foxland2022's Polls

New Mode?

Shouuld we need a new mode? WeLL idk if the New Owner Would make it but You.. Warmerise Community! Are you tired of this Modes and it is Boring? But if you dont want more Modes iss okeh! :v these are my Suggestion if ya want a new mode.. Or New Smth else..
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  • foxland2022
    foxland2022 Dang Bruh thanks for ya all's Opinion and the owner literally is ded.. and yea Pokemonster, Parkour would be Cool with grav and other.. We needed power boost for that too. Would be really cool if the Owner be really seem to care about us.. Especially when...  more
    January 19
  • foxland2022
    foxland2022 Not really sure if The Owner is really doing smth .. its Really boring without those modes.. or maybe other ppl dont really became bored? idk.
    Solo Practice with some bbots for the New Ppl or players would be really
    needed. Capture The Flag and guns or N...  more
    January 19
  • pokemonster
    pokemonster How much do you think warmerise could be bought for guys seriously
    January 19
  • foxland2022
    foxland2022 No idea :/
    January 19