lavan's Polls

What type of a video do you need next?

What type of a video do you need next?
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  10 votes  |  78 views
  • sanjeev4214a likes this
  • sanjeev4214a
    sanjeev4214a Collaboration xD
    August 5, 2021 - 1 likes this
    AIRFOXX Only gravity gun gameplay or teach to snipe like a pro.
    August 5, 2021 - 1 likes this
  • ethesoldier
    ethesoldier Š̸͚T̶̞͠O̷̢̒Ṕ̷̡ ̷̫͂W̴̛͕A̴̻͗S̷̟̃Ť̸͕Ị̸̿Ṇ̵̆G̸͇̕ ̴̹͆Y̶͎̍O̷͓̽U̷̙͂R̴̖̊ ̶̞̀Ḽ̸̑Ȋ̴̪F̴̣͝E̸̫̐.̴̯̓ ̴̞͘T̷̼̋H̵͖̉I̷̫͌S̴̺̏ ̸̼͝I̴͔̚S̵͈̾ ̸͔̚Ạ̸̈́ ̶̙͛C̷̞͘U̴̘͋R̸̢̐S̶̺̓E̸̦͗.̶̗̈́ ̵̻́Ḩ̶͝E̵̪͘ ̴̩̀Ẁ̸̖Ả̶̤N̷̦͒T̶͊͜S̴͓̄ ̸̱̈́Y̸͓̒O̴̡̽Ū̵̫R̶͔̂ ̵̜̀S̸̯͝O̵̡͊U̶̯͐L̸̝̃.̸̭̂
    August 7, 2021
  • RoronoaZoro5221
    RoronoaZoro5221 Lessons for sniper
    August 8, 2021