xXItzShadowPlayzYTXx's Polls

What should i buy?

I have 25000 cash what should i buy?
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  • T567bigmj likes this
  • bdf1970
    bdf1970 Fallen is correct I think carbine is your best bet for a good weapon
    October 12, 2020
  • CommunistCyborg
    CommunistCyborg Vector X
    October 12, 2020
  • THEGOD2006
    THEGOD2006 i have a mini g and i can sell it for 7500 and i also have 3000 of money so pls tell what can i buy after saving
    October 12, 2020
  • Commandment
    Commandment I actually hate the carbine with a passion
    October 12, 2020