Hi everyone... this is ASSASSINblackhawk2500 speaking. I 1v1 ShadowShotgun today and he led the whole time.
We played in t pile and were playing for ***. If i win i get 500 if he wins he gets 3k. I won the first one and he didnt want to give
me ***. So his excuse was that was practice. It was a only knife and sniper game but he used jet so i left. We will play again not in
tpile and i will probably win. He wants katana i pray he gets it. But just warning dont fall for his dum lies
ASSASSINblackhawk2500 said:Hi everyone... this is 3242332432434223423423434234343434343434343434343434ASSASSINblackhawk250s2 12s21s 21s2 efsdfsfew0 speaking. I 1v1 ShawewewedowShowewewewewewetgun today and he led the whole time.
We played in t 3432dasdfsfdwewewessdfsdfsdfsdfpile and wdfdfdfdfdfdere playing fowdfdfddedewwwewewee3fdfdffr ***. If i win ie
me ***. So his excuse was that wewfed katana i pray he gets it. But just warning dont fall for his dum lies