Sloooom's Polls


Do you advise me to stop the game (I will apply the results of this vote)
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  31 votes  |  358 views
  • Andrey06042012 likes this
  • flyingDonkey345
    flyingDonkey345 It's your life. Do whatever you feel like you wanted to
    January 2, 2023 - 3 like this
  • kronoschmp
    kronoschmp if you play a game for fun should be fine. if you play for stats then it may become a problem in your life
    January 3, 2023 - 1 likes this
  • Sloooom
    Sloooom @Kingler for fun and have a good statics.
    @Esabele I think that the matter should not be completely free, because God is watching us, and He will judge us when we return to Him after death, and I want to know your opinion on this matter.
    @braveboy thx
    @kr...  more
    January 3, 2023 - 1 likes this
  • flyingDonkey345
    flyingDonkey345 I mean it's literally just a browser game, it's not a sin for God
    January 25, 2023