You're banned for complaining about that when I rarely join sky.
You're banned because thats true ;D
You're banned for spelling ban incorrectly.
You're banned for pointing that out.
You're banned for editing your post.
You're banned for not editing your post.
You're banned for thinking I should have edited it.
You're banned cause you should have continued the pattern of editing.
You're banned because you like patterns.
You're banned because I am a pattern.
You're banned because you're a pigeon, not a pattern.
You're banned because I'm half pifeon and half a pattern.
You're banned because I realized we're creating a pattern on this page.
You're banned because we're always creating a pattern.
You're banned because we're half-clanmates.
You're banned because we've always been clanmates.
You're banned because it's just you and me in the Discord voice chat who're actually talking.
You're banned cause Jo doesn't talk.
You're banned for considering Jo a mute when I've talked to him before.
You're banned because maybe I've never spoken to Jo before.
You're banned for admitting it.
You're banned because why wouln't I admit it.
You're banned because Jo's talking now.
You're banned because is Jo actually talking, could be a recording of someones voice.