (paula) which i remember she used to cheat in this game XDD, we all remember my friend reported her. don't forget Mr. Tom Dehnhardt, i'm the guy who you used to fight a lot in the old times, and i came back to show everyone what you really are :rofl:

    yes obvio u dont understand -.-