Hotz's Polls

Best player in game

Who is best player in game ?
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  35 votes  |  597 views
  • Ryusei likes this
  • Ezra
    Ezra imagine who cares the idea of ​​a bot that nobody knows
    April 9, 2021
  • A8b8c8d9
    A8b8c8d9 Wait is Airwolf a bot?
    April 9, 2021
  • Kazuya
    Kazuya lmao anyone who has knowledge about old wrm knows that Barbsie and fuj147 were the 2 best players
    April 9, 2021
  • f0rsaken
    f0rsaken also why tf does Psy's name look like an autistic **** wrote it
    April 9, 2021