Warmerise - 2.6.1
- Added new primary weapon "GA3A"
- Fixed bug when Sky Trooper hands in fps view were positioned slightly to the side
- Updated networking library
- Bug fixes and improvements
Update 1
- Changed ping limit to 500
- Slightly increased "GA3A" weapon damage
Update 2
- Fixed bug when players with a third-person view enabled would be able to use it on servers with TPV disabled
Crimsix said:This update is very good. I don't want to see like a jerk, but is there any way that the GA3A could have more ammo per magazine?
I agree.
I'd like to see this gun be a higher capacity (40 ammo?), low damage weapon. Right now as a low damage, low capacity weapon it is out classed by the free UMP in every metric.
I also like this update very much! But I don't know if the high Ping problem can be fixed or not. In my first match after the update, I got more than 1000 ping... And not only that match, I tried to play in many other servers but always got kicked due to high ping. At first, I thought because my computer is old, so I also tried to play with another computer. But my ping was still high. This is not because of the browser i'm using I think. I didn't have this problem before, with the same browser. Hopefully you can do something about this:D. Thank you! :)
hey bro Max look who was playing that day and it was going super good going 34-0 in a knife war and suddenly I killed a boy and I mean ......... we killed each other at the same time I don't know if that bug came back Or what happened because it had a good game and that bug ruined it.ahh and another thing in the Snow War there is a bug in which you can enter as the White walls I do not know what peace but it is uncomfortable can you help me? :)
Granox14 said:Is there any Discord server so I can check for updates on updates