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They Are People in need.

    • 353 posts
    June 21, 2021 3:53 PM PDT

    so you know those players who have bizarre amounts of $$ and they dont play or use it? those are people like: chronospectrum, deathbringer908, and maybe sterben99

    then the $ beggers go to the people who are poor.

    if you have any useless spare $$ around. give it to someone who actually needs it. not people that are already good on there own and have a lot of $$, give it to someone who needs it.

    • 2129 posts
    June 21, 2021 4:04 PM PDT

    Why are you singling out players that contribute their wealth to the good of the community? Nobody is forcing anyone to pay up. All 3 of the people that you just mentioned have contributed hundreds of thousands of their C.a.s.h. to various tournaments and events, just because you don't think that they use it right or for some particular reason, doesn't give you the right to say that. The individuals listed above are probably some of the most generous and best people you can meet here, and it doesn't give you the right to judge. Yes, I do believe it can be players to start off in this game, I, and many others, would be happy to contribute to anyone's needs. 

    This post was edited by mindfreak at June 21, 2021 4:08 PM PDT
    • 539 posts
    June 22, 2021 4:11 AM PDT

    A few points:

    1) The reason I have a "bizarre" amount of $$ is because I purchase it with real dollars. I'm 24, and I work my *ss off each day at my job to be able to afford my hobbies. I've been playing since 2014/2015 and have spent over $200 in that time. Part of that goes to buying every weapon. I enjoy testing each weapon in the game and so I purchase every weapon as it releases.

    2) Most of the $$ I have gets donated to events. For example, in the sponsor section, you'll see I donated 150k to that event. I donated 130k to the next event. For the 2020 Warmerise Olympics I donated a million $$. One million. Nothing is more important to me in this game than the community.

    3) I actually agree with the sentiment here: The weapons are REALLY expensive, and earning $$ feels a lot like farming, which isn't fun. There needs to be other fun ways to earn $$ and simultaneously contribute to the game. that's why I'm so involved with tournament donation, it rewards the community for playing the game.

    This post was edited by chronospectrum at June 22, 2021 4:12 AM PDT