Cenz's Polls

Revolver |vs| LSMG3

Do you think Revolver is better or LSMG3 is better? I think that Revolver outperforms the LSMG3 by far; the fire rate and damage are easily overcome, time to kill as well, and as much as you want to find long-distance use of the LSMG3, the bullet spread of the revolver is still better.
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  • a4771
    a4771 Yo Cenz
    August 21, 2022
  • xCorona
    xCorona I agree with first and the 4th answer, but it really depends on preferences
    August 22, 2022
  • Dispater
    Dispater revolver is much better because of 1 it is cheaper. of 2: it is a secondary weapon, and of power casi similar to the lsmg, thus as much to take a revolver in secondary and an automatic or a sniper in primary weapon.
    August 22, 2022