Ninjamurai313's Polls

Does God exist?

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  • TERMINATOR1000 likes this
  • Force123
    Force123 there is a lot of religions in this world like hinduism buddhism judaism and christianity and islam but all have a god except buddhism
    November 2, 2021
  • xChapo
    xChapo Talha my brother said one time, everyone started by 0, every life has been developed due bacterys, every single life, a bactery cell is seperating hisself every 20 minutes but if we count downx, we reach one…And everything started with the first explosion...  more
    November 2, 2021
  • Force123
    Force123 I agree with what xChapo said about what Talha said
    November 2, 2021
  • Ninjamurai313
    Ninjamurai313 You see, the misconception is that God is this guy sitting in the clouds, pointing his finger at whatever he wants, and occasionally getting angry at people and drowning them.

    True, a person like this couldn’t create a universe. But when we talk of an a...  more
    November 3, 2021 - 1 likes this