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Guess I had just about enough

    • 452 posts
    June 23, 2020 1:27 PM PDT

    ThatAwesomeGuy/SirAws here, not for long.

    It is not anyone's fault, it is me which becomes addicted too easily. I removed all friends and will change my password to something I can't remember soon, but before I do so I would like to say that a few people here mean a lot for me. but I'm leaving for good, I just had it with this site.


    A small gift for the community in hope of keeping it a little better than before: a folder full of all the skins I made and the files I used in order to do so.


    Cheers from one out of a few people here who tried staying ethical. 

    This post was edited by SirAws at June 23, 2020 3:25 PM PDT
    • 289 posts
    June 23, 2020 1:47 PM PDT

    SirAws said:

    ThatAwesomeGuy/SirAws here, not for long.

    It is not anyone's fault, it is me which becomes addicted too easily. I removed all friends and will change my password to something I can't remember soon, but before I do so I would like to say that a few people here mean a lot for me. but I'm leaving for good, I just had it with this site.


    A small gift for the community in hope of keeping it a little better than before: a folder full of all the skins I made and the files I used in order to do so.


    Cheers from one out of a few people here who tried staying ethical.

    Acc sharing ;D?

    • 144 posts
    June 23, 2020 3:58 PM PDT
    I will miss you. You are a good guy awsy.
    • 183 posts
    June 23, 2020 5:13 PM PDT

    see u my dear friend

    • 21 posts
    June 23, 2020 5:56 PM PDT

    pipipi said:

    SirAws said:

    ThatAwesomeGuy/SirAws here, not for long.

    It is not anyone's fault, it is me which becomes addicted too easily. I removed all friends and will change my password to something I can't remember soon, but before I do so I would like to say that a few people here mean a lot for me. but I'm leaving for good, I just had it with this site.


    A small gift for the community in hope of keeping it a little better than before: a folder full of all the skins I made and the files I used in order to do so.


    Cheers from one out of a few people here who tried staying ethical.

    Acc sharing ;D?

    You're a miserable **** for even considering that; very ironic thing to offer to someone who's last words on here were about them remaining ethical.

    • 183 posts
    June 23, 2020 6:04 PM PDT

    Lemo said:

    pipipi said:

    SirAws said:

    ThatAwesomeGuy/SirAws here, not for long.

    It is not anyone's fault, it is me which becomes addicted too easily. I removed all friends and will change my password to something I can't remember soon, but before I do so I would like to say that a few people here mean a lot for me. but I'm leaving for good, I just had it with this site.


    A small gift for the community in hope of keeping it a little better than before: a folder full of all the skins I made and the files I used in order to do so.


    Cheers from one out of a few people here who tried staying ethical.

    Acc sharing ;D?

    You're a miserable **** for even considering that; very ironic thing to offer to someone who's last words on here were about them remaining ethical.


    • 289 posts
    June 24, 2020 5:20 AM PDT

    Lemo said:

    pipipi said:

    SirAws said:

    ThatAwesomeGuy/SirAws here, not for long.

    It is not anyone's fault, it is me which becomes addicted too easily. I removed all friends and will change my password to something I can't remember soon, but before I do so I would like to say that a few people here mean a lot for me. but I'm leaving for good, I just had it with this site.


    A small gift for the community in hope of keeping it a little better than before: a folder full of all the skins I made and the files I used in order to do so.


    Cheers from one out of a few people here who tried staying ethical.

    Acc sharing ;D?

    You're a miserable **** for even considering that; very ironic thing to offer to someone who's last words on here were about them remaining ethical.

    Shut up you **** and go, keep crying 

    • 144 posts
    June 24, 2020 6:40 AM PDT

    @pipipi Çyka Blyat

    • 289 posts
    June 24, 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    RoyalChallenger said:

    @pipipi Çyka Blyat

    wow what an intelligent comment, want a Chupa Chups?

    • 144 posts
    June 24, 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Go away dude, this is about saying good bye to a good friend not about getting people's accs and crap.

    • 289 posts
    June 24, 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    RoyalChallenger said:

    Go away dude, this is about saying good bye to a good friend not about getting people's accs and crap.


    cool, let me guess how many hours you needed to write such a smart response? 2? no i think 3

    • 144 posts
    June 24, 2020 12:26 PM PDT
    Well, I just called the jerk store and they said they are all out of pipipi
    • 289 posts
    June 24, 2020 1:03 PM PDT

    RoyalChallenger said: Well, I just called the jerk store and they said they are all out of pipipi

    Of course they're out, you're here... there was no need to disturb them

    • 144 posts
    June 24, 2020 1:12 PM PDT
    Me being here has nothing to do with you being a jerk, what are you even trying to say?
    • 289 posts
    June 24, 2020 1:16 PM PDT

    RoyalChallenger said: Me being here has nothing to do with you being a jerk, what are you even trying to say?

    Wont spend my time explaining some monkey whats written in my post

    • 144 posts
    June 24, 2020 6:00 PM PDT
    Man you need to learn how to speak English.
    • 452 posts
    June 25, 2020 1:49 AM PDT

    I'll just post something more formal I guess

    • 289 posts
    June 25, 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    RoyalChallenger said: Man you need to learn how to speak English.

    Let's do it together, so we both benefit

    • 144 posts
    June 25, 2020 1:40 PM PDT

    Good Idea.

    • 289 posts
    June 25, 2020 2:22 PM PDT

    RoyalChallenger said:

    Good Idea.

    lol guess what ? I apologize, it wasn't good from my side to ask for an account of a guy that's leaving the game, even as a joke that's no excuse, plus i should't have told you all these bad things. I am sorry dude.

    • 144 posts
    June 25, 2020 2:58 PM PDT


    It's alright, I was also a jerk. I apologize too.

  • June 25, 2020 4:51 PM PDT

    farewell sir we had great times , ill miss you

    • 260 posts
    June 25, 2020 5:11 PM PDT

    You'll be missed AwesomeGuy everyone here will miss you. 

    • 33 posts
    June 26, 2020 3:22 AM PDT

    i wil miss u incredible me friend good bye