tallsick3v2's Polls

Getting shot at when using a sniper

Usually when i'm using my sniper especially when aiming down sights, when i get shot at with an automatic weapon it shakes too much and its really hard to counter. Do you think they should reduce the amount of shake when getting shot at?
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  • tallsick3v2 likes this
  • tallsick3v2
    tallsick3v2 But also if you have your own way to counter this, please tell me! :D
    April 20, 2020 - 1 likes this
  • Dyscret
    Dyscret Find cover, or someplace hidden where you're hard to notice. Also make sure that if you do get noticed, only a small part of you can be seen by the enemy, so they'll have to get close or have amazing aim to damage you even a little. While they're struggli...  more
    April 21, 2020 - 1 likes this
  • tallsick3v2
    tallsick3v2 Yes i know that, but im the type that sometimes rushes to close combat with a sniper and hope for the best ahaha
    April 21, 2020
  • warmeriseabbasaliR9
    warmeriseabbasaliR9 Mate experienced players can just scope head shot anyone, the shacking is to counter this.
    April 23, 2020 - 1 likes this