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Strategy Guide for Red Team: Base

  • January 21, 2017 12:47 PM PST

    Hello, fellow Warmerise player. This guide is going to cover most information and tips about Base.



    1. Overview;

    2. Strategies;

    3. Conclusion


    1. Overview;


    This map covers the whole Base, showing;

    - Spawnpoints, represented by team colour.

    - Routes, represented by red arrows.

    - Deadzones, represented by black colour.

    I'll explain each.

    Spawnpoints don't need any explanation - players spawn on their position. Red has about 5 spawnpoints, while Blue has 7. (I'll need to double-check.)

    Each route will be explained later on, in the Strategy section.

    Deadzones are areas that you should avoid - they render you either as a easy target, or are completely useless. The deadzone in the middle of the map may render you stuck.


    I divided the map into 3 sections, Top, Middle and Back.

    Top is the area behind the taller buildings, most battles often occur here.

    Middle is the central area of the map, it provides little to no cover, making you an easy shot for a sniper, however it is easy to bypass with a Hummer or a Gravity Gun.

    Back is a less used route useful for flanking.




    This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 21, 2017 2:51 PM PST
  • January 21, 2017 12:56 PM PST

    2. Strategies; 

    This section will explain every route from the map, and give tips regarding playing offensively.

    First and most important, be vary of snipers. They are usually everywhere, and they will try to snipe you down, especially if you go through Mid.

    Playing on Top;

    Top is the area heavily covered by 3 buildings, one of which is accessible without the Gravity Gun.

    You can zigzag inbetween the buildings, just beware snipers peeking on mid, as they can see you.

    The building with a ladder (the middle one) is a decent spot providing height advantage, however it provides little cover, being a high risk, high reward spot, allowing you to peek into the Blue spawn.

    Since the area is not wide, you should beware Hummers trying to crush into you, a preferrable strategy against them is to wait till they get relatively close, and suddently sprint-jumping aside unallowing them to react. The area is covered from mid, but overall only the buildings provide cover, so it is literally a long, open corridor. Beware of any snipers.

    Often, most battles occur in this area, always be ready for an encounter of atleast one enemy player (unless the server is nearly empty, ofc..)


    Playing on Mid;

    This is the most open area on the map, do not go there unless you're driving a Hummer or it is completely necessary.

    If things hit the fan, you can always retreat to either Back or Top for cover, Mid is a completely open area with a single pillar in the middle, surrounded by a deadzone. Do not enter this deadzone, as the pit is too deep to jump out of.

    You can use the middle pillar for some cover, however it is not recommended, a mediocre spot is the slope around the pit, where you can crouch and only have your head stick out (from the ground level). This area provides little to no cover, however you can drive a Hummer in there, park it sideways and use it as a cover.

    You can use a Hummer to (nearly) safely head straight into the Blue spawn.

    Red spawn also has a building providing an enormous height advantage over the whole Mid, however it is, again, a high risk high reward spot.


    Playing on Back;

    This is the least played area ever, which means that it is a perfect spot for flanking, it provides some cover in form of the lower platform (the one with stairs) and a building, only accessible with the Gravity Gun. The place also has a lot of *columns* and weird geometry, which can be used as a cover from Mid and Top.

    Beware players standing on the building ahead of you, as they can take a easy shot to take you out. Always clear the high ground before moving on, or sneak up on them while they're busy.

    This area has a Blue spawn, which has little to no cover, be careful though, because newly spawned players have a 3 second spawn protection. It also has a deadzone, which is completely useless and makes you an easy target for enemies from the direction of your spawn (if they manage to flank you).

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 21, 2017 2:50 PM PST
  • January 21, 2017 1:06 PM PST

    3. Conclusion.

    Always beware the snipers, it is a map designed for snipers.

    The map provides 3 areas, allowing you to play it in 3 different playstyles;

    Flanker, Offense or.. uh.. Rambo. (You've guessed, Mid.)


    Thanks for reading, I would love some feedback, feel free to correct me in case of the spawnpoints, as I'm really not sure.


    ~ Seth, formerly BitSniping


    This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 21, 2017 2:50 PM PST
    • 285 posts
    January 21, 2017 2:00 PM PST
    Wonderful Guide! I will love to read such guides for other maps as well.
    Brilliantly done there bits :)
  • January 21, 2017 2:02 PM PST

    Thanks for the feedback, guides for other maps might come soon..

  • January 21, 2017 2:15 PM PST

    Thanx seth nice tactics... Keep this project!

  • January 21, 2017 2:26 PM PST

    Thanks for encouraging words, I'm glad that this guide met such positive reception! ^^

    • 539 posts
    January 21, 2017 2:35 PM PST

    Couldn't have done this any better myself, awesome work Seth. 

  • January 21, 2017 2:36 PM PST

    Thank you Chrono, I really appreciate your words! <3

    • 58 posts
    January 21, 2017 2:52 PM PST
    Very nice done guide, much details are included

    P.S maybe bunker nexr? :P
  • January 21, 2017 2:55 PM PST

    Thanks a lot, I still don't know which map should I cover next, I might do Bunker next though.

    • 281 posts
    January 21, 2017 3:15 PM PST
  • January 21, 2017 3:18 PM PST
    • 260 posts
    January 21, 2017 5:54 PM PST

    It's nice reading your guides.. hmmm maybe as you said above bunker or dustland

  • January 22, 2017 4:19 AM PST

    This is so nice ! Thanks for sharing it with us :) 

    • 452 posts
    January 22, 2017 6:19 AM PST

    Looks like it's the hot sh*t now. Well made :3

  • January 22, 2017 2:14 PM PST

    Thank you all for the positive feedback, the next map I'm going to cover is going to be Bunker.



    There is no specified deadline, I'll do this when possible, I'm currently undergoing some sort of a writer block.

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at February 1, 2017 12:54 PM PST
    • 452 posts
    January 23, 2017 6:50 AM PST

    Noice. Good luck ^^

    • 611 posts
    February 18, 2017 7:02 AM PST

    I love Base, and Seth this was very useful. Thank you.

  • March 1, 2017 3:09 PM PST
    There you go! Writing stuff is sort of my hobby.
    • 5 posts
    March 2, 2017 4:55 AM PST

    Awesome work!!