What's your favorite against a jet or car? G36, LSMG3 or others?
Does anyone know how many damage points each gun does to a vehicle? My little CPW seems to be better than the sniper so is it just hit rate that's needed and the Head/Torso/Limb damage of each gun isn't what is damaged to a jet? So might the mini-G be a good choice?
triangle said:Hit rate is all that matters as far as I know, so mini-gun is the best option.
This is my experience as well. The Carbine has also worked well for me in the past, but the G36 just doesn't have the magazine capacity to fight back.
For humvees (cars) specifically, M67s do a LOT of damage to them if you can manage to get the grenade to explode in the right spot
chronospectrum said: Okay let's not get carried away here; the jet has a frankly stupid amount of hp and does require most of your bullets to hit in order to kill a jet. The carbine will take more than a full magazine, likewise with the g36. The minig might manage to do it in 200 rounds, but I haven't tested this after the addition of the weak spot.
Mini-G does considerable damage to jets, although it has a movement pentalty that can be difficult to move away from the jet firing rockets at you. Gravitygun is a substitute for this minor issue. I haven't tested it on the jet's weak are specifically. I am not sure exactly where it is located. I figured out that the weak area on the humvee is the radius around the gascap on the side of the vehicle doing aproximatley twice the damage (14) instead of 7.