Founded at the 26th of March, 2017
When there is war, we depend,
Trained and ready, we are send.
We fight in the lonely desert of dirt,
With confidence, never revealing our hurt.
Our lives are ordered and very strict,
What happens next, we cannot predict.
Courage of lions we all possess,
Fear is what our enemies always express.
True heroes we are, shining like a star,
Even though, the distance is so very far.
With courage like few, we never retreat.
We are the well-known Warmerise Elite.
Elite is a clan established to gather the most skilled players in one unit.
We strive to be one of the most skilled and respected clans in Warmerise.
Elite is based on skill, teamwork and respect and we value each part highly.
Elite believes that each member is equal in the term of base value.
Each desition made about the clan will be taken via democratical discussion and voting
where each member have the same right to participate and speak their opinion.
Due to this, Elite have no specific ranking-system.
Our Rules & Requirements are very few and simple yet obliged to be followed.
They excist only to keep the clan to it's interests. Every clan member should at any time
act with a good and mature attitude in any situation. Breaking any of the following rules
will have consequenses.
- Exceptions can be made for the requirements -
The process to join Elite is pretty basic. You can either be invited, which will place you as a member with your fully rights directly in the clan,
or you can request membership. When requesting membership, you answer some questions and post them here. These questions can be found below.
When posting your application, make sure to answer each question carefully. We value applications in which the author have taken some time with.
You will contacted shortly after you post your application and will recieve one out of the three following responds:
ACCEPTED - Congratulations! You may now consider yourself as a member of Elite.
NOT DETERMITED - You will be contacted and will need to go through a test and/or answer some more questions.
This is usually because the Applicant does not meet the requirements or for other reasons which will be informed.
REJECTED - Your request to join Elite has been denied...
But hey! Don't give up, you can try again!
➤ Profile Link:
➤ Location
➤ Gender
➤ Age:
➤ Clan History:
➤ Why do you want to join Elite?
➤ What do you hope to achieve in Elite?
➤ What makes you stand out from other players?
➤ Do you know anyone from Elite? Who?
➤Anything else you'd like to add?
➤ Profile Link:
➤ Location: African
➤ Gender: PenisGuy
➤ Age: 4,000 BC
➤ Clan History: TR-WAR
➤ Why do you want to join Elite?
Answer: Instinct
➤ What do you hope to achieve in Elite?
Answer: Life
➤ What makes you stand out from other players?
Answer: Spam
➤ Do you know anyone from Elite? Who?
Answer: Yes, a couples of apes
➤Anything else you'd like to add?
Farzblack said:➤ Profile Link:
➤ Location: African
➤ Gender: PenisGuy
➤ Age: 4,000 BC
➤ Clan History: TR-WAR
➤ Why do you want to join Elite?
Answer: Instinct➤ What do you hope to achieve in Elite?
Answer: Life➤ What makes you stand out from other players?
Answer: Spam➤ Do you know anyone from Elite? Who?
Answer: Yes, a couples of apes➤Anything else you'd like to add?
Would appreciate if you could grow and and stop posting unserious matters on my clan ad.
SirAws said:You should use larger fonts, or make some 'art' for the thread. As someone that has hard time reading, I will need something that grabs attention to keep reading everything.
I wish good luck anyways, And I rly like the poet in the beginning to be honest :D
Yeah, I once knew a BBcode to place a background-picture behind the text but I can't seem to remember it... Gonna try to get my hands on it again though. And thanks! :D
SirAws said:You should use larger fonts, or make some 'art' for the thread. As someone that has hard time reading, I will need something that grabs attention to keep reading everything.
I wish good luck anyways, And I rly like the poet in the beginning to be honest :D
Yeah, I once knew a BBcode to place a background-picture behind the text but I can't seem to remember it... Gonna try to get my hands on it again though. And thanks! :D
- Request topic locked -
Elite moved the recruitment to this thread: