pokemonster's Polls

What should i get next?

These ideas are what I was thinking of, if you have other suggestions pls type them in the comments
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  • a4771
    a4771 if u dont wanna hear me yap its alr but....
    Plasma is a good semi gun that is easy to learn and it shoots where u aim 100% of the time(overall 96/100)
    G36 is a good auto but it has alot of recoil (crouching nerfs the recoil by alot) and its pretty much a ...  more
    January 3 - 1 likes this
  • a4771
    a4771 but before buying any of these please try them out with a firend that owns them.
    u wanna make sure u like the gun
    January 3 - 1 likes this