Hello to everyone,
Eglence said:Custom characters bad idea. But it would be better if there were more characters in this game.
Edit 3: I think it can expand the GB field. I think it will not be a problem.
Zero said:I downvote.
Custom Weapon skins already is too much. People slapping random pictures on weapons and selling them and those who spent hours and hours trying to make their own skin don't get anything at all.
98% of this community have no idea how to use Unity, Model Weapons, Animate Weapon, Texture Models or yet alone create custom skins.
You can't expect Max to allow such things.
"Oh hey lemme give max this suggestion about custom weapons. i'll just download weapon models from website and upload to warmerise with 100 dmg. Haha ez"
Do your research then make a topic suggesting something.
(Basically what Seth said.)
Edit 4 : Answer for this post:
Seth said:Custom Characters? Hell no.
Imagine all the hentai, porn and ridiculous playermodels. Just no.
Weapon Designing sounds cool, however I guess that people will just download models from the asset store & add stats.
Most of this community cannot model weapons..
After uploading these settings and models, it will be automatically sent to Max for review.
P.S. : Please read properly. If there is something you do not understand, write it here. I add as an edit.
Well about characters skin, the name of the game is RED vs BLUE , so no. Any other colour and players wont know who is ally ore who is enemy. About weapons, we already have enough weapons. I think we should let Max relax now, he worked a lot for us and he gave us this cool update with skins. Let's just enjoy it.
I downvote.
Custom Weapon skins already is too much. People slapping random pictures on weapons and selling them and those who spent hours and hours trying to make their own skin don't get anything at all.
98% of this community have no idea how to use Unity, Model Weapons, Animate Weapon, Texture Models or yet alone create custom skins.
You can't expect Max to allow such things.
"Oh hey lemme give max this suggestion about custom weapons. i'll just download weapon models from website and upload to warmerise with 100 dmg. Haha ez"
Do your research then make a topic suggesting something.
(Basically what Seth said.)
KingOfMan said:Hello to everyone,
I think we should do the characters ourselves, just like guns are. But we have to give some money in doing it. For example 50K Cash! (And a separate section for these characters should be open) But we can change our prices when we sell them. Character item replacement fee 5K or 10K Cash.!## And let's all go to excite you! ##Make ourselves our own weapons! (And a separate section for these guns should be open)Let's say we made this weapon. We pulled all the settings. Impulse or damage etc. After uploading these settings and models, it will be automatically sent to Max for review. You can sell it after you've done all the settings. And after you load it, you need at least 60K cash if you want to change its settings.
gotta give a BIG thumb DOWN
Red Vs Blue for smth...if you give the choice to players make their own sking you'll begin to see a lot of stupid shit, not to mention the mess it would be during game...like ffs is that guy one of mine or of the enemy team?
about the guns Absolutly no! its just (sorry for the word) plain stupid...
KingOfMan said:Hello to everyone,
I think we should do the characters ourselves, just like guns are. But we have to give some money in doing it. For example 50K Cash! (And a separate section for these characters should be open) But we can change our prices when we sell them. Character item replacement fee 5K or 10K Cash.!## And let's all go to excite you! ##Make ourselves our own weapons! (And a separate section for these guns should be open)Let's say we made this weapon. We pulled all the settings. Impulse or damage etc. After uploading these settings and models, it will be automatically sent to Max for review. You can sell it after you've done all the settings. And after you load it, you need at least 60K cash if you want to change its settings.
gotta give a BIG thumb DOWN
Red Vs Blue for smth...if you give the choice to players make their own sking you'll begin to see a lot of stupid shit, not to mention the mess it would be during game...like ffs is that guy one of mine or of the enemy team?
about the guns Absolutly no! its just (sorry for the word) plain stupid...they've give all the reason above, but thx for the suggestion alaways good to know people are involved in this
Custom characters bad idea. But it would be better if there were more characters in this game.
Edit 5: Thanks brah
TheLegend27 said:Lol guys you are so bad :( he just made a suggestion. I wrote the first comment telling him that is not a good idea then I felt bad for him and wrote a second comment to make him feel better, but you are just bad with him :(
P.S : I can not write too much on the subject. I now write my new post over the edits.
Zero said:I downvote.
Custom Weapon skins already is too much. People slapping random pictures on weapons and selling them and those who spent hours and hours trying to make their own skin don't get anything at all.
98% of this community have no idea how to use Unity, Model Weapons, Animate Weapon, Texture Models or yet alone create custom skins.
You can't expect Max to allow such things.
"Oh hey lemme give max this suggestion about custom weapons. i'll just download weapon models from website and upload to warmerise with 100 dmg. Haha ez"
Do your research then make a topic suggesting something.
(Basically what Seth said.)
i would really like it, but the only people who ACUALLY know is ironking, chronospectrum, 1kie3killer are the only ones who know how to use it and also zero other people just put blocks and walls and cars that all they put.