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Battle Royale

  • March 19, 2019 5:16 PM PDT

    Please post anything in here that you think would be cool if Warmerise had a "Battle Royale" mode

  • March 20, 2019 3:51 AM PDT

    yes we want Battle Royale in this game plz max make it make a plan and more cars and guns of pubg 

    • 328 posts
    March 21, 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    I'd rather get warmerise shut down than have a battle royale game logic in Warmerise

    • 38 posts
    March 21, 2019 12:20 PM PDT
    With what it costs to have 300 players per day I do not think many people play it unless there are only 25 players that are needed for a game
    • 609 posts
    March 21, 2019 2:42 PM PDT

    this has been theorized a long time ago and I do have a comment around where I specified lots of stuff (makes a lil mad tho cause sense then some BR games have implemented some stuff from there which makes me feel Like I've waisted an actually good concept but F it)

    but, that said, do we really need a BR mode? theres so much stuff in line which Max has priorities on, a new game mode would be cool like CTF e.g. but again, a BR, why?

    • 6 posts
    March 21, 2019 3:09 PM PDT

    Wouldn't a battle royal just be a Free For All Elimination mode?

    • 38 posts
    March 22, 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Un free for all podria ser un poco injusto, ya que alguien con buenas armas tipo carbine tendrian ventaja sobre los que llevan poco tiempo jugando o los jugadores no registrados

  • March 22, 2019 5:00 PM PDT

    SNES said:

    Un free for all podria ser un poco injusto, ya que alguien con buenas armas tipo carbine tendrian ventaja sobre los que llevan poco tiempo jugando o los jugadores no registrados

    ingles porfavor

    • 38 posts
    March 23, 2019 7:04 AM PDT

    Bueno yo no se casi nada de ingles me la tengo que pasar usando un traductor xd

  • March 23, 2019 9:50 AM PDT

    SNES said:

    Bueno yo no se casi nada de ingles me la tengo que pasar usando un traductor xd

     no tu Google Tranductor xD

    • 38 posts
    March 23, 2019 2:18 PM PDT

    Free for all could be a bit unfair, and that someone with good weapons like carbine will have an advantage over those who have not played for a long time or unregistered players

    • 6 posts
    March 23, 2019 2:20 PM PDT

    Seem like that is already the case for TDM. As far as I know there is no xp reward for your team winning, so better equiped players already have an advantage over new players.

    • 6 posts
    March 23, 2019 2:23 PM PDT

    Maybe having players pay about 100 coins to enter a Free for All elimination with the surviving player winning the pot would add some greater stakes to the mode.

    • 38 posts
    March 23, 2019 2:26 PM PDT
    So the only way for a free for all to work would be for it to be a gun game
    • 609 posts
    March 23, 2019 2:33 PM PDT

    SNES said:

    So the only way for a free for all to work would be for it to be a gun game


    Coin game is a game mode idea, its a merge between Gun Game, Kill Confirmed and Free for All from the Call Of Duty Franchise.

    There ain't no teams, it's all versus all, the player starts with an USP and a knife (default melee weapon) and upon killing an enemy a coin will appear on the spot that only the player can see.

    When the player pics up this said Coin he will be promoted to the next level, wielding now the next weapon, and so on and so on till he or someone else wins the game by completing the tast with all the weapons (the last being brassknuckles)

    Getting killed by a melee weapon sets you back, meaning that you'll have your weapon demoted.

    There is no time limit for the game

    No additional items and doesnt matter if you own the gun or not

    The coin will stay on the ground until the player picks it up

    Lets now imagine you kill a player and the coin is far away, you still haven't picked it up, therefore you haven't been promoted yet, and you kill another player near you, the coin will now appear on that kill spot instead of the previous one, this will repeat until you get the coin.


    (like to point out this ain't all the guns since some have been added like the VX)


    lastly, no, we could have either a game mode, a "one time event" thing or simply another game, as I said i've personality though of this (might post the doc later), would it be cool? ig, i personally enjoy BR games but is it worth the time and investment? no, warmerise has other stuff to be adressed

  • March 23, 2019 4:32 PM PDT

    STERBEN99 said:

    SNES said:

    So the only way for a free for all to work would be for it to be a gun game


    Coin game is a game mode idea, its a merge between Gun Game, Kill Confirmed and Free for All from the Call Of Duty Franchise.

    There ain't no teams, it's all versus all, the player starts with an USP and a knife (default melee weapon) and upon killing an enemy a coin will appear on the spot that only the player can see.

    When the player pics up this said Coin he will be promoted to the next level, wielding now the next weapon, and so on and so on till he or someone else wins the game by completing the tast with all the weapons (the last being brassknuckles)

    Getting killed by a melee weapon sets you back, meaning that you'll have your weapon demoted.

    There is no time limit for the game

    No additional items and doesnt matter if you own the gun or not

    The coin will stay on the ground until the player picks it up

    Lets now imagine you kill a player and the coin is far away, you still haven't picked it up, therefore you haven't been promoted yet, and you kill another player near you, the coin will now appear on that kill spot instead of the previous one, this will repeat until you get the coin.


    (like to point out this ain't all the guns since some have been added like the VX)


    lastly, no, we could have either a game mode, a "one time event" thing or simply another game, as I said i've personality though of this (might post the doc later), would it be cool? ig, i personally enjoy BR games but is it worth the time and investment? no, warmerise has other stuff to be adressed

    I really like this idea, the only thing that would be a problem, is noobs will end up spamming a lot of these weapons