1. Been searching for a FAQ thread but cannot find one. Am I missing the page maybe?
2. My main question is what exactly does "Bullet Spread" and "Recoil" do?
I watched the video..
So a low bullet spread needs accuracy and a high spread needs less aiming?
GloriusMaximus said:No you got that opposite. A low bullet spread means more accuracy. If your bullets spread less, they go in the same direction, which is accurate. But if you are using a gun with high bullet spread, the bullets don't go in the same direction, they go apart from each other, and as the distance increase, the go even further apart. In Warmerise, the bullet spread only works when you're not scoping. when you use the scope, the bullet spread becomes zero. To reduce recoil, you crouch and then shoot.Thanks.
I watched the video..
So a low bullet spread needs accuracy and a high spread needs less aiming?
So if you crouch, scope and then shoot, you'll have a low recoil and zero bullet spread.
Crimsix said:Thanks for sharing this.https://warmerise.com/videos/37/3628/sniper-guide-warmerise watch these videos by DB. Recoil is the amount of "kick-back" on the weapon. Bulletspread is the accuracy of the bullet in addition to the crosshair placement.
For further reviews and guides, you can go to this forum link: https://warmerise.com/forums/topic/1283/warmerise-weapon-guides-db-s-compilation
It has all my weapon guides so far, so it should help.