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Max please help me How to fix FPS

    • 60 posts
    January 30, 2021 9:34 AM PST
    Hmm my something tells me it probably ya browser or u prob not in your regoin server that your in or u should try Firefox or Oprah GX if still don't work while your in your region then that something max needs to fix by the game parts hopefully this helps u
    • 2126 posts
    January 30, 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Tips: Close all other tabs and programs that may be affecting performance, such as video players and editing software. Run Warmerise on the "Simple" settings, the gameplay doesn't look quite as good, but it ensures maximum performance. Also avoid playing in regions where you have ping over 150. Max stated that bad ping effects bad fps and vice-versa. Also it may depend on what kind of PC or monitor you are using, you can purchase a monitor with a higher refresh rate that on amazon that shouldn't cost more than 100 USD.