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Responce is necessary. For Max

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    • 19 posts
    July 14, 2018 11:04 AM PDT
    Hey Max. Hope you will be fine. I posted 2 times in your profile and also messaged you private 2 time but you havn't responed yet so i came to post you here. I am old warmerise player from Pakistan. In old warmerise my username was the same. I joined this game again but 1000 registered player got 50k cash and i got none. So i wanted to buy some cash from store. But store only allows Paypal and Paypal is banned in our country Pakistan. Playing game for me is a bit hard now because I owned all weapons in old warmerise. So I request you to give me some cash i.e 50k or anything you like but not that much low so i should continue my progress in game. And i think you should answere imdividual messages that you got in PM.
    Umair Ahmad
    Sorry. My English is not strong enough though haha.
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 14, 2018 8:49 PM PDT

    I understand that making cash may be a bit tedious especially when WebGL performance is not the best at the moment.
    That's why more ways to make cash was added:
    - Bonus at the end of the round. If your team wins you will get +35% of the cash/xp you made during the match (TDM/TDM Nuke), + 55% (Elimination). And +15% (TDM/TDM Nuke), +25% (Elimination) if your team loses. So it's important to stick to the end of the round to receive the bonus.
    - Another way is by making weapon skins. Check this page for more info:

    About PayPal, if it's not supported in your country unfortunately there is not much I can do about it.
    And I don't know any other payment method that supports all the countries.

    • 19 posts
    July 15, 2018 1:14 AM PDT
    Hey Max. Thanks for your reply. I just wanted to tell you that PayPal is not supported in out country and i would like to buy some cash from store. I cant gain that much xp without weapons.
    And i really suck at photos editing so i cant make skins far i tried alot but all in vain.
    Therefore you are kindly requested to give me some cash to me to buy a weapon or 2 for myself. All tge players that registed in first 1000 got that cash but unfortunately i was a little late. I messaged you next morning but you havenet replied.
    So i request you to gove me some cash because i can't buy
    Thank you
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 15, 2018 2:17 AM PDT

    UmairAhmad406 said: Hey Max. Thanks for your reply. I just wanted to tell you that PayPal is not supported in out country and i would like to buy some cash from store. I cant gain that much xp without weapons. And i really suck at photos editing so i cant make skins far i tried alot but all in vain. Therefore you are kindly requested to give me some cash to me to buy a weapon or 2 for myself. All tge players that registed in first 1000 got that cash but unfortunately i was a little late. I messaged you next morning but you havenet replied. So i request you to gove me some cash because i can't buy Thank you Regards Umair

    Request declined

    • 19 posts
    July 15, 2018 2:31 AM PDT


    Request declined

    Thank You.

    • 82 posts
    July 15, 2018 2:43 PM PDT

    so you listen to this instead of actually either bringing back unity version or the standalone for better performance? great idea

    • 24 posts
    July 15, 2018 2:46 PM PDT


    Max plz

    • 609 posts
    July 16, 2018 7:36 AM PDT
    Mike bringing back the unity web player ain't possible a d the standslone while seems a good idea is on hold for now
    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at July 16, 2018 7:36 AM PDT