Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

Top 100 - boring, stale and a lie

    • 609 posts
    August 29, 2021 9:29 AM PDT

    making players come back day after day is key to a game's survival, this is mostly done by progression - allowing the player to make a promise to himself that next day he will be better, have more.

    In this department warmerise is very shallow, progression is mostly done by:

         - buying new weapons and items/cosmetics

         - and the focus of this thread, the top 100

    simply put, the top 100 is not very good, its stagnant, doesn't really reflect anything beside how many hours you've sunk into the game, can easily be cheesed by farming and besides all this, there's no reward besides chasing a number.


    so here comes the suggestion ( the following values are for exemplification purposes)


    Relegate the top 100 to a top 50 that resets after each day, like the current one - xp based, at the end of each day the players get a **** prize according to their rank position

    1st = 7k   2nd = 5k   3rd =3.5k   4th-10th = 3k   11th-20th = 2.5k   21th-40th =2k   41th-50th = 1k




    • 539 posts
    August 29, 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Yep. The top 100 isn't skill based, it's how long each player has had to grind the game for XP.

    That said, it does work in the 1000-300 range because the players are much closer together, so progress happens faster.



    I like your suggestion, and daily leaderboards have come up as an idea before.

    • 109 posts
    August 29, 2021 5:52 PM PDT

              That's A good idea, but if we are talking about the health of this game, then the glaring issue of TOXICITY needs to be addressed as well. Many players act "SUPER @UT!$T!C" when playing this game. I understand why, as you said. You don't have to be that good to get A higher rank in this game. All you have to do is Carbine/Rail farm! with a pinch of "L@G B00$T!NG!" bob's your uncle your A "pro!!!". As someone who is actually "@ut!$t!c" I find that's it's A shame many people(higher rank) act worse than I do, even when I'm mad. That fact alone, not even talking about other problems(lag, glitches, etc) makes the game super toxic. It is so bad In a way it encourages new/old players to play as toxic as possible to win. Jet farming, rocket spam, using op guns on noobs, excisive car raming, etc. Even if your good idea is implemented, without fixing the issue of TOXICITY!and doing something to mitigate how "@UT!$T!C" the community acts. AT best, the game will go the way of RUST, at worse all the "OK in their brain" players will leave (like a lot have) and the game will just die.

              Now with that, if you asked me would it be worth it to "Overhaul the game a bit" (fix A bunch of the worse glitches and do something to encourage the community to be better and be less toxic). Hands down I would say yes, with the updates I have been here for, I would say the game is at least 75% better than it was(lest we invoke the wrath of 700ping L@g b0!s and unnerfed jet farmers). Minus some of the game-breaking glitches, I think the game is really fun and worth playing. There is plenty of fun to be had here whether you are commenting in forums, making skins, posting updates, messing with your profile pic, or just talking with friends you have made here, there is a good bit of quick fun to be had here. The game is not even that bad if you ignore some of the worse glitches, lag, jets and the "jajajaj your so trash, just cri n00b, teabaging" type guys. The problems only start at higher tear gun balance, lag abuse, and the toxic players.

              ps, I really do have fun playing this game. Even when commenting I have a lot of fun because you can post pics(meme's usually), and WRIGHT IN BEAUTIFUL FULL [TECHNICOLOR] (am I the only person happy about this feature because I don't see anyone else use it that mutch?). I really think it would be a shame for the game to die after being around for so long, especially because of toxic players in the lower numbers("the top 100 is not very good, its stagnant, doesn't really reflect anything beside how many hours you've sunk into the game, can easily be cheesed by farming " as said by Sterben99).



    This post was edited by E01Zonder at August 29, 2021 7:28 PM PDT
    • 657 posts
    August 30, 2021 1:38 PM PDT

    E01Zonder said:

              That's A good idea, but if we are talking about the health of this game, then the glaring issue of TOXICITY needs to be addressed as well. Many players act "SUPER @UT!$T!C" when playing this game. I understand why, as you said. You don't have to be that good to get A higher rank in this game. All you have to do is Carbine/Rail farm! with a pinch of "L@G B00$T!NG!" bob's your uncle your A "pro!!!". As someone who is actually "@ut!$t!c" I find that's it's A shame many people(higher rank) act worse than I do, even when I'm mad. That fact alone, not even talking about other problems(lag, glitches, etc) makes the game super toxic. It is so bad In a way it encourages new/old players to play as toxic as possible to win. Jet farming, rocket spam, using op guns on noobs, excisive car raming, etc. Even if your good idea is implemented, without fixing the issue of TOXICITY!and doing something to mitigate how "@UT!$T!C" the community acts. AT best, the game will go the way of RUST, at worse all the "OK in their brain" players will leave (like a lot have) and the game will just die.

              Now with that, if you asked me would it be worth it to "Overhaul the game a bit" (fix A bunch of the worse glitches and do something to encourage the community to be better and be less toxic). Hands down I would say yes, with the updates I have been here for, I would say the game is at least 75% better than it was(lest we invoke the wrath of 700ping L@g b0!s and unnerfed jet farmers). Minus some of the game-breaking glitches, I think the game is really fun and worth playing. There is plenty of fun to be had here whether you are commenting in forums, making skins, posting updates, messing with your profile pic, or just talking with friends you have made here, there is a good bit of quick fun to be had here. The game is not even that bad if you ignore some of the worse glitches, lag, jets and the "jajajaj your so trash, just cri n00b, teabaging" type guys. The problems only start at higher tear gun balance, lag abuse, and the toxic players.

              ps, I really do have fun playing this game. Even when commenting I have a lot of fun because you can post pics(meme's usually), and WRIGHT IN BEAUTIFUL FULL [TECHNICOLOR] (am I the only person happy about this feature because I don't see anyone else use it that mutch?). I really think it would be a shame for the game to die after being around for so long, especially because of toxic players in the lower numbers("the top 100 is not very good, its stagnant, doesn't really reflect anything beside how many hours you've sunk into the game, can easily be cheesed by farming " as said by Sterben99).


    and i will have to kill myself in real life


    WTF dude u want to kill urself in real life???? :O

    • 109 posts
    August 30, 2021 11:54 PM PDT

    agent743 said:

    E01Zonder said:

              That's A good idea, but if we are talking about the health of this game, then the glaring issue of TOXICITY needs to be addressed as well. Many players act "SUPER @UT!$T!C" when playing this game. I understand why, as you said. You don't have to be that good to get A higher rank in this game. All you have to do is Carbine/Rail farm! with a pinch of "L@G B00$T!NG!" bob's your uncle your A "pro!!!". As someone who is actually "@ut!$t!c" I find that's it's A shame many people(higher rank) act worse than I do, even when I'm mad. That fact alone, not even talking about other problems(lag, glitches, etc) makes the game super toxic. It is so bad In a way it encourages new/old players to play as toxic as possible to win. Jet farming, rocket spam, using op guns on noobs, excisive car raming, etc. Even if your good idea is implemented, without fixing the issue of TOXICITY!and doing something to mitigate how "@UT!$T!C" the community acts. AT best, the game will go the way of RUST, at worse all the "OK in their brain" players will leave (like a lot have) and the game will just die.

              Now with that, if you asked me would it be worth it to "Overhaul the game a bit" (fix A bunch of the worse glitches and do something to encourage the community to be better and be less toxic). Hands down I would say yes, with the updates I have been here for, I would say the game is at least 75% better than it was(lest we invoke the wrath of 700ping L@g b0!s and unnerfed jet farmers). Minus some of the game-breaking glitches, I think the game is really fun and worth playing. There is plenty of fun to be had here whether you are commenting in forums, making skins, posting updates, messing with your profile pic, or just talking with friends you have made here, there is a good bit of quick fun to be had here. The game is not even that bad if you ignore some of the worse glitches, lag, jets and the "jajajaj your so trash, just cri n00b, teabaging" type guys. The problems only start at higher tear gun balance, lag abuse, and the toxic players.

              ps, I really do have fun playing this game. Even when commenting I have a lot of fun because you can post pics(meme's usually), and WRIGHT IN BEAUTIFUL FULL [TECHNICOLOR] (am I the only person happy about this feature because I don't see anyone else use it that mutch?). I really think it would be a shame for the game to die after being around for so long, especially because of toxic players in the lower numbers("the top 100 is not very good, its stagnant, doesn't really reflect anything beside how many hours you've sunk into the game, can easily be cheesed by farming " as said by Sterben99).


    and i will have to kill myself in real life


    wTf DuDe, U wAnT tO KiLl uRsElF iN rEaL lIfE ???? {*Munch, Munch*}> (O~o)>[cheetos]

    Nice quote edit buddy, you figured out that you can edit them because their plain text. Plus, even if you are joking you kinda proved my point of people acting kinda toxic. Honestly, I don't even know what your move was in posting that? Even if you are joking, your just making yourself look like A D*ck?

    $h!t, if you don't like me that's fine. Even though I do try not to be toxic, I do fail at it sometimes. I'm only human after all. so if you feel like I wronged you, and you don't like me that's fine. But you don't have to be A D*ck about it.



    This post was edited by E01Zonder at August 30, 2021 11:59 PM PDT
    • 657 posts
    August 31, 2021 8:30 AM PDT

    E01Zonder said:

    agent743 said:

    E01Zonder said:

              That's A good idea, but if we are talking about the health of this game, then the glaring issue of TOXICITY needs to be addressed as well. Many players act "SUPER @UT!$T!C" when playing this game. I understand why, as you said. You don't have to be that good to get A higher rank in this game. All you have to do is Carbine/Rail farm! with a pinch of "L@G B00$T!NG!" bob's your uncle your A "pro!!!". As someone who is actually "@ut!$t!c" I find that's it's A shame many people(higher rank) act worse than I do, even when I'm mad. That fact alone, not even talking about other problems(lag, glitches, etc) makes the game super toxic. It is so bad In a way it encourages new/old players to play as toxic as possible to win. Jet farming, rocket spam, using op guns on noobs, excisive car raming, etc. Even if your good idea is implemented, without fixing the issue of TOXICITY!and doing something to mitigate how "@UT!$T!C" the community acts. AT best, the game will go the way of RUST, at worse all the "OK in their brain" players will leave (like a lot have) and the game will just die.

              Now with that, if you asked me would it be worth it to "Overhaul the game a bit" (fix A bunch of the worse glitches and do something to encourage the community to be better and be less toxic). Hands down I would say yes, with the updates I have been here for, I would say the game is at least 75% better than it was(lest we invoke the wrath of 700ping L@g b0!s and unnerfed jet farmers). Minus some of the game-breaking glitches, I think the game is really fun and worth playing. There is plenty of fun to be had here whether you are commenting in forums, making skins, posting updates, messing with your profile pic, or just talking with friends you have made here, there is a good bit of quick fun to be had here. The game is not even that bad if you ignore some of the worse glitches, lag, jets and the "jajajaj your so trash, just cri n00b, teabaging" type guys. The problems only start at higher tear gun balance, lag abuse, and the toxic players.

              ps, I really do have fun playing this game. Even when commenting I have a lot of fun because you can post pics(meme's usually), and WRIGHT IN BEAUTIFUL FULL [TECHNICOLOR] (am I the only person happy about this feature because I don't see anyone else use it that mutch?). I really think it would be a shame for the game to die after being around for so long, especially because of toxic players in the lower numbers("the top 100 is not very good, its stagnant, doesn't really reflect anything beside how many hours you've sunk into the game, can easily be cheesed by farming " as said by Sterben99).


    and i will have to kill myself in real life


    wTf DuDe, U wAnT tO KiLl uRsElF iN rEaL lIfE ???? {*Munch, Munch*}> (O~o)>[cheetos]

    Nice quote edit buddy, you figured out that you can edit them because their plain text. Plus, even if you are joking you kinda proved my point of people acting kinda toxic. Honestly, I don't even know what your move was in posting that? Even if you are joking, your just making yourself look like A D*ck?

    $h!t, if you don't like me that's fine. Even though I do try not to be toxic, I do fail at it sometimes. I'm only human after all. so if you feel like I wronged you, and you don't like me that's fine. But you don't have to be A D*ck about it.



    yes im a D*ck

    • 377 posts
    August 31, 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    STERBEN99 said:

    making players come back day after day is key to a game's survival, this is mostly done by progression - allowing the player to make a promise to himself that next day he will be better, have more.

    In this department warmerise is very shallow, progression is mostly done by:

         - buying new weapons and items/cosmetics

         - and the focus of this thread, the top 100

    simply put, the top 100 is not very good, its stagnant, doesn't really reflect anything beside how many hours you've sunk into the game, can easily be cheesed by farming and besides all this, there's no reward besides chasing a number.


    so here comes the suggestion ( the following values are for exemplification purposes)


    Relegate the top 100 to a top 50 that resets after each day, like the current one - xp based, at the end of each day the players get a **** prize according to their rank position

    1st = 7k   2nd = 5k   3rd =3.5k   4th-10th = 3k   11th-20th = 2.5k   21th-40th =2k   41th-50th = 1k




    i agree with this statement. the first 10 people on the leaderboard are just farmers.

    • 2129 posts
    August 31, 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Just the first 10?

    • 109 posts
    August 31, 2021 1:03 PM PDT

    Kill farming starts well into the 800s. With a bit of 'L@G', Nano or Carbine it makes them feel like they have the power of God, from how some of them act anyway.

    • 377 posts
    August 31, 2021 1:57 PM PDT

    all you need is a carbine to beat a farmer. end of story.

    • 2129 posts
    August 31, 2021 6:16 PM PDT
    G36 = Class
    • 657 posts
    September 1, 2021 6:59 AM PDT


    This post was edited by agent743 at September 1, 2021 6:59 AM PDT
    • 377 posts
    September 1, 2021 7:00 AM PDT

    its funny you act like nobody knows this.

    • 657 posts
    September 1, 2021 7:04 AM PDT

    AxereN said:

    its funny you act like nobody knows this.

    they will know it, a kid who is defending himself and his xchaos acc banned

    • 657 posts
    September 1, 2021 9:32 AM PDT

    also best way to beat farmer is wait for max to update a new cheat op gun to beat a farmer (with 9999999999 ammo and 101 damage and no recoil and a bit spread of it and fire rate super duper fast)

    This post was edited by agent743 at September 1, 2021 9:34 AM PDT
    • 109 posts
    September 2, 2021 3:23 PM PDT

    agent743 said:

    also best way to beat farmer is wait for max to update a new cheat op gun to beat a farmer (with 9999999999 ammo and 101 damage and no recoil and a bit spread of it and fire rate super duper fast)

    Carbine would probably be Nerfed, or other guns be buffed, in reality. Max would probably want to fix the gun balance, rather than break it more? Remember the jet and ping limit nerfs? Kind of like that, if it would be fixed in any way.

    "all you need is a carbine to beat a farmer. end of story."

    Mmm yes, to beat farmers you have to become a farmer. Like the hole point of using another gun, to beat farmers didn't get across somehow???

    "G36 = Class"

    Yup, like the good old equation (G36 + aim dot + TPV = Sniper^3*). I remember that lesson in [FPS Sniping 101].

    This post was edited by E01Zonder at September 2, 2021 3:41 PM PDT
    • 377 posts
    September 2, 2021 4:53 PM PDT

    carbine needs to be nerfed. its too overpowered.

    • 109 posts
    September 2, 2021 6:02 PM PDT

    Yea, nerf carbine or buff other guns like GA3A or g36.

    • 539 posts
    September 2, 2021 7:18 PM PDT
    The G36 is okay where it is, and the Ga3a is also alright. Widening the cone of fire for the carbine while un-zoomed would be a fairly balanced adjustment. Really, the only automatic that desperately needs a buff is the blastgun. The reload on it is the second longest reload in the game, behind the minigun.
    • 2129 posts
    September 2, 2021 9:24 PM PDT

     These are just my opinions on the current purchasable primary weapons. Remember: opinions are subjective.

    - G36 is extremely solid, wouldn't change anything about it. I just wish max would let us disable the scope in first person.

    - Carbine is relativley balanced. I woould probably say if you were to change it just add more recoil. To become good with carbine all you really have to do is hold down the mouse, nothing really to it.

    - The G3 could use a slight buff in damage. Its alright but isn't even as good as the UMP which is free. 

    - Vector X is really good. I just feel like you run ammo too quickly.

    - Blastgun is golden nothing needs to change besides the relaod time.

    - A12 is just **** when it comes to cost and effectiveness. Its fun to use sometimes but its kind of meh

    - LSMG3 is super underrated and really fun to use. I just wish Max hadn't changed the scope on it because the old one was better. It could also use a few more magazines of ammo.

    - Flamethrower is complete and total waste of ***** unless you just want something to have fun with.

    - Mini-G is super good. Seems really balanced for what it is. Wouldn't change anything.

    - Railrifle is both fun to use and extremely effective. I wouldn't really change anything about it

    - Blastshotgun is just stupid *****.

    - Plasmagun is relativley balanced. don't see anything really to change with it.

    This post was edited by mindfreak at September 2, 2021 9:25 PM PDT
    • 1193 posts
    September 3, 2021 2:08 AM PDT
    List of the worst weapons:
    -BrassKnuckles: worst weapon ever which takes 3 hits to kill, as a melee it sücks
    -FlameThrower: waste of cãsh, low fire rate (maybe same as A12 firerate) and 7 damage!! It takes atleast 10 seconds to kill someone and its really bad and needs buff like higher fire rate or higher damage
    -A12 : damage is good, but fire rate is very low and also it has a big recoil and low ammo, Its even worse than carbine, and needs a little buff.
    -RPG: ok this is one of worst secondary, In other games 1 shot = 1 kill. But here 1 shot = 71 damage (depends on range), so wasting 3 rockets on someone would just give 1 kill and another 71 damage, you can test it.
    I would suggest make rpg an 1 shot kill (by hitting the enemy) and ammo of 1/4
    -GA3A, the worst AR(AssaultRifle) it gives bad damage as its fire rate, also low ammo.its like a12 but worse damage and a LITTLE better fire rate, It would be nc if it gets more damage buff.

    Other suggestions:
    Add a 1 shot sniper rifle. And a ammo like 1/14 and expensive ( this is an example )
    Add perks ( to capes and suit )
    Add FFA FreeForAll
    Add Capture Flag mode
    Add option to disable weapons in public server
    Add gun game ( like some other games, after a kill it automatically switches you another weapon, until the last weapon. If you reach it game ends)
    Add flashbang and smoke grenades.
    Add new crosshairs like colors or others.
    Fix lag spike thing
    (Maybe) add voice chat to game ( i dont really suggest it because others can swear and fight in voice, but just mute them)
    Add new main menu theme
    Add killstreak powers ( EX: after you get 7 killstreak, You will be rewarded more ammo or full ammo refill in snipers. Or after 8 kills, You will have 15% more damage on automatic weapons for 10 or 15 seconds, or have more speed etc. And you can select which power you will use inbthe main menu, Also by buying them for like 65k would br good)

    Thats my ideas :D
    This post was edited by Akarius at September 3, 2021 2:25 AM PDT
    • 242 posts
    September 3, 2021 3:17 AM PDT

    Nothiing said: List of the worst weapons: -BrassKnuckles: worst weapon ever which takes 3 hits to kill, as a melee it sücks -FlameThrower: waste of cãsh, low fire rate (maybe same as A12 firerate) and 7 damage!! It takes atleast 10 seconds to kill someone and its really bad and needs buff like higher fire rate or higher damage -A12 : damage is good, but fire rate is very low and also it has a big recoil and low ammo, Its even worse than carbine, and needs a little buff. -RPG: ok this is one of worst secondary, In other games 1 shot = 1 kill. But here 1 shot = 71 damage (depends on range), so wasting 3 rockets on someone would just give 1 kill and another 71 damage, you can test it. I would suggest make rpg an 1 shot kill (by hitting the enemy) and ammo of 1/4 -GA3A, the worst AR(AssaultRifle) it gives bad damage as its fire rate, also low ammo.its like a12 but worse damage and a LITTLE better fire rate, It would be nc if it gets more damage buff. Other suggestions: Add a 1 shot sniper rifle. And a ammo like 1/14 and expensive ( this is an example ) Add perks ( to capes and suit ) Add FFA FreeForAll Add Capture Flag mode Add option to disable weapons in public server Add gun game ( like some other games, after a kill it automatically switches you another weapon, until the last weapon. If you reach it game ends) Add flashbang and smoke grenades. Add new crosshairs like colors or others. Fix lag spike thing (Maybe) add voice chat to game ( i dont really suggest it because others can swear and fight in voice, but just mute them) Add new main menu theme Add killstreak powers ( EX: after you get 7 killstreak, You will be rewarded more ammo or full ammo refill in snipers. Or after 8 kills, You will have 15% more damage on automatic weapons for 10 or 15 seconds, or have more speed etc. And you can select which power you will use inbthe main menu, Also by buying them for like 65k would br good) Thats my ideas :D

    just gonna say that I 100% agree with you on the Brassknuckle one.

    • 657 posts
    September 3, 2021 5:55 AM PDT

    Nothiing said: List of the worst weapons: -BrassKnuckles: worst weapon ever which takes 3 hits to kill, as a melee it sücks -FlameThrower: waste of cãsh, low fire rate (maybe same as A12 firerate) and 7 damage!! It takes atleast 10 seconds to kill someone and its really bad and needs buff like higher fire rate or higher damage -A12 : damage is good, but fire rate is very low and also it has a big recoil and low ammo, Its even worse than carbine, and needs a little buff. -RPG: ok this is one of worst secondary, In other games 1 shot = 1 kill. But here 1 shot = 71 damage (depends on range), so wasting 3 rockets on someone would just give 1 kill and another 71 damage, you can test it. I would suggest make rpg an 1 shot kill (by hitting the enemy) and ammo of 1/4 -GA3A, the worst AR(AssaultRifle) it gives bad damage as its fire rate, also low ammo.its like a12 but worse damage and a LITTLE better fire rate, It would be nc if it gets more damage buff. Other suggestions: Add a 1 shot sniper rifle. And a ammo like 1/14 and expensive ( this is an example ) Add perks ( to capes and suit ) Add FFA FreeForAll Add Capture Flag mode Add option to disable weapons in public server Add gun game ( like some other games, after a kill it automatically switches you another weapon, until the last weapon. If you reach it game ends) Add flashbang and smoke grenades. Add new crosshairs like colors or others. Fix lag spike thing (Maybe) add voice chat to game ( i dont really suggest it because others can swear and fight in voice, but just mute them) Add new main menu theme Add killstreak powers ( EX: after you get 7 killstreak, You will be rewarded more ammo or full ammo refill in snipers. Or after 8 kills, You will have 15% more damage on automatic weapons for 10 or 15 seconds, or have more speed etc. And you can select which power you will use inbthe main menu, Also by buying them for like 65k would br good) Thats my ideas :D

    yes but u know some may have chatting websites to go on voice chat and it may be good idea to those who dont have microphones (if they swear and some kidz will learn it, like my little sis swears, it is cause of my family, aunt and me swearing, swearing news, swearing movies, swearing in game like roblox does not want any swear words in it) um but max have to find a way to mute them (but there is already block user in the gear to ignore them and block the voice chat users) so i agree with u but a problem with sniper for 1/bla bla bla ammo is some may be very new to this and start learning but some users may be op to kill newbies and newbies will have 1 shot for them to kill enemies and *gunshot* and they missed the target and they will die easily if sniper is great shooting with it and ofc won't get them banned but they get annoyed, angry and some users who are not in registered but might be registered there might be chances ur home address is found by ip grabbers or háckers and they will come or hire one to murder u in real life *phone ringing in real life, few seconds later, call end* ok back now where was i.... oh ye gun game i used to do gun game in multiplayers and automatically giving me random guns in order first of all but any orders to give u weapons is different and all u have to do is kill each other to get new guns (some may be new and they play gun game so they want to hear the gunshot noises etc) all goal is to 47 kills (like in bullet force gun game) and pls add the mode where all civils have to survive, find clues to get a gun and kill murderer with knife, gunner: have to find clues, report dead bodies when they die and kill a murderer, murderer: kill all civils and avoid getting shot by any civillians and by gunner (or police or detective or sheriff or swat or army u can call them) and the game ends and yes i forget, some of users who are murderer can kill a gunner and camp a gun so no one gets it but what they didint know is some may not worry cos 3x clues found = u get a gun, and when murderer throws a knife it will have to automatically teleport back to murderer's hand, also some murderers r hard to kill if they dodge the bullets or their heart is pounding more and more

    also u can get clues but u cant get a gun cos only gunners have and camping a gun issue needs to be fixed if they stay here for too long

    • 2129 posts
    September 3, 2021 6:14 AM PDT
    Nothiing said:
    List of the worst weapons:
    -BrassKnuckles: worst weapon ever which takes 3 hits to kill, as a melee it sücks
    -FlameThrower: waste of cãsh, low fire rate (maybe same as A12 firerate) and 7 damage!! It takes atleast 10 seconds to kill someone and its really bad and needs buff like higher fire rate or higher damage
    -A12 : damage is good, but fire rate is very low and also it has a big recoil and low ammo, Its even worse than carbine, and needs a little buff.
    -RPG: ok this is one of worst secondary, In other games 1 shot = 1 kill. But here 1 shot = 71 damage (depends on range), so wasting 3 rockets on someone would just give 1 kill and another 71 damage, you can test it.
    I would suggest make rpg an 1 shot kill (by hitting the enemy) and ammo of 1/4
    -GA3A, the worst AR(AssaultRifle) it gives bad damage as its fire rate, also low ammo.its like a12 but worse damage and a LITTLE better fire rate, It would be nc if it gets more damage buff.

    Other suggestions:
    Add a 1 shot sniper rifle. And a ammo like 1/14 and expensive ( this is an example )
    Add perks ( to capes and suit )
    Add FFA FreeForAll
    Add Capture Flag mode
    Add option to disable weapons in public server
    Add gun game ( like some other games, after a kill it automatically switches you another weapon, until the last weapon. If you reach it game ends)
    Add flashbang and smoke grenades.
    Add new crosshairs like colors or others.
    Fix lag spike thing
    (Maybe) add voice chat to game ( i dont really suggest it because others can swear and fight in voice, but just mute them)
    Add new main menu theme
    Add killstreak powers ( EX: after you get 7 killstreak, You will be rewarded more ammo or full ammo refill in snipers. Or after 8 kills, You will have 15% more damage on automatic weapons for 10 or 15 seconds, or have more speed etc. And you can select which power you will use inbthe main menu, Also by buying them for like 65k would br good)

    Thats my ideas :D

    The killstreak/scorestreak thing works in a game like Call of duty because it’s hard. But in a game fairly easy like warmerise it would just make it harder for everyone but farmers to actually progress in the game.
    • 1193 posts
    September 3, 2021 6:19 AM PDT

    Manickaa said:
    Nothiing said: List of the worst weapons: -BrassKnuckles: worst weapon ever which takes 3 hits to kill, as a melee it sücks -FlameThrower: waste of cãsh, low fire rate (maybe same as A12 firerate) and 7 damage!! It takes atleast 10 seconds to kill someone and its really bad and needs buff like higher fire rate or higher damage -A12 : damage is good, but fire rate is very low and also it has a big recoil and low ammo, Its even worse than carbine, and needs a little buff. -RPG: ok this is one of worst secondary, In other games 1 shot = 1 kill. But here 1 shot = 71 damage (depends on range), so wasting 3 rockets on someone would just give 1 kill and another 71 damage, you can test it. I would suggest make rpg an 1 shot kill (by hitting the enemy) and ammo of 1/4 -GA3A, the worst AR(AssaultRifle) it gives bad damage as its fire rate, also low ammo.its like a12 but worse damage and a LITTLE better fire rate, It would be nc if it gets more damage buff. Other suggestions: Add a 1 shot sniper rifle. And a ammo like 1/14 and expensive ( this is an example ) Add perks ( to capes and suit ) Add FFA FreeForAll Add Capture Flag mode Add option to disable weapons in public server Add gun game ( like some other games, after a kill it automatically switches you another weapon, until the last weapon. If you reach it game ends) Add flashbang and smoke grenades. Add new crosshairs like colors or others. Fix lag spike thing (Maybe) add voice chat to game ( i dont really suggest it because others can swear and fight in voice, but just mute them) Add new main menu theme Add killstreak powers ( EX: after you get 7 killstreak, You will be rewarded more ammo or full ammo refill in snipers. Or after 8 kills, You will have 15% more damage on automatic weapons for 10 or 15 seconds, or have more speed etc. And you can select which power you will use inbthe main menu, Also by buying them for like 65k would br good) Thats my ideas :D
    The killstreak/scorestreak thing works in a game like Call of duty because it’s hard. But in a game fairly easy like warmerise it would just make it harder for everyone but farmers to actually progress in the game.

    Yes thats why i said it should cost 65k, or actually increase the killstreak to 10+ would be nc.