Q36378r's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 50 of 173 in Wall Photos

do you think abortion is murder....... or women's rights? in my opinion abortion is murdering baby's that never had seen the world before that's just wrong. tell me your opinion in the comments!
  • Commandment and leandroPRO like this
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r R9 is scared of talking about abortion you got no balls xD
    November 19, 2020
  • warmeriseabbasaliR9
    warmeriseabbasaliR9 Q36378r its cause this is a among community, these type of things can and have divided things that's y im not taking here but if u want to message me.
    November 20, 2020
  • agent743
    agent743 oh i seen in bbc news about 1 nurse murdered 8 babies and they investigate the case "baby deaths" so thats very sad of ladies who wr crying to be a mother but babies died
    November 20, 2020
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r dam agent wtf
    November 27, 2020