
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 248 members led by JonhWick
  • 83 members led by alexX1Xx
    pode vir todos os BR interessados em entrar no clã


    ...  more
  • 11 members led by R0CK
    No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.
  • 230 members led by TERMINATOR1000

    -New members will be accepted on December 23, 2025....  more
  • 107 members led by Krystian
    Witamy i Zapraszamy :-)
  • 332 members led by BlueToonYoshi
    We are just one big family. A group of silly brothers that fight to have fun and for what is right.

    Don't hesitate to join us!
  • 32 members led by rayvenflame
    A clan for skilled players together we will dominate the field and lay waste to our rivals
    -We are envied We are dreaded We are FearTactic-
  • 27 members led by Avenger782
    We spill the blood needed to be spilled in battle. We know that it is our business.
    That's how we work; With war!

    We are blood thirsty killers. We fight for loyalty and strength. We fight for what is right....  more
  • 292 members led by AbdulahiAdan22
    real ogs only
    this goes way wayy wayy back
  • 1 member led by Immortal
    Game Over. You Lose :)