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game modes

    • 66 posts
    May 24, 2017 2:07 PM PDT

    what do you think would be good game modes i think we need multiplayer zombies and juggernaught CTF might be cool too

    i kno about webgl and the bugs and how the game needs to be fixed first and all the other **** but just brainstorming

    • 285 posts
    May 24, 2017 3:09 PM PDT
    The CTF will be cool, but it will take away the 'shooter' theme of this game.
    And, what you mean by Multiplayer zombies? Aren't zombies suppose to be simply bots? Like in other games.
    I once thought of suggesting to add 'bots' as an option to play with and earn xp (people wouldn't play otherwise lol) but that 'earning xp' might make it to get abused easily, as I know, some players have a sharp thinking to devise a way of farming xp through it. Also, I'm not sure if its easily effective to add bots in game, but I hope it's not a tough work. Zero's game ArcaneOps have/had (I'm not sure if it's still there) a creepy bot that used to roam around in map and whenever it finds you, it run ups straight to you, push you through the wall, and start damaging your character (which looked like if it's raping you in corner lol).
    Anyways, regarding the WebGL issue, you can apparently disregard it for instance, as Standalone version is out, so browser version will not be receiving any updates, rather, the standalone version will be the site of focus from now on. And as for knowledge, standalone version is much stable to handle more features than the browser versions.
    • 328 posts
    May 25, 2017 8:48 AM PDT
    Game modes have been suggested multiple times. And considering the current state of Warmerise code, I don't find it possible. It will take some time to add more game modes.
    Zombies game mode is very easy. Spawn some prefabs when person joins and animate them. Attach scripts to player that tells the zombies to follow players and once in a certain radius start attacking the player.
    • 3 posts
    December 14, 2021 1:49 PM PST

    That sounds like it might be helpful to players like me.