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Measures to Spread Warmerise

  • May 3, 2017 5:04 AM PDT

    pls mension ideas to bring warmerise to the knowledge of others

    Our Game experience will much better, more players, more servers, it only gets better

    So pls once again, mention ideas to widespread this game to others :)

    because writing #makewarmerisegreatagain is in vain if we don´t take actions!

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at May 3, 2017 5:05 AM PDT
  • May 3, 2017 12:41 PM PDT
    Warmerise can be shared on Facebook and other social media, there is also a subreddit for games needing attention where Warmerise could be listed.
  • May 3, 2017 12:57 PM PDT

    Seth said:there is also a subreddit for games needing attention where Warmerise could be listed.



    same, didnt know it existed too

    • 285 posts
    May 3, 2017 1:17 PM PDT
    YouTube seems to be a very efficient platform to bring more new players. Creating more video contents and uploading it on YouTube will increase the chance for players to find this game.
    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 1:54 PM PDT
    Many of them would be disappointed by its current state.
    • 539 posts
    May 3, 2017 1:54 PM PDT

    These are certainly important, but I would argue that getting the game back on to websites like y8, armor games, etc are critical to people discovering the game. Once WebGL is stable (or possibly even before that, the performance I have right now is playable, if uncomfortable), getting the Lite version of the game going would be very important.

    • 609 posts
    May 3, 2017 3:03 PM PDT

    gr8 suggestions

    didn´t know about the reddit one

    but we need to actually produce more vids on youtbe like DB said

    our current videos are mostly K-pop, so...heh...

  • May 3, 2017 3:05 PM PDT

    we have some work to do then xd

    what i've been doing is through personally about the game

    (however i haven´t been having some sucess)

    • 609 posts
    May 3, 2017 3:09 PM PDT

    Guys on this forum discussing how to bring new players into this game and others creating polls if warmerise as potential to be an e-sport

    this disparity of awareness and reality check blows my mind

    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 3:35 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure Max would put the game back up on other sites, if he hasn't already, to get the crowd back and increase it. There are already a lot of Warmerise videos on Youtube and that is not an issue. The issue is IF the crowd itself FINDS it fun and playable and what is it that WARMERISE has that other games don't. 

    Also, since it's a Browser game and using Webgl technology, an average person looking for a browser based game expects a game that doesn't requires a lot of memory and is playable. By average I mean someone with a laptop or a pc that doesn't have HIGH specs and isn't made for gaming.



  • May 3, 2017 3:37 PM PDT

    @zero, by curiosity, what does in your opinion makes warmerise different?

    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 3:48 PM PDT

    Honestly I'm no gamer or anything but I joined Warmerise because there was competition and by competition I mean EVERYONE wanted to be in Top 100 and keep going up. People were skilled and it took a lot of practice to take down good players. I was able to play in 20/20 servers easily but now I can't even join an empty server yet alone click on the main menu button. 

    Another reason was fair gameplay and urge to be the best. I had all weapons, I was in top 100 and I was above average and had capes and what not, even changed my name once. That should just tell you how much cash I made in this game just by playing. Warmerise stood out more to me compared to Begone or any other MFPS games and Warmerise shutdown was the reason I wanted to make my own game to give everyone on Warmerise a place to hang out on and stay connected but was never able to accomplish that. 

    So, my point is I liked competition, diverse and active community, playable gameplay, weapon choices (before gravity got nerfed) and custom maps but right now It's all falling apart in front of me and there is nothing anyone can do about it. We can all hope for webgl to either become stable or I don't know man.

    • 609 posts
    May 3, 2017 4:13 PM PDT

    do u think we can bring some glory with some measures or is it too late?

    • 539 posts
    May 3, 2017 5:03 PM PDT
    I feel like chiming in on this because I think it's interesting. There are two things in the game that take Warmerise from a uninspiring shooter to a game that I've put several years into: competition and community.

    The top 100 leaderboard is absolutely a huge factor in why people choose to get good at the game, but I think Zero summed that up pretty well. If I could, I would implement one simple enhancement that I think would motivate people to play more: show the 5 players ranked above and below you are, and their XP. So if I'm rank 500, I want to be able to see players from rank 495-505, that way I know how much of a lead I have, and how much more xp I need to rank up. At lower ranks, this allows you to see yourself literally climbing the leader board, and at higher ranks... Well if you make it that far then you're probably already addicted. Additionally the top 100 is a little stagnant towards the top, but I'll leave that discussion for another day.

    Personally, the reason that kept me playing was the community. Even if I couldn't join into a game, I could always see what the community was up to just by checking my main member page and seeing videos, posts, stories, and of course memes. I found a clan that I fell in love with, and became an officer for. I've met a quite frankly absurd number of people from this game, some of whom have said things that I will remember for the rest of my life. Right now, the community isn't growing. Hell, that's probably the reason this thread was made. There are many reasons why the game isnt being put on other sites, but the biggest one - the silver bullet - is performance. And that really sucks because we can't fix that. Max can probably optimize it a little more, but ultimately it'll never be as good as Webplayer was because the WebGL framework isn't efficient enough at this point. And that sucks. It really does.

    I want to leave on a more positive note than that, so I want to also share my thoughts on something: at what point do you declare a game dead? I get about a dozen updates per day on average, so clearly people are still alive. The 5 or 6 servers online when the game is off peak hours (which is the only time I can play, go figure) are a far cry from the multiple full servers before the shutdown, but clearly people are still playing. Heck, even with the requirement that you need to download or downgrade a browser doesn't stop the community from playing. There are fewer players, absolutely, but after the game shutting down for a few months, that's to be expected. Old members have moved on, new members will come to replace them (eventually.), so we can stop calling the game dead until the day comes when the game shuts down for good. The old players may have left, but the memories we keep of them will last forever.
    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 5:04 PM PDT

    Depends on what kind of measures are we talking?

    Helping Max with the Game Code? Game is closed source.

    Suggesting things? We have been doing that for years?

    Building a browser that supports Unity Web Player? I can do that.

    Advertise Game? No point because Webgl and already explained.

    Making youtube videos? Many of us already create Warmerise Youtube videos on Warmerise. There are approx 13,800 results for Warmerise on Youtube.


    This post was edited by Zero at May 3, 2017 5:10 PM PDT
    • 609 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:09 PM PDT

    @chrono to add to that rank stuff you said of the 495-505 i would also suggest a weekly/monthly rank, top K/D of the month etc (maybe with the channel, even top 5 plays) would be an excelent adition to keep the competition

    Personally i think warmerise is far from what it was, but lets give it time, kids saying that warmerise is dead are mostly being drama queens

    @zero (uilding a browser that supports Unity Web Player? I can do that.-could u explain to me that part pls?)

    Advertise Game? No point because Webgl and already explained. (?)

    i think advertise (facebook, youtube etc etc are crucial to stack our numbers up!)

    Making youtube videos? Many of us already create Warmerise Youtube videos on Warmerise. There are approx 13,800 results for Warmerise on Youtube.- true, but some are just 1v1 or things that are not apealing, we need montages, trailers (xd) content that like chrono said catch the eye, but i see what u r saying


    • 539 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:31 PM PDT

    STERBEN99 said:[/

    Personally i think warmerise is far from what it was, but lets give it time, kids saying that warmerise is dead are mostly being drama queens

    Those "kids" make many very valid points, which are worth listening to. I agree with what they say for the most part, I just don't like the choice of words.

    STERBEN99 said:[/

    - true, but some are just 1v1 or things that are not apealing, we need montages, trailers (xd) content that like chrono said catch the eye, but i see what u r saying

    Even if I made the best trailer/ad I possibly could, people don't go to youtube to find new games. People go to gaming sites to find new games. Making a two minute ad wouldn't do much to get people to play in comparison to having a playable (meaning that even terrible computers can at least play it) version up on Y8 or something so that people looking for a new game to play can see that and go "Oh hey, that looks cool, let's give it a shot!" Again, WebGL performance is the limiting factor here.

    • 609 posts
    May 3, 2017 6:37 PM PDT

    unfortunatly from what I've seen most just say it cause its trendy, obviously some actually make some good points

    about the second part i gotta agree, i know this game from one of those gaming sites

    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 7:43 PM PDT

    Building a Web Browser that supports Unity Web Player?

    Yeah, easily done. But it won't block ads or anything and it would only load warmerise. Basically a browser ONLY for Warmerise/ Unity Web Player games.

    • 539 posts
    May 3, 2017 7:48 PM PDT

    Zero said:

    Building a Web Browser that supports Unity Web Player?

    Yeah, easily done. But it won't block ads or anything and it would only load warmerise. Basically a browser ONLY for Warmerise/ Unity Web Player games.

    Yeah, alright I'll admit: I'd download that.

    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 7:57 PM PDT

    But that would mean Max would have to support Unity Web Player build. If he is willing to then I can sure go ahead and come up with a decent browser. 

    (Matter of fact lemme see if my old browser loads Warmerise. Might save me tons of work)

    Edit: It seems my old browser is working and is able to recognize it but won't load it. I'll just go ahead and create a quick demo or something.

    This post was edited by Zero at May 3, 2017 8:01 PM PDT
    • 328 posts
    May 3, 2017 8:26 PM PDT

    Here is a quick demo of the current browser and it seems it is loading Unity web player properly now!

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    May 3, 2017 11:03 PM PDT

    Appreciate the effort but there is no reason to keep Web Player version alive.
    WebGL version will be released either today or tomorrow depending on some circumstances.
    Also speaking about Chronospectrum's suggestion, I will be adding pagination to a Top 100 page so players will be able to see all ranks rather than just first 100 players

    • 82 posts
    May 4, 2017 5:28 AM PDT

    @Max: Would be great if you add crosshair styles like in Begone

  • May 4, 2017 5:50 AM PDT

    Q2SD34C said:

    @Max: Would be great if you add crosshair styles like in Begone

    for what i've seen from your posts, its do decrease the size of the aim when with sniper? if its a sniper its not suposed to be handled like an assault rifle with an easier scop to shot (the size of the crosshair are fine like this)

    IF you are also suggesting the costumization of the line/dot thickness or color i think its not necessary although cool