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Warmerise - 2.3.3

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    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    February 17, 2017 9:47 PM PST

    Warmerise - 2.3.3

    - Added custom weapon skins
    - Changed walking and sprinting animations
    - It's now possible to aim and shoot while running
    - Slightly increased bullet speed
    - Added borders around user avatars in scoreboard
    - Added user avatars into round final screen
    - Now server must allow atleast 8 players to able gain XP (To prevent XP farming)
    - Fixed speedhack
    - Fixed bug when sometimes player would freeze and unable to shoot
    - Increased networking sendrate to reduce lag
    - Performance optimizations

    Check this FAQ to get more familiar with Custom Skins feature:

    Update 1

    - Now players need to have atleast 5000 XP to be able create new skin
    - Slightly tweaked running/walking/crouching animations
    - Possibly fixed speedhack and jumping hack
    - Now instead of clicking "Search" you can press enter when searching skins
    - Disabled aiming or shooting while running

    Update 2 (

    - Updated antihacking system to detect speed hack

    This post was edited by Admin at February 20, 2017 2:36 PM PST
    • 141 posts
    February 17, 2017 9:53 PM PST
    Yesss .. first time ever... I am the first one to comment.
    Great work Max...
    But 8 players??? Thats too much.. 6 would have been sufficient I guess
    (P.S.- For a catalogue of skins made by me visit )
    This post was edited by RaMa at February 18, 2017 1:45 AM PST
    • 18 posts
    February 17, 2017 10:31 PM PST
    Nice update but 8 players too many.4v3 xp will not come
    • 1 posts
    February 17, 2017 11:38 PM PST

    Nobody have seen this o_O

    This post was edited by Lonnberg7 at February 21, 2017 8:56 AM PST
    • 7 posts
    February 17, 2017 11:43 PM PST
    Skin update is a nice update, but it is not good not to enter xp unless it is 8 or more, I think that it is better for 4 people to enter xp as it used to be
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    February 18, 2017 12:00 AM PST

    ARakoukaMK2 said:

    Skin update is a nice update, but it is not good not to enter xp unless it is 8 or more, I think that it is better for 4 people to enter xp as it used to be

    To clarify, 8 players is a minimum server limit not a players in server, but you will start getting XP if there is 4 or more players, same as before.

    The reason for this is that previously some players would create 4/4 servers and fill it with bots and nobody else could join it

    • 141 posts
    February 18, 2017 12:02 AM PST

    Thanks for the clarification Max... We all misunderstood your meaning.  XD

    This post was edited by RaMa at February 18, 2017 12:03 AM PST
    • 281 posts
    February 18, 2017 1:24 AM PST
    Why Rockangel and Arakouka dont like the new update to fix xp farming?
    • 281 posts
    February 18, 2017 2:01 AM PST
    I am the only one finds avatars in final screen useless and ugly? And i dont like the sprint :v
    • 141 posts
    February 18, 2017 2:04 AM PST
    No not just you... Me too.
    • 82 posts
    February 18, 2017 3:43 AM PST

    Aiming and shooting while running ruined everything.

    This post was edited by Q2SD34C at February 18, 2017 3:45 AM PST
  • February 18, 2017 4:30 AM PST

    Why max you removed Invinite Sprint!! i thought we were Friends!!!

    • 6 posts
    February 18, 2017 5:26 AM PST
    Will there be clan only skins
    • 20 posts
    February 18, 2017 6:24 AM PST


    This post was edited by Ozan at February 25, 2017 3:33 AM PST
    • 82 posts
    February 18, 2017 8:41 AM PST

    Can you add the old sprinting? (Without shooting and aiming while running)

    • 8 posts
    February 18, 2017 8:43 AM PST

    I want to make some skins for the L115A3, but how can i have a preview of the weapon with my skin before uploading?

    • 289 posts
    February 18, 2017 9:42 AM PST
    New "Silence Killer" Collection available in shop for only 100 !!

    • 21 posts
    February 18, 2017 11:56 AM PST

    Misunderstood what Max meant the first time I read it. I can't delete this post, so I'll edit it to say I agree.

    All it means is that you cannot create 4-player servers. I don't see a problem there.

    Though apparently you can still create 2-player servers. I don't think that's a problem necessarily, but I think it's unnecessary, since if people want to 1v1 they can just make a private server.

    This post was edited by Profezzional at February 18, 2017 12:44 PM PST
    • 260 posts
    February 18, 2017 9:24 PM PST

    I used the flamethrower and didn't see any flames coming out of it.

  • February 19, 2017 4:24 AM PST

    @Max i have 3 problems,if you can help me out.

    Sometimes when i go to full speed on car and hit someone,it doesn't give him any damage or and on xp counter it won't show 101 damage to (PlayerName),and no kill.And i won't get any assest if he is dead.

    And also sometimes i hit someone with a weapon like sniper and i  hit him in torso or head,he won't take any damage and if someone kills him i get no assest so that is a big problem.

    And after all i have this problem while surfing on the web. I tried to clearing my cache and my cookies and reinstalling unity web player and disabling ad-block and still the same probleme.But i can acces to the Warmerise sometimes but rarely.

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at February 19, 2017 4:25 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    February 19, 2017 4:58 PM PST

    Update 1

    - Now players need to have atleast 5000 XP to be able create new skin
    - Slightly tweaked running/walking/crouching animations
    - Possibly fixed speedhack and jumping hack
    - Now instead of clicking "Search" you can press enter when searching skins
    - Disabled aiming or shooting while running


    This post was edited by Admin at February 19, 2017 5:29 PM PST
    • 328 posts
    February 19, 2017 5:05 PM PST

    Max said:

    Update 1

    - Now players need to have atleast 5000 XP to be able create new skin
    - Slightly tweaked running/walking/crouching animations
    - Possibly fixed speedhack and jumping hack
    - Now instead of clicking "Search" you can press enter when searching skins

    Thank you.

    I would say to clean the store so people can reupload skins and everyone can have an equal advantage.

    • 609 posts
    February 19, 2017 5:08 PM PST

    Max said:

    Update 1

    - Now players need to have atleast 5000 XP to be able create new skin
    - Slightly tweaked running/walking/crouching animations
    - Possibly fixed speedhack and jumping hack
    - Now instead of clicking "Search" you can press enter when searching skins

    take a vacation pal you deserve it xd

    • 328 posts
    February 19, 2017 5:15 PM PST

    STERBEN99 said:

    Max said:

    Update 1

    - Now players need to have atleast 5000 XP to be able create new skin
    - Slightly tweaked running/walking/crouching animations
    - Possibly fixed speedhack and jumping hack
    - Now instead of clicking "Search" you can press enter when searching skins

    take a vacation pal you deserve it xd

    Lol, 4 months are enough for vacation.

    • 1 posts
    February 19, 2017 5:24 PM PST

    Was the running while aiming removed because it doesnt allow me to do it anymore.