I am playing that game like.. 1 year yeah.. i got in 1 hour 1500 cash..
I really like sniper. I am recommending using 3D person with gun UMP 40.
I have some tip.. When enemy is next to you and you have sniper switch to pistol or knife (better knife use) .. And attack him, or if you have good skill with sniper then switch to 3D person and shot him with sniper (train your aim and put sensetivity to 0.96-0.94 for smooth aim) .. I am doing that everytime.
Just press H to switch0 to 3D person.
And use car to kill people.. jet is honesly.. jet is bad in game..
That is all from me thanks for reading..
And drink lot of vodka to kill corona in your body :D stay cheeki breeki!
oussamadandachi said:https://warmerise.com/members/settings/delete Try this :Dguys i want cash and xp can some one give me cash .. are there a way to give cash ?? .. and thanks if you try :)