
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 2 members led by JM2K7
  • 9 members led by LightningStorm
    We are the Order. We are the Legends.
    We don't give in without a fight.
    Welcome to the Eagle Force.
  • 1 member led by andryy
    |[A.G]| Lealtad Y Honor
  • 6 members led by Noirs
  • 14 members led by EpicTr0ll
    me depression...
  • 20 members led by HyperCZ
    You only live once.

    I prefer to play free, so the rules are only:
    ...  more
  • 6 members led by THEBOSS42
    Rank under 1,000 or kill-to-death ratio over 1.3

    If you get in this clan and use the clan tag I will give you 1K each month!

    Be reminded this clan is pro
  • 6 members led by xROoOoOoOy
    one of the most skilled clan.
    (this clan part of Days-clans)
    Top 3 clan:
  • 30 members led by Tommy160
    Wir sind deutsche und stehen für unser Team ein.
    Jeder der sich benimmt und nicht ausfällig wird ist
    hier gerne willkommen.
    Anführer der Gruppe Nr.1 ist Harry.....Nr.2 ist Tommy160
  • 40 members led by knifren
    We are Samurai's who kill people in the shadows with high speed, We kill with no mercy
    We are unbeatable!

    We are not afraid of death...  more