DispaterToiletPaper's Polls

hi guys me big pro

hello my name is dispater i am very big pro on warmerise.
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  15 votes  |  316 views
  • LUCIFER23 likes this
  • Dispater
    Dispater but why are you talking, I'm just waiting for Max's answer
    November 6, 2021
  • f0rsaken
    f0rsaken And this is another reason to to do dumb sh*t. You will end up being blamed for it later.
    November 6, 2021
  • Xanto
    Xanto toilet paper ahahahahahaa
    November 6, 2021
  • AxereN
    AxereN making diffrent accounts to attack users for sh*ts and giggles. honestly, quit it. calling people "12 yr old kid" when you act like 5.
    November 6, 2021