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Pure cheating and nothing more.

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    • 74 posts
    July 29, 2019 1:41 PM PDT

    I just realise something. I have seen a player called Bra123 with a KDR of 6.16. Now, that smells like private server and bot killing. Is someone on warmerise that can actually do something about this kind of player ? Is pure cheating and nothing more !

    Also, there is a player called Joker1 that is untouchable by any bullet. Why is that ? ... I am not reffering that is good ... somphing is wrong in the game.

    This post was edited by TheRomanian at July 30, 2019 12:33 AM PDT
    • 164 posts
    July 29, 2019 11:13 PM PDT


    You noticed now?

    Joker1 I saw too. I call those "evade hacks". You shoot at them, then their cheat code registers this and reports a movement to the side with an earlier time stamp. The effect is that the cheater seemingly dances around all bullets.

    If you have the tomahawk, it's easy to verify this. I had one of those clowns standing right in front of me. When I threw the tomahawks at him, he automatically sidestepped left and right to all three of them. Both our pings were below 100 ms and it was humanly impossible to act that fast. Before, he had already dodged all bullets from me and others, basically “dancing around in the open” while shooting.

    I've also witnessed server hacks. One in particular was the “spawn protection extension”, where one would run around on the field “in god mode”, still covered by spawn protection.

    Then there are the numerous “auto aimers”, of course. Their favorite weapon is the Carbine, followed by the Vector X, and the A12 (or when they come as unregistered players, the UMP 40). I had more than one player hitting me reliably in the head from afar, where I could barely see them through the sniper scope. They seem to have algorithms, which undo recoil and spray.

    I remember many of those cheaters being from either JUST-DO-IT or INVICTUS clans. Somebody paid them to stalk me, it seems. Now those stalkers have different accounts. Usually with weird numbers, so that you can't remember them easily. Those old JUST-DO-IT and INVICTUS stalkers I haven't seen for a while. I don't know whether they've been banned or are simply protecting their accounts. I've witnessed JUST-DO-IT advertising cheats in games. Another time one of them bragged about having eight accounts and so on... When I brought up the topic of cheating, stalking and servers hacks they often named “Max”, as if he was a friend. I somewhat doubted that.

    I try to avoid games with that pestilence. They seem to be able to turn the cheats on and off. So, one minute they can play fair – the next, when beating them, they cheat again. Pointless.



    This post was edited by paco42 at July 29, 2019 11:15 PM PDT
    • 164 posts
    July 29, 2019 11:28 PM PDT

    Oh, I forgot the most popular: the notorious “lag hacks”.

    The normal “hack” being that somebody with big lag (ping way over 300 ms) will see people “as if they are frozen for a second or two” quite often. This cuts both ways, of course. However, if you take cover you can head shoot everybody like clicking buttons in your browser.

    The advanced cheats are when they are able to do this deliberately or automatically. That is, you shoot them. Their client registers the hit, but abstains from confirming it. Instead, it gives the cheater time to kill you. Then it will report that kill with a time stamp prior to your kill, upon which you will drop dead and the cheater will get away unharmed.

    I had people head shot running around for up to five seconds! I had cheaters, which I shot and then I had to immediately dug behind a wall as the only means to take them out. ;-)



    • 74 posts
    July 30, 2019 12:14 AM PDT

    paco42 said:


    You noticed now?

    Joker1 I saw too. I call those "evade hacks". You shoot at them, then their cheat code registers this and reports a movement to the side with an earlier time stamp. The effect is that the cheater seemingly dances around all bullets.

    If you have the tomahawk, it's easy to verify this. I had one of those clowns standing right in front of me. When I threw the tomahawks at him, he automatically sidestepped left and right to all three of them. Both our pings were below 100 ms and it was humanly impossible to act that fast. Before, he had already dodged all bullets from me and others, basically “dancing around in the open” while shooting.

    I've also witnessed server hacks. One in particular was the “spawn protection extension”, where one would run around on the field “in god mode”, still covered by spawn protection.

    Then there are the numerous “auto aimers”, of course. Their favorite weapon is the Carbine, followed by the Vector X, and the A12 (or when they come as unregistered players, the UMP 40). I had more than one player hitting me reliably in the head from afar, where I could barely see them through the sniper scope. They seem to have algorithms, which undo recoil and spray.

    I remember many of those cheaters being from either JUST-DO-IT or INVICTUS clans. Somebody paid them to stalk me, it seems. Now those stalkers have different accounts. Usually with weird numbers, so that you can't remember them easily. Those old JUST-DO-IT and INVICTUS stalkers I haven't seen for a while. I don't know whether they've been banned or are simply protecting their accounts. I've witnessed JUST-DO-IT advertising cheats in games. Another time one of them bragged about having eight accounts and so on... When I brought up the topic of cheating, stalking and servers hacks they often named “Max”, as if he was a friend. I somewhat doubted that.

    I try to avoid games with that pestilence. They seem to be able to turn the cheats on and off. So, one minute they can play fair – the next, when beating them, they cheat again. Pointless.





    This was very informative. Why do you think these people make many acounts ? let me tell you! It crossed my mind that if you use 4-5 computers and make a private server, then you can raise your XP indefenetly. That is why I am very suspicious on any player with a KDR bigger than 3. Even KDR=3 is suspicious.


    I have one and only acount, TheRomanian. My target is to get to top 100 and after that I will play only for plejure (not that I don't do that right now). The idea is that if one player plays fair, the experience makes him realy good. My skil for instance is strategy, not targeting for head shots.


    In the end, the idea is: if you look at the numbers inside an acount you imediatly know if a player is fair or not. For instance, I looked at WeAllGotToDie or AToTA or DU30, those are real hardworking players ! The numbers don't lie !


    But I look at bra123 and one can see that everithing is as a dream pipe and not real, just made with bots in private.

    This post was edited by TheRomanian at July 30, 2019 12:18 AM PDT
    • 74 posts
    July 30, 2019 12:30 AM PDT

    paco42 said:


    Oh, I forgot the most popular: the notorious “lag hacks”.

    The normal “hack” being that somebody with big lag (ping way over 300 ms) will see people “as if they are frozen for a second or two” quite often. This cuts both ways, of course. However, if you take cover you can head shoot everybody like clicking buttons in your browser.

    The advanced cheats are when they are able to do this deliberately or automatically. That is, you shoot them. Their client registers the hit, but abstains from confirming it. Instead, it gives the cheater time to kill you. Then it will report that kill with a time stamp prior to your kill, upon which you will drop dead and the cheater will get away unharmed.

    I had people head shot running around for up to five seconds! I had cheaters, which I shot and then I had to immediately dug behind a wall as the only means to take them out. ;-)




    I learned from some time now that if I don't shoot anyone and I get shooted at and killed every time, then I have to go out from the game because something isn't right, either is the lag, either are the cheats. Now, on many servers I encounter TOP players and get them many many times. Some of them stay (if they are for real) but others leave the server of fear that I lower their KDR. I don't get this obsession with the KDR ... if you have 2 than you are great ! that is it.


    Regarding Joker1, with his cheats, well I bet he is surprised many times when I am in the game :D


    Anyway, I worked on TheRomanian to get in top 200, not consistently but often enough. I expect this top to be a list of worthy players, not a corupted list ! 

    This post was edited by TheRomanian at July 30, 2019 12:33 AM PDT
    • 164 posts
    July 30, 2019 12:37 AM PDT

    I don't think that they create multiple accounts to gain XP. I've witnessed servers, where they were nothing but spawn-killing what appeared to be mindless bots. I left, of course.

    I think they need multiple accounts for pestering people with their cheats. If they ever get banned, they only burn an "expendable" one...

    I don't look at the stats at all. Often though, their nicks already give them away. When you spot an – allegedly – super player with a nick like "lah34sd40Pd2X8T37", that's almost certainly a cheat account.


    I had one cheater, which I just couldn't hit with the Rail Gun. Not even from close. He got me every time, dodging each bullet. Then I did something idiotic: I switched to the Mini Gun, which sprays incredibly. He couldn't dodge my bullets anymore. He ended up leaving the server. Turns out that the "super player" was just a bad player cheating. Deprived of his "evasion hacks", he was utterly useless. :-)



    • 164 posts
    July 30, 2019 12:42 AM PDT


    Like I said, I don't care about KDR or the "top whatever". I had games, where I was just jumping around with knuckles. Others, where I tested the (most useless) long range grenades. I like to drive around in cars, even on top. Usually, this means getting shot for sure. :-)


    This post was edited by paco42 at July 30, 2019 12:42 AM PDT
    • 98 posts
    July 30, 2019 7:36 AM PDT

    "evade cheat code"

    - This game is FAST paced, and I mean it, the movement speed is really fast compared to other games, hence evading bullets is an easy work

    - Evading additionals such as tomahawk is an easy job, the speed of the "throw" is really slow, you can practically see the tomahawk from miles away, evading them is as I said "easy job"

    "they have systems that undo recoil and spray"

    - Though systems like this exist, it is useless in this game, spraying is a nonsense when you really thought about it, and recoil is minimal, actually, with higher sensitivity recoil "doesn´t" exist

    "lag cheaters"

    - This game runs on a browser, on a pretty unstable engine, where pretty good pcs may have some troubles, so someone with bad pc has problems with ping and fps, not mentioning the small community this game has, so people tend to play in different regions than they are supposed to play in

    "names like enjíinfcwef89fv41dfv89d1v81d are straight cheaters, or some kind of cheating accs"

    - This game has a big "population" of kids, whose are under 10 even, do you expect some fancy names from kids whose native language is totally different than english?

    "invictus and just do it stalk me"

    - ....rofl

    - as I said small community = minimal number of servers, bigger chance of meeting them ( I know, pretty epic )

    "people who have bigger kdr than 3 are suspicious"

    - another rofl right here

    - the difference between performance ( matters on pc, net etc) is a big deal, AND the gap between a new player and a skilled player here is just like grand canyon but multiplied by 3, players are like invictus and just do it are fine example of good auto users, anyone that is new to this game, and has low experience in fps games, could and will call them hacker, and I am only mentioning ( don´t take it against me ) but middle class of skilled players, so skillfull place as Sky ( private server ) is another level

    - and this thing up ^, basically explains people who bigger kdr than 7, anyone that has good amount of skill, will get 30-5 every game ( this is a mere mediocre score that I am ashamed of if I get it in low skill server .d )

    and I will quote TheRomanian; "  I don't shoot anyone and I get shooted at and killed every time "

    and you think that this this sentence I quoted is something that describes hackers/cheaters, I think it is obvious someone who shoots you and you don´t, he will kill you 


    This post was edited by Kazuya at July 30, 2019 7:41 AM PDT
    • 98 posts
    July 30, 2019 7:37 AM PDT

    and lastly, you should rather took screens, or take videos of the "hackers" you mentioned, because this forum thread just looks like salty boys who can´t fight these players who just excuse themselves that others hack, I am not insulting you, but you need to agree with me that what I have said is a complete fact

    ( and the thing that you said " they hire players to stalk me" just shows that you are delusional, probably pretty egoistic player, which goes along the fact that you call every 3rd player a hacker )

    This post was edited by Kazuya at July 30, 2019 7:50 AM PDT
    • 164 posts
    July 30, 2019 9:25 AM PDT

    That's how we know these folks, they throw polemics and twist things around. If you go for the crap, you have already lost.
    Of course, not a few cheaters didn't even deny doing so. The tone was rather: "Well, why don't you try to do something about it!"
    Should I run a screen capture at 60 fps with each game in advance?
    It's just a browser game. I generally don't take games very seriously. Nonetheless, the above information is correct.

    You're obviously attempting to insult, which doesn't come as a surprise. It fits right in, actually. ;-)


    • 164 posts
    July 30, 2019 9:31 AM PDT

    I keep getting friend requests. As I keep telling, because of the stalking, I cannot take ANY friend requests. Apologies.


    • 98 posts
    July 30, 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    At least you understand, to that insult part, it was an insult, but true one indeed, you don´t if you don´t take this game seriously, but, here you are, making a thread where you tell how people hack, tell me, isn´t it a bit, too far for not being serious?, Well, I apologise too, I may have come rude at you. but there isn´t otherway in this community

    • 164 posts
    July 30, 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    I didn't "make" the thread. Furthermore, I can't recall ever seeing you in a game. You remind me of "robot calls". I'll put you on ignore.

    This post was edited by paco42 at July 30, 2019 10:36 AM PDT
    • 98 posts
    July 31, 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    I am not playing regular pubs, so it is obviously true, do you think I care who created this cry for help forums? "robot calls" well, I quite enjoy you calling me like that, and I have seen you in public, you just probably don´t remember and I clearly remember how you called me a hacker, but whatever.

    • 4 posts
    August 2, 2019 6:37 AM PDT

    AHHAHAHAHAHHA OMG. This Paco42 noob was insulting me and fuj147 in a public server in rabwah, saying I use aimbot and speed hack. You play like a 5 year old, you think like a 5 year old, you have the mentality of a 5 year old. You honestly think anyone that is skilled in the game hacks? What are you? An idiot? Omg, you truly resemble a delusional moron, thinking that every single one of his deaths are due to people hacking in the game. 1st of all, hacking is almost impossible with this game because of the new anti cheat system, second off. If you want to complain about the hackers, take a note of their names down and when you see them playing, record them. Don't fuc.king sit here like a little bi.tch complaining. 

    • 4 posts
    August 2, 2019 6:38 AM PDT

    And please, don't reply. I don't want to lose brain cells whilst reading your moronic reply, just let my 1st answer sink into that 2 iq brain of yours.

    • 395 posts
    August 2, 2019 7:52 AM PDT

    Kazuya said:

    And please, don't reply. I don't want to lose brain cells whilst reading your moronic reply, just let my 1st answer sink into that 2 iq brain of yours.






    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    August 2, 2019 1:26 PM PDT

    High KDR is not always cheating (someone could create a new account and have 14 kills and 1 death, which would give 14 kdr, so per se high kdr is not cheating, unless the player has alot of kills and very few deaths), but if you suspect someone is cheating or hacking, please provide a screenshot or a video evidence.

    For now I'm locking this topic.