February 13, 2017 4:09 PM PST
-User: DarkCris - Years: - Country: Venezuela - Gender: Male- History of the clan and why they left their previous clans: I left my previous clans because I always wanted to enter the Legion before it closed Warmerise- Who / where did you hear about us? : I was seeing in the section of clans and left Legion and also because I saw agutin10 in a server using the clan* - Why do you want to join | ?: Because it is a clan that the players are respected and are loyal to the clan and because I always wanted to enter Legion* - What does loyalty mean to you ?: loyalty to me is a family that will never betray you* - What does | Clan means to you: For me the Legion clan is the best clan and it would be an honor to be a member of the Legion clan* - What is your goal with | | ?: Reach the maximum of my potential to be able to lead the clan to make Clan number 1 of Warmerise* - What makes you different from the other players ?: Nothing we are all equal but some strive to be top* - What is your weekly game schedule ?: each day I play 3 or 4 hours depending on the classes* - Have you ever played with a member of | |?: If I have played with a clan member before the game was closed and I have also played with a clan member* - Did you read our rules correctly and understood them ?: Yes, and I am willing to meet all