I already gave max an idea for Making this Website on app for apple or android! Like Fb When you install it and use it!
1.easy to use! Better than searching for the Website.
2.No need search on the web (Just clicking on the App that you downloaded which is Warmerise)
Is It a good idea or Not??!!
What the f***. Mobile site works like an app.
If you have a problem searching for the site, then you have some serious issues.
Seth said: Warmerise is not a social media though.. Just because it has walls (you know what I mean..) and a forum doesn't mean that it's Facebook already. Warmerise is a VIDEO GAME. I put that in Caps to put emphasis on the fact that yes, Warmerise is actually a video game, and not a forum with a little video game to pass time until a new update is posted..
And Zero said: Adding to what Seth said, warmerise is not a site where you share how miserable you feel or if you love someone or for you to post your whole familys album on. Warmerise has already enough flaws which need to be worked on and considering how much Max have on his plate it's nearly impossible to develop an app. If you REALLY need an app, grab electron's API and start developing an app. It's not that hard
And I say: http://giphy.com/gifs/the-office-thank-you-michael-scott-1Z02vuppxP1Pa