1. Typekill protection for 10 secs
2. Wall running, but with the removal of grav
3. Bring back favored custom maps made by the community (Platforms, Robhau, Quarry, etc.)
4. Remove tomas and shields
5. Remove jet from Sky Gates and make the pilot more visible to shoot at in general
6. Make Warmerise Great Again kek
OmniFire said:1. Typekill protection for 10 secs
2. Wall running, but with the removal of grav
3. Bring back favored custom maps made by the community (Platforms, Robhau, Quarry, etc.)
4. Remove tomas and shields
5. Remove jet from Sky Gates and make the pilot more visible to shoot at in general
6. Make Warmerise Great Again kek
1) i understand your idea, However this would be horribel, you would begin to have your *** kicked you would begin to write
2) -1 to wall running (hard to make and would bring a load of glitches and bugs, not to mention majority wouldn't probably like) but if u had substitute by a jet pack on your boots (would come with nanocompressores)
3) actually no, i think the community could actually make maps but not to put all in the game (u gotta admit, there were some pretty -the majority tbh- crappy maps) and only the best/s would be selected
4) Nop, its true toma its insta kill, but they're only 2 and usually "hard" to use, shield are just great!
5) I think @STERBEN99 's idea to convert the jet into a chopper would be way more cooler, better and useful
6) Agree XD
1) i understand your idea, However this would be horribel, you would begin to have your *** kicked you would begin to write
-Well the same thing is possible to avoid a beating with spec jumping, a feature this game has had for a while, so maybe lower the time limit to 5 seconds and make the chat option a certain key combination making it harder to acsess it?
2) -1 to wall running (hard to make and would bring a load of glitches and bugs, not to mention majority wouldn't probably like) but if u had substitute by a jet pack on your boots (would come with nanocompressores)
-What about wall gliding then?
3) actually no, i think the community could actually make maps but not to put all in the game (u gotta admit, there were some pretty -the majority tbh- crappy maps) and only the best/s would be selected
-That's what I said lol, only pick the best custom maps made by the community throughout Warmerise's time
4) Nop, its true toma its insta kill, but they're only 2 and usually "hard" to use, shield are just great!
-Eh not really, unless you have a grav gun *cough* *cough* FORSON *cough* *cough*, also "noobs" tend to abuse tomahawks in 1v1s. And as for shields, it can be much more easily abused than my typekill protection idea and are also REALLY, REALLY annoying IMHO
5) I think @STERBEN99 's idea to convert the jet into a chopper would be way more cooler, better and useful
-That didn't really target what I said, but ok xD
6) Agree XD
OmniFire said:
1) i understand your idea, However this would be horribel, you would begin to have your *** kicked you would begin to write
-Well the same thing is possible to avoid a beating with spec jumping, a feature this game has had for a while, so maybe lower the time limit to 5 seconds and make the chat option a certain key combination making it harder to acsess it?
2) -1 to wall running (hard to make and would bring a load of glitches and bugs, not to mention majority wouldn't probably like) but if u had substitute by a jet pack on your boots (would come with nanocompressores)
-What about wall gliding then?
3) actually no, i think the community could actually make maps but not to put all in the game (u gotta admit, there were some pretty -the majority tbh- crappy maps) and only the best/s would be selected
-That's what I said lol, only pick the best custom maps made by the community throughout Warmerise's time
4) Nop, its true toma its insta kill, but they're only 2 and usually "hard" to use, shield are just great!
-Eh not really, unless you have a grav gun *cough* *cough* FORSON *cough* *cough*, also "noobs" tend to abuse tomahawks in 1v1s. And as for shields, it can be much more easily abused than my typekill protection idea and are also REALLY, REALLY annoying IMHO
5) I think @STERBEN99 's idea to convert the jet into a chopper would be way more cooler, better and useful
-That didn't really target what I said, but ok xD
6) Agree XD
i though of some stuff
->seasonal maps, like, 2 or 3 per month, then they go away, replaced by others, coming back after a while and so on we go, rotating this process.
->Another one was this was you (@rayvenflame) refered, maybe a player could buy a map, by a fix price of 500.000 xp, this would, indeed, filter the crapy maps and would enable the player to create a server with this map, this would be great, few maps in order to don´t scater the player through out the servers.
->The prior option, donate maps to max and he would select the best.
i still want more cars and jets
1 a plane with high hp and 2 humvee guns insted of missles
2 a fast non attack vehicle
3a tank
4 a chopper with missles and guns 4 missle 2 gun
5 a full assult vehicle with low hp
i can go on and on
also what do you think of maps with water that you could swim thru would open the possibliaty of submerines and boats?
thats probably already asking too much
having a hummer you already got speed and strike/defence power
i still think the chopper i presented should come and replace the jet
Im on you with the Tank
@sterben really like your chopper :)
im gonna send a cool photo of a asset tank for the game, tell me what you guys think :)
It's...It's...It's Amazing! i can already picture this going through a big map, base pheraps, im gonna say some specs...
-->Hp: 1500
-->4 guns (firerate slower than hummer, but more powerful, but less powerful than a one canon turret, that thing would be too OP imo)
-->5 seater
-1 driver
-1 Shooter (4 main guns)*
-1 machine gun on top...however easy to kill since half torso and head is out of the tank
-2 passengers
-->Slow, it needs to be, to compensate by that power
--> If the tanks doesn't have nobody opperating the tower the driver controls its
*it would be so cool (although freaking chaotic) if the turret was controled by the pilot and the 4 canons controled by two gunners XD
Alucard said:
It's...It's...It's Amazing! i can already picture this going through a big map, base pheraps, im gonna say some specs...
-->Hp: 1500
-->4 guns (firerate slower than hummer, but more powerful, but less powerful than a one canon turret, that thing would be too OP imo)
-->5 seater
-1 driver
-1 Shooter (4 main guns)*
-1 machine gun on top...however easy to kill since half torso and head is out of the tank
-2 passengers
-->Slow, it needs to be, to compensate by that power
--> If the tanks doesn't have nobody opperating the tower the driver controls its
*it would be so cool (although freaking chaotic) if the turret was controled by the pilot and the 4 canons controled by two gunners XD
it would be cool the * you pointed, like in battlefield, but like you said it would be very chaotic
i believe the way you said was better, if there's a turret operator he ontrols the turret
i see good and bad things in that part of the driver control the tower if there's no one on it
the bad thing is that a tank for 5 players would be empty since the driver would enter and took off
however if no one enters the tank i think it would be lame if the driver couldnt shoot
the gunner on the top like you see on other tanks would be interesting
i though the same @rayvenflame, a secondary automatic weapon, low damage but high fire rate
here's a model (this was the one of the previous blastgun)
2) Here's were we diverge @rayvenflame xd, couple a days ago i though of a sniper inverse to that...
101 damage both in head and body and 71 in the limbs OBVIOUSLY this would be a one-bullet chamber, after each shot you would have to reload, decreasing fire rate in order to balance the weapon and doesn´t making tho too OP
here's a model (old railrifle)
Agree with you on the burst weapom. and here's a model
Lava shotgun (idk if you played Ratchet)...an addition to the shotgun family (once again this model was the one of a previous gun)
rayvenflame said:i have an idea for guns
1 an glock 18 (full auto)
2 semi auto sniper 45-50dmg?
3 a 3round burst AR
does this sound good?
Hm.. Not bad because i want new guns for Warmerise. These are my ideas;
1. Character classes (Sniper assault etc)
2. New weapon Mp5 or M4a1
3. Server Admins: Super Admin Super Moderator etc. Every noob using speed hack so Server admins can ban them.
4. Max should add options disable/enable for current weapons before we create server
5. Add a /rs command when you write /rs this will reset your kills and deaths back to 0.
Eglence said:
Hm.. Not bad because i want new guns for Warmerise. These are my ideas;
1. Character classes (Sniper assault etc)
2. New weapon Mp5 or M4a1
3. Server Admins: Super Admin Super Moderator etc. Every noob using speed hack so Server admins can ban them.
4. Max should add options disable/enable for current weapons before we create server
5. Add a /rs command when you write /rs this will reset your kills and deaths back to 0.
Eglence said:
Hm.. Not bad because i want new guns for Warmerise. These are my ideas;
1. Character classes (Sniper assault etc)
2. New weapon Mp5 or M4a1
3. Server Admins: Super Admin Super Moderator etc. Every noob using speed hack so Server admins can ban them.
4. Max should add options disable/enable for current weapons before we create server
5. Add a /rs command when you write /rs this will reset your kills and deaths back to 0.
1) I think that during game it would be good to actually see whats the class your teammates are using in order to adapt strategy, i suggest maybe like a symbol above their names
like: fist for suport a tunder to assault a crosshair dot to sniper etc.
but if you're suggesting loadouts i disagree, it would suck to be stucked up with a class to the end of the match or have to log off to change
2) mp5 and m4a1 already have their conterparts on the game, so no need to add those, but generally agree we need more weapons, ill probably create a poll were i'll present some weapons that Max has but idk why he doesn't uses them
3) nop, too much responsability, i defend a better anti-cheat tho, like you (and 99% of the folks :P ) i hate hackers, but super smth with super power won´t help, believe, but i do recognize there's loads of cheaters here, players that are max's trusted "patroling" servers that's another deal...
4) For what i understood you're saying we could select the weapons for a server being able then to create those: only sniper for example? in that case no, like I and other members have said this kinda stuff scater players across servers, after this months we are already begin to see some well populated servers, I and nobody else wants to see more of those servers 2/16...if you want to make a server like that (only sniper or no-autos create a private server and join some buddies :) )
5) my question is... y? ('-') were's the pont in that
if you're talking about our profiles and not in game board i think max could do smth about that, although i dont see a point in that...
Hi, I saw your other suggestions, but I will add what I think about Custom Maps instead. I don't know if others have said this before me because I am ridiculously lazy to read everybody's post, I'll probably read them later anyways.
So basically, here's the way I see it and I feel like when people suggest Custom Maps, they usually don't think of the effect it would have on the game on its current condition. Right now, there's not many servers to choose right? When Custom maps existed before, there were so many empty servers and a lot of those servers were custom maps. For example, there would be 4 players on rubber duckies, 5 players on haunt, 15 players on Only sniper, and so on. The original maps had been abondoned, sort of. All the players were scattered everywhere. Today, present day, we don't have enough players and I have a feeling, that again, players would scatter, everyone would be in there little custom map. However, I do believe that once this game gets back on its feet, perhaps we can add this option.
TYPE KILL PROTECTION SUGGESTION IS HORRIBLE BTW OMNI!!! We already sort of hate spawn protection. Plus that would be kind of OP. Being in the middle of the battle, and then start typing to save yourself.
10 seconds left in the match. The game is tied. Red player has 1 hp. He goes into hiding, and starts typing "asjdjauhwuhasdujufjd". At 9 seconds, blue player gets closer and then finds the Red Player. But Red Player is typing,so.... blue team can't get to him and the match finishes. tie.
You're in the middle of a 1v1 fight, but this guy keeps kicking your ***. He keeps pressing the typing button to block your shots. and then quickly shoots you back when you reload.
Edit: Typing in game is not a need, it's an option. When you type, it's at your own risk.
And also... we all like to get free kills ;D
CaptainJoseph said:Hi, I saw your other suggestions, but I will add what I think about Custom Maps instead. I don't know if others have said this before me because I am ridiculously lazy to read everybody's post, I'll probably read them later anyways.
So basically, here's the way I see it and I feel like when people suggest Custom Maps, they usually don't think of the effect it would have on the game on its current condition. Right now, there's not many servers to choose right? When Custom maps existed before, there were so many empty servers and a lot of those servers were custom maps. For example, there would be 4 players on rubber duckies, 5 players on haunt, 15 players on Only sniper, and so on. The original maps had been abondoned, sort of. All the players were scattered everywhere. Today, present day, we don't have enough players and I have a feeling, that again, players would scatter, everyone would be in there little custom map. However, I do believe that once this game gets back on its feet, perhaps we can add this option.
it goes with the general opinion xd