so this is the deal, dont you think custom maps will "divide" even more players? i mean, our current servers are like 4/16 and things like, personally i love a good map with a lot of players, really gives that thrill of the fight like 10vs10 to its just amazing, howver we still don´t see a lot of maps like that (mainly due to still low members in comparison with old warmerise) so dont you think custom maps like before would create this problems of a lot of server with only 2, 3 players in it? pls give me your opinion below
honestly i only like:
Secret Lab
Sky Gates
to me: Area 56 sucks...i mean the concept is ok but it could be better made, snowy canyon is "nice" but almost never has a lot of players, T Pile, also like the concept, although it could also be better made, the road i dont like, even with 10 v 10 the terrains doesnt promote the fight, only snip once in a while
Why hate on one map and like the other, there are other players that like playing in a certian map like "The Road" and not on a map like Dustland. If you don't like that map just don't play on it and let the other players enjoy playing on that map rather saying "REMOVE THIS MAP"
Polandmatt234 said:Why hate on one map and like the other, there are other players that like playing in a certian map like "The Road" and not on a map like Dustland. If you don't like that map just don't play on it and let the other players enjoy playing on that map rather saying "REMOVE THIS MAP"
that's why its called "MY opinion" xd
and i dont say to remove, just to change a bit in order to bring more players to the server
Profezzional said: Sterben99 I think you make a legitimate point about how custom maps could divide the player base, resulting in fewer players per server on average. So for that point, I would say the community isn't ready for custom maps yet. I don't know why you're bringing it up though, because Max already said he's not bringing them back (at least for a long while). As for cleaning out the existing maps, I think there could be several different possible reactions from the the community. One option is like you said, players could condense onto fewer maps, resulting in more populated servers. Another option is the game may lose some players. I know a lot of people who play 90% of their time on only one or two maps. If their favorite maps are removed, they might leave or play a lot less. A third option is people may just make as many servers, so there may not be much effect. Because there aren't often very many servers to choose from, and because many players choose servers based on the region, game mode, ping, and number of players, in addition to the map, people may still not find servers they want to/can play in, and may still create just as many servers. Another option is some combination of those effects, or something else, that may happen. Now to your other point of naming a couple maps in particular, I personally really like The Road. With a gravity gun, and anticipating where people will go, I can still get a lot of kills on that map. Base is a bit buggy, but that's mostly because of the hummers, I think. I personally dislike TPile and Skygates because of the jets. Aside from what maps I like, I disagree that there should be fewer maps in the game. I think that the problem of players being spread out too much can be fixed by advertising that the game is back, bringing more players into the game. However, if for some reason Max did decide to get rid of some maps, I think that the most fair way to do it would be for him to look at the server statistics and see which maps are played on the most, instead of only listening to a few people's opinions.
i bring the subject up mainly for two reason xd:
1- i was bored
2- thre's been a lot of Buzz going on about that
now about the maps, dispite i "dont like" TheRoad i see some good things about it, those tense minutes u spent scanning the landscpae seraching for snipers for instances, and there are some things i dont like in some maps i "like", for example skygates is a very Red-Teamish because of the jet
I also agree that part to bring more players, Max has been working on warmerise non-stop, it has taken a lot from him, wich as led to a low presence on social networks, like FB and youtube, twitter etc, personally i think we shoul create like a fandom page on fb and youtube with some cool content to bring more players to the game