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Best way to earn ingame cash?

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    • 60 posts
    December 28, 2018 11:45 AM PST

    omega212 said:

    any money cheats tho?

    I have free RAM.. I'll send it over E-MAIL.. I need your SSN.

    • 14 posts
    January 20, 2019 10:40 PM PST

     TEXT BLOCK WARNING: the best strategy for sniper is to not move unless you are being shot at, try to blend in with your enviroment... i just realize that the best strategy for each class is how it will be done irl... but yeah i dont use smg so i cant tell you much on that. blastgun and minigun are both great at destroying vehicles, minigun because it does about 10 damage a shot, 10 shots a second (by my count) and a 100 bullet clip size, adding up to 200 shots altogether, able to kill 2 cars or 20 people. blast gun does 20 to 40 damage a shot and has a 35 clip size adding up to 175 (i think). it also has a very fast fire rate, allowing it to easily kill people for quick xp. the shotgun requires you to get up close but some people choose to shotgun snipe to get assist kills (1 xp for those). the total xp per kills are ranked as so: assist (1) kill (5) headshot kill (10) explosion kill (side note: only counts if they are killed in the explosion of a vehicle, 35) you get the same amount of xp as cash, but xp cannot be spent and is kind of a total cash accumulated by kills. the melees are very useful, the katana has a slower fire rate but has longer range and insta kills. the knife is in between kata and brass, insta kills, short range and medium fire rate, the brass knuckles does 51 damage (you can get 0 hp in this game, it only counts as a death if it goes in negatives) unless its a headshot, meaning it instead does 101 damage, thus killing the player. the additional weapons are fired with v, and can be changed in the control options. the plasma grenade (i refer to this as sticky most of the time) is best used in wide open maps where you cannot acess the other teams side or there is a choke point (such as a door) that is a common starting line (where the teams first meet). the trapmine is best used around tight bends, when someone is chasing you (this will attract a lot of attention though), or behind closed doors, basically whenever someone is forced into a tight area (also on ladders when being chased and they are at the bottom, the trapmine will instantly fall to the nearest ground directly below the spawn point). the m67. how all noobs hate this and pros love this, the opposite of the sticky, bouncing off any surface once and blowing up 1 second later or after being in the air for about 10 seconds, great for throwing around curves or into crowds. i recently got the tomahawk and i dont know how to use it very well but it will instakill most of the time, bounce off walls twice or in the air for 30 seconds (where it will then stick to the nearest surface). the secondary weapons: the secondary weapons are reached by tapping 2 on the keyboard, to switch back hit 2 again. dont ask me how the pulse pistol works, havent used it that much, nor any of the other weapons there really. the usb is just a worse version of the revolver, but with more ammo and ammo cap. the revolver is very versatile leading it to be the most used secondary there is, the best advice i can say is that you can snipe with it, but try to get up close and spam it, after making sure you have ammo. gravity gun i dont own but know how to use. you want to try to keep the beam subtle or else your position will be alerted to other players. do not try to use it to kill others in any circumstances but you will find you will accidentaly do this often. suits and capes, both just vanity items that mainly rich people or people who buy cash use to show off. the upgrade should only be used if you have a reliable source of money flowing in. lol quite the ramble there, but i hope this helps influence your decisions

    This post was edited by kitkatpatywhack at January 21, 2019 9:20 AM PST
  • January 26, 2019 5:55 AM PST

    Also ram into people with the humvees, and get as meny headshot wiht L11A3 as possible. You can also blow up a vehicle and get 35+ xp

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 26, 2019 5:57 AM PST
    • 611 posts
    February 6, 2019 5:28 PM PST

    1. Discover your play-style

    Every player has there own play-style. You can find your's based on your skills and your flaws. What are you good at doing? What do you need help with?

    For example: My play-style is rushing in full force with the G36 and Tomahawks. My flaw is getting sniped from far-range or getting hit by a hummer on hummer maps.

    2. Choose a gun type

    Pick up different guns to test them out. If you're good at camping from far away or up high you should probably use a sniper. If you happen to be one of the rushers, like myself, you'd be best with an automatic weapon.

    For example: Sky players often stick back by their base (especially if on blue team) and snipe from a distance.

    3. Learn to counter enemies

    If you're getting rushed and can't use your regular style, you get frustrated and can't fight back easily. That's why you should learn how to counter the other team. If they rush you with powerful automatics like the G36 or Carbine, go in a corner and use a shield (you'd need upgrades) if you have to. If they have an RPG, you can see it coming and avoid taking much damage.

    For example: If they rush you with automatics, grab an automatic yourself!

    • 90 posts
    February 13, 2019 1:31 PM PST

    To me, pretty much these things:

    - Play A LOT, and I mean alot! This gives you a reason to play and it most likey can make you a better player and aim better, etc.

    - Pick a type of gun you like most and stick to that for a while. If you enjoy sniping enemies, pick a sniper gun like the L115A3 (default sniper), or PlasmaGun, or RailRifle. Practice, practice, practice with it! Aim for headshots most of the time, learn how to scope and aim effectively, and ALWAYS keep moving! It makes you a "Sitting duck (haha get it! Reference! :D)", if you just stand still all the time and it easier for you to be killed this way. If you enjoy autofire guns, try to pick one for you that balances the best between firerate, damage it does, and if you like it enough. Try things out to see what you are most comfortable with.

    - If you just want everything as quick as possible or you do not mind spending a little bit of real life money, then actually use the store to buy ingame cash. Seriously, like 5 dollars for 50K. That is not that much to me at all. If you get any extra money through gift cards, have a job, allowance, through paypal, whatever, it won't hurt to spend a little bit to get something you really want to use/want. Plus it helps support Max, for his life and I am sure it makes him more dedicated to do things for this game as well!

    Anyways, I think that is good enough for now xD

    • 71 posts
    February 24, 2019 7:23 AM PST

    kitkatpatywhack said:

     TEXT BLOCK WARNING: the best strategy for sniper is to not move unless you are being shot at, try to blend in with your enviroment... i just realize that the best strategy for each class is how it will be done irl... but yeah i dont use smg so i cant tell you much on that. blastgun and minigun are both great at destroying vehicles, minigun because it does about 10 damage a shot, 10 shots a second (by my count) and a 100 bullet clip size, adding up to 200 shots altogether, able to kill 2 cars or 20 people. blast gun does 20 to 40 damage a shot and has a 35 clip size adding up to 175 (i think). it also has a very fast fire rate, allowing it to easily kill people for quick xp. the shotgun requires you to get up close but some people choose to shotgun snipe to get assist kills (1 xp for those). the total xp per kills are ranked as so: assist (1) kill (5) headshot kill (10) explosion kill (side note: only counts if they are killed in the explosion of a vehicle, 35) you get the same amount of xp as cash, but xp cannot be spent and is kind of a total cash accumulated by kills. the melees are very useful, the katana has a slower fire rate but has longer range and insta kills. the knife is in between kata and brass, insta kills, short range and medium fire rate, the brass knuckles does 51 damage (you can get 0 hp in this game, it only counts as a death if it goes in negatives) unless its a headshot, meaning it instead does 101 damage, thus killing the player. the additional weapons are fired with v, and can be changed in the control options. the plasma grenade (i refer to this as sticky most of the time) is best used in wide open maps where you cannot acess the other teams side or there is a choke point (such as a door) that is a common starting line (where the teams first meet). the trapmine is best used around tight bends, when someone is chasing you (this will attract a lot of attention though), or behind closed doors, basically whenever someone is forced into a tight area (also on ladders when being chased and they are at the bottom, the trapmine will instantly fall to the nearest ground directly below the spawn point). the m67. how all noobs hate this and pros love this, the opposite of the sticky, bouncing off any surface once and blowing up 1 second later or after being in the air for about 10 seconds, great for throwing around curves or into crowds. i recently got the tomahawk and i dont know how to use it very well but it will instakill most of the time, bounce off walls twice or in the air for 30 seconds (where it will then stick to the nearest surface). the secondary weapons: the secondary weapons are reached by tapping 2 on the keyboard, to switch back hit 2 again. dont ask me how the pulse pistol works, havent used it that much, nor any of the other weapons there really. the usb is just a worse version of the revolver, but with more ammo and ammo cap. the revolver is very versatile leading it to be the most used secondary there is, the best advice i can say is that you can snipe with it, but try to get up close and spam it, after making sure you have ammo. gravity gun i dont own but know how to use. you want to try to keep the beam subtle or else your position will be alerted to other players. do not try to use it to kill others in any circumstances but you will find you will accidentaly do this often. suits and capes, both just vanity items that mainly rich people or people who buy cash use to show off. the upgrade should only be used if you have a reliable source of money flowing in. lol quite the ramble there, but i hope this helps influence your decisions

    ok bro

  • February 28, 2019 4:30 AM PST

    Sekirei said:

    kitkatpatywhack said:

     TEXT BLOCK WARNING: the best strategy for sniper is to not move unless you are being shot at, try to blend in with your enviroment... i just realize that the best strategy for each class is how it will be done irl... but yeah i dont use smg so i cant tell you much on that. blastgun and minigun are both great at destroying vehicles, minigun because it does about 10 damage a shot, 10 shots a second (by my count) and a 100 bullet clip size, adding up to 200 shots altogether, able to kill 2 cars or 20 people. blast gun does 20 to 40 damage a shot and has a 35 clip size adding up to 175 (i think). it also has a very fast fire rate, allowing it to easily kill people for quick xp. the shotgun requires you to get up close but some people choose to shotgun snipe to get assist kills (1 xp for those). the total xp per kills are ranked as so: assist (1) kill (5) headshot kill (10) explosion kill (side note: only counts if they are killed in the explosion of a vehicle, 35) you get the same amount of xp as cash, but xp cannot be spent and is kind of a total cash accumulated by kills. the melees are very useful, the katana has a slower fire rate but has longer range and insta kills. the knife is in between kata and brass, insta kills, short range and medium fire rate, the brass knuckles does 51 damage (you can get 0 hp in this game, it only counts as a death if it goes in negatives) unless its a headshot, meaning it instead does 101 damage, thus killing the player. the additional weapons are fired with v, and can be changed in the control options. the plasma grenade (i refer to this as sticky most of the time) is best used in wide open maps where you cannot acess the other teams side or there is a choke point (such as a door) that is a common starting line (where the teams first meet). the trapmine is best used around tight bends, when someone is chasing you (this will attract a lot of attention though), or behind closed doors, basically whenever someone is forced into a tight area (also on ladders when being chased and they are at the bottom, the trapmine will instantly fall to the nearest ground directly below the spawn point). the m67. how all noobs hate this and pros love this, the opposite of the sticky, bouncing off any surface once and blowing up 1 second later or after being in the air for about 10 seconds, great for throwing around curves or into crowds. i recently got the tomahawk and i dont know how to use it very well but it will instakill most of the time, bounce off walls twice or in the air for 30 seconds (where it will then stick to the nearest surface). the secondary weapons: the secondary weapons are reached by tapping 2 on the keyboard, to switch back hit 2 again. dont ask me how the pulse pistol works, havent used it that much, nor any of the other weapons there really. the usb is just a worse version of the revolver, but with more ammo and ammo cap. the revolver is very versatile leading it to be the most used secondary there is, the best advice i can say is that you can snipe with it, but try to get up close and spam it, after making sure you have ammo. gravity gun i dont own but know how to use. you want to try to keep the beam subtle or else your position will be alerted to other players. do not try to use it to kill others in any circumstances but you will find you will accidentaly do this often. suits and capes, both just vanity items that mainly rich people or people who buy cash use to show off. the upgrade should only be used if you have a reliable source of money flowing in. lol quite the ramble there, but i hope this helps influence your decisions

    ok bro



  • March 9, 2019 8:36 AM PST

    Yep,yep,yep.Believe it it or not i want 235 000 cash to buy cape.Yeah i need play,and play,and play.But i can't use credit card and i can't play a lot.That is a big problem.And yeah,nobody wants to give cash for player NOBODY 235 000 NoBoDy want to give that cash.And what can I do now,Nothing just play and i only can have 235000 maybe for 1YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • March 11, 2019 6:18 AM PDT

    dontlikewarmerise said:

    Yep,yep,yep.Believe it it or not i want 235 000 cash to buy cape.Yeah i need play,and play,and play.But i can't use credit card and i can't play a lot.That is a big problem.And yeah,nobody wants to give cash for player NOBODY 235 000 NoBoDy want to give that cash.And what can I do now,Nothing just play and i only can have 235000 maybe for 1YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • 97 posts
    March 20, 2019 2:10 PM PDT

    How can i buy upgrades??(i figured it out)

    This post was edited by Feline at May 20, 2019 7:44 AM PDT
    • 2 posts
    May 18, 2019 3:34 AM PDT

    i played 1-2 days and i can buy mini g and m67 and trapmine and revolver and pulserifle and other i got only 9537 cash soon 10k NICE i love this game my fav is LSMG3 with any cape and a gravity gun my wish is THAT pls can i get cash for the lsmg3 or grind with me pls i love this game so much but pls make a limited sale for 60% of weapons to make it easier its overpriced i hope you see this message and share that they see THIS *PRAYS FOR THE SALES*

  • May 24, 2019 5:30 AM PDT
    Best way to earn ingame cash and protect yourself and win the game? I give you a tip.
    And tricks

    1. Hitting your enemy in the head-
    Always hit your enemy in the head that called headshot. If u take a headshot it gives you 10xp. Its big enough to you than simple kill with 5xp.with any weapon u hold you should always take a headshot.

    2.double kill,triple kill-
    Thats the cool thing to do when u kill 1-2 or 2-3 enemies. It gives you 1-2 10xp times.

    3.hit your enemy with a vehicle/explode tge vehicle- that has very big amount if xp that is very enough for you.good to use to explode your enemy's vehicle is mini g and blastgun. For crushing your enemy is hummer a car,you will take 35xp when you drive fast and hit him.

    Aiming is good for you to kill many enemies as many as u can to spent your time.aiming is not good enough for you theres one more thing---------------------------------------------------------------------5.focus-
    Focus are for pros only and focus can make you pro.for being pro,pro has tips for there focus.
    1.disable chat- yeah it makes you more focus because if you did not disable the chat its annoying it can lost your focus even they attention u.its better to disable the chat.
    2.finding hidden spot alone-
    It focus you to kill your enemies peacefully your like a ninja your sneaky and focus to kill an enemy.
    And thats all for your tip:focus.
    6.escape- escape is your protection for yourself from enemy that is aiming and shooting you. By the way to escape you will click this ( shift+jump+w(as going forward)) if you are far to him press shift+jump+go left/right to avoid from enemies.

    Here is final that is very simple,important and strong enough for you
    Yes! Teamwork can makes your team wins but for cash you need to be first to kill enemies before other of your teammate kills(too bad for me if i could assisst)

    Now they are 7 tips for you to get too much ingame cash and to win your game. My hope this is helpful to you. THANKS FOR READING:)
    This post was edited by Deleted Member at May 24, 2019 7:43 AM PDT
    • 1 posts
    June 5, 2019 12:10 AM PDT

    ive been playing for two weaks and i have only 20000


  • June 13, 2019 5:11 AM PDT

    i need help to feed my kids cash, how to get more?

  • June 13, 2019 5:15 AM PDT

    Get headshots with sniper, you get 10+ xp for every one.

  • June 13, 2019 5:25 AM PDT

    im a noob but idk if i'll need sniper, cause g36 is what i want and its an automatic.

  • June 13, 2019 6:00 AM PDT

    You may want to get Carbine first, G36 is effective, but it is extremely hard to control compared to UMP-40 with its low recoil and bullet spread. If you would like any help with cash, you can ask em for help

    • 5 posts
    July 16, 2019 11:55 PM PDT


    • 5 posts
    July 17, 2019 4:52 AM PDT

    i think the best way to get xp and cash is by straight up just finding a veichle and either ramming or using a turret on your enemy

    • 395 posts
    July 17, 2019 10:10 AM PDT
    Ask airwolf and done, he knows a lot about hummer driving
    • 5 posts
    July 26, 2019 6:06 PM PDT

    hey budz if you want money get a veichle or a sniper and  just head shot or them or  ram them over or use the turret of the hovercar thats my advice

    • 6 posts
    August 8, 2019 9:47 PM PDT

    could someone help me get money on this game plz

    • 3 posts
    November 6, 2019 2:06 PM PST

    I wish there were cheats. I wish some credit card generator with money exists.

    • 5 posts
    November 7, 2019 2:38 AM PST

    My List Of Getting XP


    RunOver With Vehicle

    Missiles From Jet

    Melee Kill

    Double Kill 

    Triple Kill

    Quadruple Kill

    Sitting Ducks 

  • November 7, 2019 10:15 AM PST

    That isnt helpful.